Monday, May 12, 2014


APRIL 28, 2014         

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Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectwoman Aileen Magda


Visitors:  Janice Howard, Brad Bertele, Fran Doba


First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:45 pm.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.  All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Accounts Payable and Payroll checks were signed as the first order of business.



First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of April 15, 2014.  The motion of approval was moved by Selectwoman Magda and seconded by Selectman Shea.  Selectwoman Magda moved to table acceptance of the minutes until the correspondence from Lisa Amadeo had been included in the minutes.  Approval was tabled.



Brad Bertele was present to request waiving of the fee for the rental of Lakeview Lodge on June 14, 2014, for a benefit dinner for Blackhorse 4 Heroes, an organization supporting returning veterans, who have both physical and mental injuries from serving our country.  His organization sponsors veterans taking part in equestrian therapy at the Blackhorse Stable on Amity Road.  Following a brief discussion with Brad, Selectwoman Magda moved to waive the fee for use of Lakeview Lodge for the Blackhorse 4 Heroes benefit dinner.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 



Correspondence was given by First Selectwoman Gorski to Selectwoman Magda and Selectman Shea from Richard Barn.



The Selectmen discussed the call for the upcoming Town Meeting.  First Selectwoman Gorski distributed to the Selectmen the letters regarding the MIRMA and MERS settlement which will have to be included on the call for the Town Meeting for approval.  Selectman Shea moved a motion to add the MERS and MIRMA settlements to the Call for the Annual Town Meeting.  Selectwoman Magda seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 



A motion to adjourn the meeting was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Magda.  The vote taken was unanimous.  The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.


                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                                                June G. Riley

                                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen






Ordinance Review & Charter Study Committee

Special Meeting

March 10, 2014

6:00 p.m.

Commission Room, Bethany Town Hall




Salvatore Amadeo

Robert Brinton, Jr.

Carol R. Goldberg

Paul Manger

W. Peter Simon, Jr.


1.  Call to Order – The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.


2.  Approval of Minutes of 2/3/14 Meeting – The Minutes of the 2/3/14 Meeting were

        unanimously approved.


3.  Correspondence – Correspondence was received and read into the record from Will Brinton

        and Janet Finneran.


4.  Visitors – Aileen Magda joined the Meeting after its inception, stayed for a short period of

        time and left prior to its conclusion.


5.  Ordinance Review and Charter Study – The Committee began its review of the Code of Ordinances, starting at the beginning and ending with Chapter 168 – Scenic Roads. 


6.  Schedule Future Meetings – The next Meeting of the Ordinance Review & Charter Study Committee will be held on April 7, 2014.


Respectfully Submitted,


Carol R. Goldberg

Acting Temporary Secretary

Friday, May 2, 2014

Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
Direct Revenues:
Interest and Lien Fees on Property  $             166,380  $              80,000  $              80,000  $                71,000
 Interest Earned - General Fund   $               26,362  $              30,000  $              25,000  $                27,000
  Total Direct Revenues    $             192,742  $            110,000  $            105,000  $                98,000
State of Connecticut:
 Education Grants (GTB/ECS)   $          2,046,926  $         2,078,469  $         2,078,469  $           2,051,681
 School Transportation   $                9,802  $                     -    $                     -    $                11,886
 Town Aid Roads   $             105,762  $            211,525  $            274,567  $              211,338
 Local Capital Improvement   $                     -    $              65,426  $              65,426  $                47,173
 Tax Relief - Elderly   $               30,952  $              31,000  $              31,843  $                32,000
 Disability Exemption   $                   220  $                  200  $                  235  $                    200
 PILOT - State Owned Property   $               36,054  $                     -    $              49,314  $                36,138
 PILOT - Colleges & Hospitals   $               16,484  $              15,072  $              15,072  $                16,117
 Judicial Grant   $                1,799  $                     -    $                1,150  $                      -  
 PILOT - Veterans   $                5,156  $                5,000  $                5,531  $                 5,000
 Boating Safety Revenue   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Dog Damage   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Mashantucket Pequot Grant   $               17,957  $                     -    $              11,689  $                17,524
 Municipal Revenue Sharing   $               97,157  $                     -    $              43,923  $                63,000
 Contingency Needs Grant   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Elderly Grant   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 School Building Grant   $             157,387  $            149,828  $            157,387  $              144,040
 Library Grant   $                4,000  $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Police Grants   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Other - State of Connecticut     $             265,297  $                5,574  $                5,574  $                      -  
   Total State of Connecticut   $          2,794,953  $         2,562,094  $         2,740,180  $           2,636,097
 Indirect Revenues: 
 Property Tax Levy - Current   $        17,450,412  $        18,150,981  $        17,450,488  $         18,856,907
 Property Tax Levy - Prior Years   $             244,509  $            125,000  $            239,688  $              176,000
   Total Indirect Revenues     $        17,694,921  $        18,275,981  $        17,690,176  $         19,032,907
 Permits and Fees: 
 Pistol & Vendors   $                4,930  $                2,000  $                3,390  $                 3,000
 Zoning & Subdivision Permits   $                9,859  $              10,000  $              11,594  $                10,000
 Zoning Board of Appeals   $                1,500  $                1,000  $                1,350  $                 1,000
 Inland Wetlands Permits   $                7,803  $                2,500  $                5,105  $                 7,500
 Sanitation & Wells   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Building Permits   $             102,789  $              70,000  $              94,868  $                60,000
 Town Clerk Fees   $               34,871  $              35,000  $              38,367  $                35,000
 Dog License Fees   $                   574  $                  500  $                  770  $                    500
 Park & Recreation Fees   $             125,730  $            153,000  $            125,000  $              115,000
 Veterans Park Rental   $               10,440  $                8,779  $                9,398  $                10,000
 Park Pavilion Rental   $                     -    $                1,000  $                1,373  $                 1,000
   Total Permits and Fees     $             298,496  $            283,779  $            291,212  $              243,000
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
 Other Revenues: 
 Town Hall, Airport and School Rental   $                6,575  $                2,500  $                4,463  $                 2,500
 Ordinance & Photocopy Sales   $                8,430  $                6,500  $                7,737  $                 6,500
 Real Estate Conveyance Tax   $               51,235  $              40,000  $              56,928  $                40,000
 PILOT - South Central Water Authority   $             243,498  $            240,000  $            243,498  $              270,000
 Miscellaneous Income   $               76,724  $              20,000  $                  622  $                20,000
 Miscellaneous Refunds and Rebates       $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Telephone Access Grant   $               18,542  $              20,000  $              20,000  $                20,000
 Other Revenues   $                     -    $                     -    $            182,310  $                      -  
 Cellular Tower   $               31,440  $              22,000  $              25,926  $                22,000
   Total Other Revenues     $             436,444  $            351,000  $            541,484  $              381,000
 TOTAL REVENUES       $        21,417,556  $        21,582,854  $        21,368,052  $         22,391,004
 Net Taxable Grand List - October 2012   $      620,153,893
 Estimated Supplemental Motor Vehicle/Real Estate   $         4,724,174
 $      624,878,067
 Net Taxable Grand List - October 2013   $      549,236,405
 Est. Supplemental Motor Vehicle/Real Estate   $         4,724,174
 $      553,960,579
 Percentage Increase in Grand List  -11.35%
 Total Expenditures   $        22,691,004
 Total Revenues   $        22,391,004
 General Fund to Balance Budget   $            300,000
Current Mill Rate 29.60 Equalized Mill Rate 33.3 due to revaluation
Proposed Mill Rate                   34.80
Pecentage Increase in Mill Rate 17.6%
Percentage Increase over Equalized Rate 4.5%
Estimated balance at 6/30/14  $         3,087,874
Percent of 2013-2014 estimated expenditures 14.0%
Estimated balance at 6/30/15  $         2,787,874
Percent of 2014-2015 recommended budget expenditures 12.3%
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
General Government:
Selectmen - Salary and Expenses  $             179,793  $            211,556  $            211,556  $              195,738
Town Hall Computers  $               37,928  $              37,597  $              37,597  $                48,422
Veterans Memorial Park  $               34,653  $              44,533  $              44,533  $                44,825
Registrar of Voters  $               28,057  $              13,580  $              13,580  $                31,709
Board of Finance  $                2,479  $                2,629  $                2,629  $                 2,855
Town Audit  $               41,100  $              28,840  $              33,700  $                40,000
Assessor - Salaries and Expenses  $               51,926  $              75,706  $              75,706  $                80,096
Board of Assessment Appeals  $                   815  $                  500  $                  500  $                    600
Tax Collector - Salary and Expenses  $               78,687  $              76,887  $              76,887  $                79,152
Town Treasurer - Salary and Expenses  $                3,690  $                3,559  $                3,559  $                 3,595
Town Counsel - Retainer  $               37,200  $              37,200  $              37,200  $                37,200
Town Counsel - Legal Expenses  $               22,080  $              25,000  $              25,000  $                25,000
Claims and Judgments  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
Town Clerk - Salaries and Expenses  $             137,271  $            143,549  $            143,549  $              146,575
Land Use Dept Salaries and Expenses  $             189,283  $            189,588  $            189,588  $              200,852
Operation Town Hall - Salaries and Exp  $             176,255  $            175,743  $            173,029  $              187,172
Zoning Board of Appeals  $                3,994  $                3,461  $                3,519  $                 3,736
Economic Development Commission   $                     -    $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Probate Court  $                     -    $                1,000  $                     -    $                 1,000
Conservation Commission  $                   401  $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Council of Small Towns  $                   825  $                  825  $                  955  $                    955
Regional Growth Partnership  $                1,669  $                1,669  $                1,668  $                 1,669
Council of Governments  $                1,500  $                1,785  $                1,500  $                 1,785
Fire Department - Gas and Diesel  $               14,990  $              11,110  $              11,689  $                14,000
Fire Department - Fuel  $               33,656  $              41,900  $              34,000  $                41,900
Board of Education Fuel Oil  $              120,000
Board of Education - Gasoline  $                9,162  $              36,000  $              36,000  $                36,000
CCM  $                3,753  $                3,271  $                3,272  $                 3,403
  Total General Government  $          1,091,167  $         1,168,489  $         1,162,216  $           1,349,240
Public Safety:
Fire Protection and Equipment Maint  $             194,450  $            200,050  $            200,050  $              206,300
Hydro/Air Packs Testing  $                 5,000
Firemen's Physicals  $               13,093  $              12,500  $              12,500  $                12,500
C-Med  $               12,884  $              15,371  $              15,371  $                12,884
Fire Marshall/Emergency Management  $               54,387  $              60,000  $              60,000  $                61,165
Police, Constables & Resident Troopers  $             191,426  $            199,009  $            199,009  $              211,800
Dog Damage  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
District Animal Control  $               43,000  $              43,000  $              43,000  $                45,923
Fire Hydrant  $                2,588  $                2,500  $                2,500  $                 2,500
  Total Public Safety    $             511,828  $            532,431  $            532,430  $              558,073
Public Works
Road Foreman and Labor  $             438,537  $            429,525  $            429,525  $              438,125
Major Road Resurfacing  $               68,921  $            500,000  $            500,000  $              500,000
Major Rd Resurfacing Debt Service  $             279,146  $            282,900  $            282,900  $              280,400
Snow and Ice Removal  $             193,013  $            195,000  $            230,000  $              200,000
Road Materials  $               37,072  $            100,000  $            100,000  $              100,000
Garage Expense  $               50,497  $              51,141  $              54,745  $                57,000
Repairs and Supplies  $             172,828  $            128,555  $            130,000  $              128,555
Street Lights  $               12,005  $              12,500  $              12,500  $                12,500
Contracted Services  $             208,193  $              28,000  $              66,330  $                50,000
Road Signs  $                6,688  $                6,000  $                6,000  $                 8,000
Consulting Engineer  $                5,122  $              10,000  $                4,020  $                10,000
  Total Public Works    $          1,472,022  $         1,743,621  $         1,816,020  $           1,784,580
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
Solid Waste Disposal  $             352,821  $            390,266  $            380,200  $              382,364
Vital Statistics  $                     74  $                  100  $                  100  $                    100
Bethany Summer League  $                3,700  $                3,500  $                3,500  $                 4,000
Park and Recreation Commission  $             181,257  $            235,364  $            200,000  $              197,926
Domestic Violence  $                   500  $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Elderly Grant  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
TEAM  $                5,000  $                5,000  $                5,000  $                 5,000
Regional Mental Health  $                   276  $                  276  $                  276  $                    276
Harvest Festival  $               10,556
QVHD  $               29,257  $              29,214  $              29,214  $                29,138
EMS Council  $                     -    $                  488  $                  488  $                    488
  Total Health      $             583,441  $            664,709  $            619,278  $              619,793
Human Services:
Human Services  $               76,517  $              92,251  $              92,251  $                96,319
  Total Human Services    $               76,517  $              92,251  $              92,251  $                96,319
Community Services:
Library  $             152,804  $            172,000  $            172,000  $              181,887
Airport  $                2,031  $                1,400  $                1,400  $                 1,400
Carrington Cemetery  $                2,000  $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
Care of Other Cemeteries  $                3,010  $                8,000  $                8,000  $                 8,000
Contingency Fund  $               99,361  $              50,000  $              40,000  $                70,000
Miscellaneous and Tax Refunds  $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
Contingency Needs  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                      -  
CT State Library Grant  $                4,000  $                      1  $                     -    $                      -  
Unemployment  $                1,244  $                      1  $                1,276  $                        1
Land Acquisition Fund  $               25,000  $                     -  
Fund for Capital & Nonrecurring Exp  $             500,000  $            550,000  $            500,000  $              550,000
Youth Services  $               13,810  $              13,631  $              13,631  $                13,984
  Total Community Services  $             803,260  $            795,034  $            736,307  $              825,272
Insurance and Benefits:
Payroll Taxes  $             109,730  $            108,291  $            108,291  $              106,388
General Insurance  $             218,162  $            220,500  $            234,139  $              220,500
Employee Medical Insurance  $             413,835  $            482,632  $            450,000  $              521,243
Town Employees' Investment Fund  $             127,391  $            108,475  $            108,475  $              110,644
Firemen's Retirement   $               39,998  $              40,000  $              40,000  $                40,000
  Total Insurance and Benefits  $             909,116  $            959,898  $            940,905  $              998,775
Debt Service:
Debt Service - Principal  $             580,128  $            600,000  $            600,000  $              605,000
Debt Services - Interest  $             100,799  $              94,824  $              94,824  $                88,724
  Total Debt Service    $             680,927  $            694,824  $            694,824  $              693,724
Regional High School    $          8,591,647  $         8,670,180  $         8,670,000  $           9,204,690
Elementary School      $          6,368,791  $         6,559,417  $         6,559,417  $           6,560,538
  FINAL TOTAL      $        21,088,716  $        21,880,854  $        21,823,648  $         22,691,004
BETHANY SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET 2013-2014 as proposed by the Board of Education
  Approved Requested    
  Budget Budget Increase % Increase
SUMMARY BY PROGRAM   2013- 2014 2014 - 2015 (Decrease) (Decrease)
General Education    $          3,388,228  $         3,395,502  $                7,274 0.2%
Special Education    $          1,390,737  $         1,400,680  $                9,943 0.7%
Administration & Overhead/Facilities  $          1,780,452  $         1,764,356  $             (16,096) -0.9%
TOTAL    $          6,559,417  $         6,560,538  $                1,121 0.02%
Approved Requested    
Budget Budget Increase % Increase
SUMMARY BY EXPENSE 2013- 2014 2014 - 2015 (Decrease) (Decrease)
Salaries  $          4,326,037  $         4,206,562  $           (119,475) -2.8%
Benefits  $             860,533  $            976,713  $            116,180 13.5%
Services  $             490,181  $            524,574  $              34,393 7.0%
Supplies  $             216,831  $            268,744  $              51,913 23.9%
Other  $               72,920  $              85,840  $              12,920 17.7%
Utilities  $             256,000  $            136,000  $           (120,000) -46.9%
Facilities and Maintenance  $               83,500  $            103,500  $              20,000 24.0%
Student Transportation  $             253,415  $            258,605  $                5,190 2.0%
TOTAL  $          6,559,417  $         6,560,538  $                1,121 0.0%
Balance 6/30/2013  $            252,753
Not completed capitals Bitmap
 $            135,000
 Balance 6/30/2014  $            132,753
 Trans from General Fund  $            550,000
    $            682,753
2014-2015 Recommended Budget Capital non-Recurring Expenditures:
5 yard dump truck lease-purchase payment (3 of 3)  $             (65,683)
Backhoe lease-purchase payment (3 of 3)  $             (46,678)
10 yard dump truck lease-purchase payment (2 of 3)  $             (72,053)
Mason Dump Truck  $             (67,000)
Fence and Gate Town Hall  $             (20,000)
Fence at Dog Park  $             (13,365)
BCS student furniture replacement (payment (2 of 2)  $             (10,000)
BCS security cameras (payment 2 of 3)  $             (22,000)
BCS wireless infrastructure (payment 2 of 3)  $             (15,500)
New jDoors and Hardward    BCS   $             (10,000)
Lighting and Ceiling BCS   $             (20,000)
 Painting at BCS Bitmap
 $             (15,000)
Bullet Resistant glass BCS    $             (15,000)
Replace Playscape BCS  $             (10,000)
Rebuild pump engine 81 Fire Dept  $             (25,000)
Thermo Imaging Camera  $             (11,000)
Town Web Site  $                  (10,000)
Land Acquisition  $                (100,000)
Total  $           (548,279)
   Estimated balance 6/30/2015  $        134,474.00