Friday, March 20, 2015

Bethany Conservation Commission

March 12, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 8:20 by Bruce Loomis.  Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer and Cathy Rives.  Bruce welcomed Matthew Popp to the meeting as a prospective new member.

The minutes of the February meeting were reviewed.  Bruce moved to accept them as written, Cathy seconded and the minutes were accepted unanimously.  The only correspondence came from the Aquarion water company which was discussed later in the meeting.

Conservator of the Year discussion was tabled.  Further discussion is needed regarding a candidate and to confirm criteria proposed earlier.

Regarding the Community Garden: the IWC has not made any decisions yet.  P&Z will not act until IWC does.

The Woodward subdivision was discussed.  In a preliminary review, the map comes in low in the area designated for Open Space.  Unless we hear from the applicant, P&Z will be notified that the applicant has not complied, nor contacted us to discuss this issue.

The Aquarion Water Company is seeking "Environmental Champions" to be recognized for outstanding volunteer efforts to protect or restore Connecticut's natural resources.  The committee discussed possible candidates but will need further discussion.  The deadline for offering candidates is May 6.

Regarding the Carrington Preserve: the Board of Selectmen has set a Board meeting for March 26 for approval.

Ash trees in Bethany have been significantly damaged by the Ash Borer.  Ray Pantalone (tree warden) has a list of roadside trees around town that need to be removed as they pose a potential hazard.  The power company will remove some if the town will haul them away.  Ray has tentatively agreed to attend the Commission's April meeting to discuss a maintenance and planting program.  The Commission should be ready to apply for grants to assist with this program.

Finally, Bruce reminded the Commission of our initial effort to clean out and reorganize the closet with Conservation Commission documents.  This needs to be completed so that concise records can be maintained.

Brian moved to adjourn the meeting, Cathy seconded and the meeting adjourned at 9:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Rives, Secretary pro-tempore




The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following Commission Members were present:

            Kimberly McClure Brinton, Chairman

            Michael Sullivan, Vice Chairman

            Michael Calhoun, Member

            Donna Shea, Member

            Bradford Buchta, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member

            Eric McDonald, Alternate Member


The following Commission Member was absent:

            Douglas Goldner, Member

            James Gugliotti, Alternate Member


Also present were:

           Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant

           Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer





1.      It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Calhoun to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 4, 2015, Regular Meeting.

Voting for:  Brinton, Sullivan, Calhoun, Shea, Buchta.

Unanimous approval.





1.      It was moved by Calhoun and seconded by Sullivan to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis), for services rendered for February 2015, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.

Voting for:  Brinton, Sullivan, Calhoun, Shea, Buchta.

Unanimous approval.





1.      Email from Maureen Baldino of 504 Carrington Road, dated January 20, 2015, Re:  Support for Bethany Community Garden.

2.      Letter from Bruce Loomis, Sabrina Drive, dated February 4, 2015, Re:  Joint letter regarding proposed Community Garden on Pole Hill Road.

3.      Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.


4.      Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

5.      Submitted by James Seaton a six page packet prepared by Mary Ellen Unger regarding the Bethany Community Garden possible location at the Airport Property.

6.      Memo from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated February 24, 2015, Re:  Comments on review of applications for 10 Round Hill Road.

7.      Letter from Bill and Wendy Grieger dated February 5, 2015, Re:  Request to modify original approval at 63 Sargent Drive, landscaping buffer.

8.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Luiza DaSilva, dated February 5, 2015, Re:  Notice of Violation, 50 Hunters Trail, two businesses operating from same property.

9.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Mr. Mrs. Harvey Brar, dated February 5, 2015, Re:  696 Amity Road, Unit 4A, Eyebrow Threading Salon, illuminated signage.

10.  Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Orlando Skaarva, dated February 5, 2015, Re:  696 Amity Road, Units 5A and 6A, Convenience Store, illuminated signage.

11.  Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Neat Arjo, dated February 5, 2015, Re:  696 Amity Road, Units 10A and 10B, Bethany Brick Oven Pizza, illuminated signage.

12.  Letter from Town of Hamden, Planning and Zoning Department, dated February 20, 2015, Re:  Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment.





1.      Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Annual Conference, March 26, 2015.

2.      CLEARscapes Newsletter, Fall 2014.





Isabel Kearns, ZEO, reported on the following:

·         State of Connecticut wants to standardize permits for solar put permit for solar and putting online.

·         Billy’s Ice Cream would like to allow customers to bring in their own beer and wine.

·         Ray Pantelone, Bethany Tree Warden, stated he reviewed 10 Round Hill Road and that the plantings list is outdated.  The Commission would like some suggestions.





·         90 Pole Hill Road, Application #2014-035 submitted by Bethany Community Garden Committee for a Site Plan Approval to locate the Community Garden and for a C.G.S. Section 8-24 Review for the Community Garden


At 7:17 p.m., Chair Brinton called the public hearing to order.  Roll call was taken. 



During the course of the public hearing, Chair Brinton noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

A.    Exhibit 2A - Email from Maureen Baldino of 504 Carrington Road, dated January 20, 2015, Re:  Support for Bethany Community Garden.

B.     Exhibit 2B - Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

C.     Exhibit 2C - Email from James Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

D.    Exhibit 2D - Submitted by James Seaton, a six page packet prepared by Mary Ellen Unger regarding the Bethany Community Garden possible location at the Airport Property.


Chair Brinton noted the Commission received last month at the February 4, 2015, regular meeting, a letter from Bruce Loomis, Sabrina Drive, dated February 4, 2015, Re:  Joint letter regarding proposed Community Garden on Pole Hill Road.


Chair Brinton stated the Inland Wetlands Commission has not acted on the application at this time.


Chair Brinton asked if anyone from the public would like to speak for the application or against the application.  The following public individuals spoke:

·         James Seaton of 485 Bethmour Road. (Submitted Exhibit 2D)

·         James Stirling of 20 Miller Road.


At 7:28 p.m., it was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Calhoun to close the public hearing pending the submission of action by the Inland Wetlands Commission.

Unanimous approval.





1.      Presentation by the Long Term Financial Planning Committee


Present from the Long Term Financial Planning Committee were Members Chip Spear and Jamie Stirling.  The presentation included slides and a discussion on the education on the financial health of the Town of Bethany for the next five years and the impact of the Commission’s decisions regarding the Town.


2.      10 Round Hill Road, Application #2015-001 submitted by William Ciola for a Site Plan Approval for construction of storage building and sign


The Commission formally received the application.  The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of April 1, 2015.  Tabled.


3.      10 Round Hill Road, Application #2015-002 submitted by William Ciola for a Special Exception Permit for Outside Storage

The Commission formally received the application.  The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of April 1, 2015.  Tabled.


4.      10 Round Hill Road, Application #2015-003 submitted by William Ciola for a Special Exception Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading Permit

The Commission formally received the application.  The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of April 1, 2015.  Tabled.


5.      63 Sargent Drive, Application #2015-004 submitted by Bill and Wendy Grieger for a Site Plan Modification – Landscaping


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Bill and Wendy Grieger, owners of record.  The Griegers' had a brief discussion with the Commission regarding the proposed plantings and the easements (CL&P and drainage easement) on the property.


The Commission received a letter from Bill and Wendy Grieger dated February 5, 2015, Re:  Request to modify original approval at 63 Sargent Drive, landscaping buffer.


Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.  It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Shea to approve the following resolution for Application #2015-004:

Whereas, the Commission previously approved Application #2014-021 for a Site Plan Development on August 6, 2014;


Whereas, the owner of the property, Bethany Heavy Equipment Storage/Grieger, applied to the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission for a modification of Permit #2014-021 on March 4, 2015.  Said modification is specifically related to the omission of the westerly landscaped bufferyard which is located behind the building and is also referenced on the map of record;


Whereas, the Commission, also at its regular meeting of March 4, 2015, considered the request to omit the westerly landscaped bufferyard located to the rear of the building due to the location of an existing drainage easement, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to Application #2015-004;


Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 5.2.A of the Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to February 27, 2015, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2015-004 for a modification of Permit #2014-021 which is specifically related to the omission of the westerly landscaped bufferyard located behind the building at 63 Sargent Drive, as presented in the application and testimony

Voting for:  Brinton, Sullivan, Calhoun, Shea, Buchta.

Unanimous approval.


6.      46 Mesa Drive, Application #2015-005 submitted by James Woodward for a Five-Lot Subdivision


The Commission formally received the application.  The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of April 1, 2015.  Tabled.



7.      46 Mesa Drive, Application #2015-006 submitted by James Woodward for a Special Exception Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading Permit


The Commission formally received the application.  The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of April 1, 2015.  Tabled.





1.      90 Pole Hill Road, Application #2014-035 submitted by Bethany Community Garden Committee for a Site Plan approval to locate the Community Garden on the Southside of park  Public hearing closed this evening.  Tabled.


2.      Discussion regarding the rewriting of the current Zoning Regulations


Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, spoke briefly on the rewriting of the Zoning Regulations.  Some items noted by Mr. Peck were:

·         Using plan language to rewrite the Zoning Regulations to make clearer for people.

·         Focus on environment, water resources, power (wind and solar), walkability, housing issues, village districts, open space, lighting, and signs.



3.      50 Hunters Trail (Sun Gold Stables), Discussion regarding second equine business operating from the property -


Present for this discussion was Luiza DaSilva, owner of record.  Ms. DaSilva briefly discussed the fact she needs this second business at her property (Shannon Equine) to financially survive and that it is the same type of business she operates.


Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Luiza DaSilva, dated February 5, 2015, Re:  Notice of Violation, 50 Hunters Trail, two businesses operating from same property.


During this discussion, the Commission noted:

·         Town Attorney stated that property owner in violation with two businesses.

·         Remove other business name (Shannon Equine) off the internet.

·         Property owner can submit an application to amend the Zoning Regulations.

·         The ZEO to send copy of letter from Town Attorney to property owner.

·         Property owner to contact Bethany Horse Council.



4.      Executive Session – Matters in litigation  Tabled.


5.      Executive Session – Personnel mattersTabled.





There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Buchta and seconded by Calhoun to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Voting for:  Brinton, Sullivan, Calhoun, Shea, Buchta.

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For the Planning and Zoning



FEBRUARY 23, 2015
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Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectwoman Aileen Magda, Selectman Donald Shea

Visitors:  Bart Piccarelli, Fred Nevin, Sharon Huxley, Chip Spear, Carol Goldberg, Fran Doba, Charles Schboo, George McDonnell, Eric Frieden, Bruce Loomis, Attorney Kevin McSherry

First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:40 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 


Chip Spear gave a power point presentation on the progress of the Long Range Financial Committee.  The results of the survey sent to residents some time ago, indicted they are concerned about keeping taxes low, maintaining quality education, preserving rural character, and maintaining infrastructure.  The committee has developed a program, with charts, when modified by increasing various budgets i.e. school, general government can show what impact the increase or decrease has on the total budget.  The committee continues to meet regularly.


The Solid Waste Committee has been meeting regularly to evaluate costs for curbside recycling and curbside bulky waste.  The curbside trash pickup contract with Trash Masters is up in June.  The committee has been developing a list of contractors that do this type of business.  Bid specifications are being written.  The cost to make changes to the present handling of Solid Waste will have to also be evaluated. 


The date for the special Town Meeting was tentatively set for March 19, 2015 on a motion moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Magda pending receipt of information for State Grant on the Carrington Preserve.  The following items will be on the agenda:

Carrington Preserve, Ordinance changes, CPACE Program, Use of Land Acquisition Fund and Veterans Exemption


Selectman Shea moved to refund to Daudano, LLC the sum of $152.97, to John Migliaro Jr. the sum of $74.51, to Vincent & Florence Szeligowski the sum of  $9.00, to Honda Lease the sum of $72.34, to Celtic Grove Consulting Inc. the sum of $18.95, to Ali and Fazeleh Golbazi  the sum of $63.38, to Vincent CoFrancesco the sum of $7.45, to Tyler Bruns the sum of $52.99, to Trol LLC the sum of $20.00, to Earl Sanford the sum of $41.57, to Craig Stevens the sum of $21.81, to Toyota lease Trust the sum of $674.74, to Peter LiLeo the sum of $68.41, to Paul Weston the sum of $24.99, to Paul Manger the sum of $50.85, to Old Amity LLC the sum of $171.80, to Michael Esposito the sum of $118.64, to Linda Greco the sum of $206.01, to Kathryn Garre the sum of $100.00, to John Wolanic the sum of $294.97, to Industrial Materials $4.32, to Dorothy Dierolf the sum of $78.99, to Corelogifc the sum of $4,096.82, to Arthur Willoughby the sum of $11.66 and to Walter & Sarah Briggs the sum of $2,999.l98 all for overpayment of taxes.  The motion was seconded by Selectwoman Magda.  The vote taken was unanimous.  


The following resolution was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Magda.

The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Bethany met on February 23, 2015 and adopted a Resolution by a vote of 3 to 0 endorsing the South Central Regional Council of Governments’ Regional Performance Incentive Program proposals listed below, referenced in Connecticut General Statutes Section 4-124s, (2014 Supplement). Such proposals are attached to and made a part of this record.

·         Regional Planimetric Data Development

·         Regional Open Space Inventory

·         Regional Community Rating System Feasibility Study


First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2015.  The motion was moved by Selectwoman Magda and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous for approval without change.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of December 12, 2015.  The motion was moved by Selectwoman Magda and seconded by Selectman Shea.  Selectwoman Magda moved to amend the minutes by adding that derogative comments were directed at Selectman Shea and Selectwoman Magda from visitors present.  The minutes were then approved on a unanimous vote. 


Selectwoman Magda and Selectman Shea announced that they will take the budget to referendum this year.


At 9:45 p.m. Selectwoman Magda moved to go into executive session to discuss contracts, land acquisition, or personnel issues.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  June Riley was invited to stay for the session.  At 9:50 p.m. Selectman Shea moved to exit the executive session.  The motion was seconded by Selectwoman Magda.  The vote taken was unanimous.  There were no motions moved during the executive session. 





Adjournment was called at 9:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Magda.  The vote taken was unanimous.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                                June G. Riley,

 Secretary Board of Selectmen







FEBRUARY 24, 2015

Page 1 of 2


Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Robert Brinton Jr., Chip Spear, Sharon Huxley, Sally Huyser, John Ford IV

Visitors: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski,  John Barille, Superintendent, Fred Bartolini, Adam Carrington, Linda Saffran, Inez Kelso, Tim Sharon, Dave Merriam, Diane Krivda, Chris Pittenger, Selectwoman Aileen Magda, Alan Green

The special meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:10 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.


Chairman Grabowski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of February 10, 2015.  The motion of approval was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear.  Sharon Huxley wanted to add that it should be researched as to when the Land Acquisition Fund was started and was it for the purpose of buying land or toward expenses to buy land.  The vote was called for approval as amended.  The vote was five yes votes and one abstention that of Robert Brinton Jr. because of his absence from that meeting.


Superintendent John Barille gave a power point presentation of the budget of the Bethany Board of Education to the Board of Finance.  John explained that the budget is flat.  He has made staff changes to offset the contractual salary increases.  There is a decrease in enrollment.  All students are in the main building with no classes in the annexes.  He highlighted some of the special programs that are planned.  There is a Capital Expenditure request for a roof replacement on the main building.  Special education was generally discussed. The formation of a Building Committee will have to be recommended by the Board of Selectmen.


The budget of the Resident Trooper was discussed.  There is talk at the State level of charging Resident Trooper Towns 100% of the cost of a trooper instead of the present 70%.  Troope I answered 5,718 calls during the previous year.  The Town of Bethany employs four constables all under the direction of Trooper Merriam. 


The budget for the Public Works was presented by Alan Green, Highway Forman.  Alan outlined roads he would like see on the list for Major Road Repair.  The list includes Emerald Lane, portions of Downs Road, and Raccio Drive.   The estimated cost of repair to these roads would be $250,000.  The estimated cost to repair Schaffer Road is approximately $1,000,000.  The cost of this repair would require bonding.  Alan is waiting for more accurate estimates on this repair. 




Adjournment was called at 9:15 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by John Ford IV.   


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                June G. Riley

                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance





FEBRUARY 10, 2015

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Chairman John Grabowski, John Ford IV, Sally Huyser, Sharon Huxley, Chip Spear

Absent:   Robert Brinton Jr.

Visitors:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Bruce Loomis, Nich Poulmas, Janice Howard, John Pellicano, Barbara Haag, Pat Martin, Melissa Canham-Klein, Buff Bacheimer, Fran Doba, Pua Ford, William Brinton

Chairman Grabowski called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Seletmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.


Chairman Grabowski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting of February 3, 2015.  The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by John Ford IV.  Sharon Huxley moved to amend the minutes by adding that the Fire Marshal had requested $750 in his budget for a Deputy Fire Marshal and $2,400 for an Assistant Fire Marshal.  The vote was then called on the amended minutes.  The vote taken was four (4) yes votes and one (1) abstention that of Chip Spear because of his absence from that meeting.


Chairman Grabowski did not have anything to report about the Amity Finance Committee because of meeting cancelations.  The re-scheduled meeting will be held tomorrow night. 


Melisa Canham-Klein, Librarian for the Clark Memorial Library was present to go over the Library budget for fiscal year 2015-16.  The Library is requesting funding for an Assistant Librarian and a Grant Writer. Melissa gave a progress report to the Board of Finance regarding improvements made over the past year and special programs they are having for residents of all ages.  Their proposed Wish List budget is $286,668.  The budget for fiscal year 2014-15 is $213,742.  They prepared proposed budgets with a 0% budget, one with a 2% increase and one with a 2% decrease.


Will Brinton and Pua Ford presented the budget for the Registrar of Voters.  Their budget is 28.4% less than last year.  There are less elections next year.  The Registrars were questioned about the cost of the upcoming Republican primary.  Will indicated that above the usual costs of a primary they will have to purchase a memory card for the machines for an additional cost of $750.




Janice Howard and Nick Poulmas distributed copies of the budget for the Park & Recreation Commission.  The budget for Park & Recreation was reduced to $197,926 from $209,989 for this fiscal year due to changes in programs.  The Board discussed increases in the minimum wage and how this affects the cost of labor for all the programs and the life guards. 



The operating budget for the Conservation Commission will remain the same as this fiscal year at $500.  Bruce Loomis was present to ask the Board of Finance to consider putting in two line items in the Capital Expenditures, one for $50,000 for the fiscal year 2015-16 budget for Land Acquisition contribution, and one for $50,000 additional to make up for under- funding of the Land Acquisition Fund since 2010.  This fund has been used in the past to purchase parcels of land on the Conservation Commission Open Space Plan list.  Sharon Huxley wanted to know when the Acquisition Fund was started and was it for the purpose of buying land or just toward expenses to buy land.


First Selectwoman Gorski gave the Board members copies of the Solid Waste budget, Selectmen’s budget and Veterans Memorial Park budget for them to look over for the next meeting.


Adjournment was called at 9:15 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sharon Huxley and seconded by Sally Huyser.  The vote was called.  The vote was unanimous.


                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                                                June G. Riley

                                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance 





The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room at the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

         Alexandra Breslin, Chair

         Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair

         Brian Smith, Member      


The following member of the Commission was absent:

         Lisa Gaw, Member

         Roger Hathaway, Member

         Nancy Scanlon, Alternate Member


Also present was:

         Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer




·         90 Pole Hill Road, Application #1230 submitted by Bethany Community Garden Committee to locate Community Garden, removal of selective trees, and use of pond for irrigation purposes


At 8:14 p.m., Chair Breslin called to order the public hearing continuation on the subject application.  Chair Breslin read the notice prepared for the public hearing continuation.   


During the course of the public hearing Chair Breslin noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

A.    Exhibit 2AEmail from Maureen Baldino of 504 Carrington Road, dated January 20, 2015, Re:  Support for Bethany Community Garden.

B.     Exhibit 2B - Letter from Bruce Loomis, Sabrina Drive, dated February 4, 2015, Re:  Joint letter regarding proposed Community Garden on Pole Hill Road.

C.     Exhibit 2C -Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

D.    Exhibit 2D - Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

E.     Exhibit 2E – Submitted by Mary Ellen Unger, copy of Bethany Community Garden Rules.

F.      Exhibit 2F – Copy of speech given by James Seaton of 485 Bethmour Road.


Commission member’s field inspected the property on November 16, 2014, and looked at proximity to wetlands, woodlands surrounding the site, and observed the quality of soils.


Present to speak on behalf of the application was Mary Ellen Unger of 82 Russell Road and Chairman of the Bethany Community Garden Committee.  Ms. Unger presented an overview of her credentials and that of the members of the Bethany Community Garden Committee.          Ms. Unger then continued with a review of the packet submitted October 27, 2014 (Exhibit 1B).


Ms. Unger feels the bylaws were designed to protect the wetlands and does not feel the amount of water that will be taken from the pond will impact the wetlands.


Chair Brinton asked if anyone from the public would like to speak for the application or against the application.  The following public individuals spoke:

·         James Seaton of 485 Bethmour Road.

·         Rob White of 579 Bethmour Road.


In discussion, Commission members noted:

·         This hearing is being conducted due to a petition submitted.

·         It is only when the Commission determines on its own that a public hearing is required that there is a feasible and prudent alternative.

·         Mr. Seaton would like to submit an item for the hearing record.

·         King’s Mark Report (Exhibit 1G in record) has a soils map on Page 10 and it is showing that the entire portion of the parcel that abuts Pole Hill Road is upland soil.

·         Bylaws included in packet submitted. (Exhibit 1B)


At 9:00 p.m., Chair Breslin closed the oral part of the public hearing and will keep the public hearing record open solely to receive a written document from James Seaton of 485 Bethmour Road.  Tabled.


·         Proposed revisions of the “Town of Bethany Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations”


At 8:04 p.m., Chair Breslin called to order the public hearing on the subject application.  Chair Breslin read the legal notice prepared for the public hearing.   


The Commission stated the Regulations proposed are due to the State statutes that change every year and the Town must comply with them.


During the course of the public hearing Chair Breslin noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

1.      Exhibit 1A - Letter from Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, dated December 19, 2014, Re:  Proposed Amendments to Inland Wetlands And Watercourses Regulations with attached material.


No transmission letter to the Bethany Town Clerk. 


At 8:13 p.m., Chair Breslin closed the public hearing and the clerk will re-notice the public hearing for the regular meeting of April 27, 2015, so that the Town Clerk is noticed.




1.      185 DOWNS ROAD, Timber Harvest, Jurisdictional Ruling


Present for this discussion was Nick Zito, representative from the SCC Regional Water Authority, Forestry Department.


Chair Breslin mentioned that she represents the Town of Bethany on the Representative Policy Board of the SCC Regional Water Authority Board.


Mr. Zito submitted a Notification of Timber Harvest, dated January 5, 2015, which included maps.  Commission members reviewed.


Mr. Zito noted the following:

·         Timber harvest has been put out to bid and awarded.

·         Access road just north of power lines.

·         Six intermittent wetland crossings.

·         Gas line crossing.

·         All crossing flagged out. 


In discussion, Commission members noted:

·         The only jurisdiction the Commission has is the crossings.  Any details for the crossings.

·         Concerned with timing of the logging which will be critical.

·         Would like to investigate previous records for timber harvests in Bethany and whether applications were filed.

·         Commission would like to consider site walk.




2.      12 PLEASANT DRIVE, Application #1233 submitted by SFM Storage, LLC – Jason Cogle for the construction of truck storage building


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Jason Cogle, applicant.


Mr. Cogle noted the following:

  • Delivers indoor plants.
  • Need place to park the trucks.
  • Would use half of building and rent out the other half of building.
  • No truck maintenance.
  • High water table on property.  Submitted drainage calculations.



In discussion, Commission members noted:

  • High water table on property.
  • Refer plans and drainage calculations to consulting engineer for review.
  • IWEO to review previous record of property as to what was approved.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, March 23, 2015.  Tabled.


3.      Discussion with Anthony Vallillo regarding 788 Amity Road, Inland Wetlands Permit #1204 Special Condition D


Present for this discussion was Anthony Vallillo, property owner.  Mr. Vallillo stated he was asking for a waiver of Condition D of Permit #1204 approved November 25, 2013, which reads “The Project Engineer shall provide a bond estimate for the site development, storm drainage and ponds.  Said bond shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer.


Commission members discussed and stated this would not be in effect until work commences.

No action taken.




1.      90 Pole Hill Road, Application #1230 submitted by Community Garden Committee for an IW Permit for location of Community Garden, removal of selective trees, use of pond for irrigation of garden – Public hearing closed.


2.      Proposed revisions of the “Town of Bethany Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations” – Public hearing closed.


3.      Show Cause Hearing regarding Cease and Desist Order, dated October 21, 2014, to Mrs. Bitina Patel of 10 Northrop Road, extension of patio, stonewall along the pond, waterfall and clear cutting of trees  within the 150-foot upland review area without permitTabled until March 2015.


4.      154 Sperry Road, Discussion with applicant regarding pond on propertyNo one present.  IWEO stated the applicant would like to be removed from agenda re: pond is sinking in and will get plans and come back.


5.      Discussion regarding Frog Watch U.S.A. by the Association of Zoos and AquariumsTabled.


6.      Revisit site in November the continue discussion regarding road and overland run-off

across 37 Hilltop Road (DeCesare) down to Route 69 -  Commission will revisit site.  No date scheduled.  Tabled.


7.      Discussion regarding Bethany West clearing.  (Letter from Roman Mrozinski of the

Southwest Conservation District)Tabled.


8.      185 Beacon Road, Discussion with Daniel Cusano regarding non-permitted barn






1.      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the Monday, December 22, 2015, Special Meeting/Work Session.

Voting were:  Breslin, Sullivan, Smith.

Unanimous approval.


2.      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the Monday, December 22, 2015, Regular Meeting.

Voting were:  Breslin, Sullivan, Smith.

Unanimous approval.





1)      Email from Maureen Baldino of 504 Carrington Road, dated January 20, 2015, Re:  Support for Bethany Community Garden.

2)      Letter from Bruce Loomis, Sabrina Drive, dated February 4, 2015, Re:  Joint letter regarding proposed Community Garden on Pole Hill Road.

3)      Email from Judith Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 9, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

4)      Email from James Hsiang of 204 Falls Road, dated February 10, 2015, Re:  Community Garden.

5)      Letter from Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, dated December 19, 2014, Re:  Proposed Amendments to Inland Wetlands And Watercourses Regulations with attached material.

6)      Notification of Timber Harvest, dated January 5, 2015, located at 185 Downs Road.

7)      Memo from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, dated January 22, 2015, Re:  Comments on review of plans for site development located at 12 Pleasant Drive.

8)      Letter from Ron Walters, RWA, dated January 30, 2015, Re:  Comments on review of Application #1233, 12 Pleasant Drive, truck storage building.

9)    Request for preliminary discussion regarding pond.

10)  Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Bitina Patel of 10 Northrop Road, dated December 26, 2014, Re:  Modified Cease and Desist Order for 10 Northrop Road.

11)  Email from Beth Evans, Evans Associates Environmental Consulting, Inc., dated February 6, 2015, Re:  10 Northrup Road, Patel Property.

12)  Letter from Bruce Loomis, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, dated January 26, 2015, Re:  Frog Watch USA.

13)  Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Linda Decesare of 37 Hilltop Road, dated January 20, 2015, Re:  Notice of Violation, outbuilding without necessary permits.

14)  Letter from NHB & Associates LLC, dated January 15, 2015, Re:  53 Atwater Road, classify land as farm land.

15)  Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gamsu of 27 Pine Brook Crossing,  dated February 6, 2015, Re:  Revised Cease and Desist Order for 27 Pine Brook Crossing.





1)      Connecticut Land Use Law Seminar, Saturday, March 21, 2015, Wesleyan University.

2)      Connecticut Wildlife, November/December 2014.

3)      Email from Larry Marsicano, Candlewood Lake Authority, dated February 10, 2015, Re:  Connecticut Federation of Lakes Annual Meeting on April 15, 2015.

4)      The Habitat, A newsletter of the Connecticut Association of Conservation & Inland Wetlands Commissions, Winter 2015.












There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Sullivan     and seconded by Smith to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Unanimous approval.



Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

for the Inland Wetlands Commission