Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee
Meeting minutes of 3 December 2008
Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee members in attendance were Jim Foley, Mig Halpine, Joan Jackson, Bill McCarthy, and Carol Paugas as well as Meghan Carbone, Alternate.
Attendees included Shenae Draughn, Alan Plattus, Andrei Harwell, Eugene Livshits, Issy Kearns, Hiram Peck.
Meeting was called to order at 7:02PM.
It was noted that the Board of Selectmen approved the appointment of Meghan Carbone as an alternate member of the Affordable Senior Housing Committee.
Eugene Livshits was introduced as the new land use planner for the So. Central Regional Council of Governments.
Committee accepted the minutes of October 8th. Motion by Joan, 2nded by Bill: passed unanimously.
Shenae discussed conversations she had with Chris Juliano of Juliano Associates of Wallingford for the planning of the septic systems. Juliano is coordinating with QVHD to do the testing that will help determine type and location of septic systems on the site.
Alan discussed the possible impact that the location of the septic systems will have on the residences as well as the caretaker cottage. Final siting will be determined by the ultimate type and location of the septic system.
A discussion was held regarding the identification of specific requirements and schedule for the P&Z application and approval process. Chris Juliano will be asked to prepare a revised site plan.
Shenae discussed the scheduling of initially distributing information on the units to the town.
The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, January 7th.
Mig made a motion to adjourn; Meghan seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mig Halpine, Secretary