Wednesday, April 22, 2009

APRIL 21, 2009
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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Eric Gallant, Stephen Squinto, Robert Brinton Jr., Richard Van Horn, First Selectman Derrylyn Gorski

Visitors: Gordon Levassor, Noah Gallant

Chairman Brunwin called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:07 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

BUDGET 2009-10
Discussion was opened by Chairman Brunwin regarding the Board of Finance Public Hearing held the previous night. Do we want to change anything? Considering all comments made at the Public Hearing it was the consensus of the Board that no changes were necessary at this time. Squinto then moved a motion to approve the budget as presented last night at the Public Hearing. Van Horn seconded the motion. The vote was called. There were five (5) yes votes to approve as presented and one (1) no vote that of Brinton Jr.

No mill rate was set at this time. There is a possibility that modifications could still be made within the State of Connecticut grants to municipalities. The mill rate will be set at a special meeting on May 19, 2009 if the budget passes at the Annual Town Meeting on May 18, 2009.

Adjournment was called at 7:15 p.m. after a motion was moved by Squinto and seconded by Gallant. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance
Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee (unapproved)
Meeting minutes of 3 March 2009

Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee members in attendance were Jim Foley, Mig Halpine, Joan Jackson, and Carol Paugas as well as Meghan Carbone, Alternate.

Attendees included Shenae Draughn, Eugene Livshits, Hiram Peck, Lynn Fox, Chris Juliano and Bernie Lombardi.

Meeting was called to order at 7:19PM.

Chris Juliano updated the committee on the status of his site and septic plans. He discussed the septic technology that was selected for the site and how it allowed for a greater number of trees to be preserved on the site. He indicated that the necessary data had been collected and was ready to submit to Planning & Zoning and the Inland Wetlands committee. He was in communication with Issy Kearns as to the requirements for each committee.

Lynn Fox (QVHD) indicated that the materials she had received from Chris looked in order and that she was ready to send it to the State Department of Health in Hartford for their approval. She indicated that the state would require at least a few weeks to review the septic and well plans.

Shenae indicated that the timing for the project would make it ineligible for the May 2009 deadline from Small Cities grants. However, she indicated that she was working with Larry Wagner from the Small Cities program to identify new funding sources such as stimulus funds and CHFA grants.

Bernie Lombardi, the architect of record for the project, estimated that construction documents would require about 60 working days to complete.

A discussion was held regarding the procedures and schedule for submitting the project for P&Z.

Hiram suggested that the plans also be presented and discussed with officials at the fire department.

It was suggested that we hold a meeting on the project to update the residents in the neighborhood. March 23rd was suggested as a tentative date.

Shenae indicated that she was also looking into potential grants to construct a buffer/sound barrier between the town garage and Fairwood Place.

The next meeting was scheduled for March 23rd prior to the presentation updating residents.

Mig made a motion to adjourn; Carol seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mig Halpine, Secretary
Meeting Minutes of 12 January, 2009

Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee members in attendance were Jim Foley, Joan Jackson, Carol Paugus, Megan Carbone.

Attendees included Shenae Draughn, Alan Plattus, Eugene Livshits, John Landano, Chris Juliano and Derry Gorski.

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM.

The Committee accepted the Minutes of the December 3rd meeting. Motion by Carol, 2nd by Megan, passed unanimously.

Chris Juliano of Juliano Associates of Wallingford reported on testing of the sites for the septic system(s). He reported that the percolation rates were as expected. Surprisingly the soil was extremely good all the way down. Spread is not a problem. Chris reported that the tests showed that it is possible to have an excellent septic system, even if modifications might be called for as plans progress.

Shenae raised an issue that the committee should be considering, - the mix of one bedroom and two bedroom units. The septic system would allow all units to be two bedroom units. However, we do not know what the population that is eligible (Bethany Seniors getting Tax Assistance) will need. If the experience of other senior housing developments is relevant, there will be a greater demand for one-bedroom units. So that we can better estimate, Megan will get information from the Seniors Getting Tax Assistance list. Eugene will use census data to get information specific to Bethany.

Shenae mentioned that we should be taking into consideration also the policies and attitudes of the funding agencies that are concerned with the development costs being kept low.

It was suggested that at this stage the committee might think in terms of 8 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom units. Alan pointed out that the way Fairwood Place has been planned makes changes simple as the area allotted to each unit is the same regardless of the number of bedrooms.

Whether we were at the stage where we could establish a time line leading up to presentation to the community was explored. Chris estimated that he could complete his part of the work by the end of January and pass it over to John so that he could review it. It would then take two weeks for the full work-up to be completed for QVHD and submission to the State,

There was a brief discussion about the location of the entrance to the project and the nature of the entrance by Alan and Megan. The gatekeeper’s cottage’s location was discussed briefly and also that it will be treated as a unit of the overall development rather than as a separate acreage.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Submitted by Joan Jackson
APRIL 20, 2009
Page 1 of 2

Attendance Board of Finance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Stephen Squinto, Richard Van Horn, Sally Huyser, Robert Brinton Jr.

There were 50 people present at this Public Hearing.

Chairman Brunwin called the preliminary Budget Hearing of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 p.m. The hearing was held in the gym of the Bethany Town Hall.

Chairman Brunwin welcomed all to the Budget Hearing. She then began the presentation of the budget, showing the audited ending surplus for fiscal year 2007-08 of $141,774. A brief explanation of the auditor’s letter of recommendations was given by the Chairman. At this time it appears that there could be an $82,000 deficit in the budget for fiscal year 2008-09. Chairman Brunwin explained the budget procedure that had been followed this year. All departments were asked to keep budgets flat to keep taxes down, as 82% of the Town’s revenue is from property tax. It is estimated that grants to be received from the State of Connecticut will remain flat also. Seventy- three percent of the budget is for education. Twenty- two percent is Town Government. In the Town Government portion of the budget there were no salary increases for non union employees. There will be a $273,000, or a 3.3% increase to Bethany for the Amity budget. This increase is due to an increasing student population from Bethany. The cost to educate a student at Amity is $16,578. There was no increase to the Bethany Elementary School budget. The cost to educate a student at the Elementary School is $11,782. It is recommended by the auditors, in their letter of recommendation, that the Town hire a part time person as an assistant to the Tax Collector, to both learn his computer program in case of his absence, and to also segregate duties. It is also the recommendation of the Board of Finance, to increase the hours of the Fire Marshal to 30 hours a week, as in this position he is covering both Emergency Management and inspections to businesses. If safety inspections are not completed yearly it could become a liability issue to the Town. The Fire Marshal would also serve as a facilities manager for an additional 10 hours a week. Chairman Brunwin then explained that the Town likes to keep a Fund Balance of between 10% - 12% of its Expenditures . At the present time the Fund Balance is at $2,400,000 or 12.1%. It is proposed to take $47,000 of it, to balance the budget for fiscal year 2009-10. With revaluation we have seen a 14.7% increase in the Grand List. If the mill rate were to be set at 27 mills as calculated with this recommended budget, it would mean approximately an increase to the average tax payer of $108 or a 1.7% increase. Chairman Brunwin then opened the meeting to questions.

Daniel Duhame, Student at Amity – Coachman’s Lane - What does Amity spend the money given to them on? He was told that a detailed budget is available for him to look at in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Kenneth Martin – Sperry Road - Kenneth explained the increase in the budget of the Conservation Commission from $350 to $8,500. The reoccurring cost for the GIS System will now be in the operating budget, rather than as a Capital Expenditure, as this expense will be on going each year, after the program has been completed.

Anthony Minnelli – Amity Road – Are the investments of the Town in banks? He was told they are handled and watched by the Town Treasurer.

Brian Laubstein – Toll Gate Road – Are the accounts secured. Yes they are.

Kenneth Martin – Sperry Road – Is there going to be funding for the Land Acquisition Fund. Yes, $50,000 will be taken from the General Fund for approval at the Town Meeting.

Russell von Beren – Wooding Hill Road – Mr. von Beren would like to see the budget reduced by $150,000. He would like to see the proposed part time employees eliminated as they become full time employees eventually. He would like to see the Board of Education administrator’s raises taken out. Why are we starting an Enrichment Program in this economic climate?

Lucy Painter – North Humiston Drive – As a member of the Board of Education “we have seen a need to start such a program for a long time.

John Paul Garcia – When the addition was made to the Elementary School several years ago two administrators were added because of increasing enrollment. Why do we need two administrators when the enrollment is now going down.

Lucy Painter – North Humiston Drive – The administrators cover many bases. “Without a detailed explanation of their duties all I can say is we are fortunate to have such a great administration running our school”.

Randy Raddatz – Bethridge Road – Randy congratulated Chairman Brunwin for an excellent job on her presentation. He did however comment and question why the Local Capital Expenditure money was not being used for roads? Chairman Brunwin explained that part would be allocated for completion of the pavilion at Veteran’s Memorial Park. Since many roads are in need of repair, and the cost to do this would be considerable, it is the thought that in the future we may have to consider bonding for major road repair.

As the meeting had been legally advertised for 8:00 p.m. Chairman Brunwin officially called the Public Hearing to order. She again reviewed her power point presentation. There were no further questions. She adjourned the Public Hearing at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance

Monday, April 20, 2009

APRIL 13, 2009
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Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Walter Briggs, Selectman Steven Thornquist

Visitors: Catherine Bencivengo, Janice Wislocki, Donald Shea

First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:45 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was the signing of the accounts payable checks. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the pledge of allegiance.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of March 23, 2009. The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by First Selectwoman Gorski. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.

Selectman Briggs moved to appoint Brad Bucta to a term on the Park & Recreation Commission. First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

The Girl Scouts have requested waiving the fee for the use of Lakeview Lodge for two events. The first one will be held on May 3, 2009 and the second one on May 18, 2009. The motion to waive the fee for use of the Lakeview Lodge by the Girl Scouts was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by First Selectwoman Gorski. The motion was called. The vote taken was unanimous.

BUDGET 2009-10
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the budget for fiscal year 2009-10 has been completed by the Board of Finance. Most accounts on the government side of the budget remained at a 0% increase. The Regional High School budget increase was due to an increase in our enrollment for next year. If the budget is accepted as recommended, the mill rate will decrease to 27 mills due to re-valuation. Town Hall employees have all agreed to no wage increase this year. The Budget Hearing will be held Monday April 20, 2009.

Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Janice Howard as an alternate member of the STEAP Committee. Selectman Briggs seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Catherine Bencivengo was present to ask that the Board of Selectmen waive the rental fee, for use of the Town Hall gym, for a Special Olympics event on June 19, 2009, for special needs children. Selectman Thornquist moved to waive the fee for use of the gym for this Special Olympics event on June 19, 2009. Selectman Briggs seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Correspondence was received from Janet Wislocki regarding the Senior Housing project.

Adjournment was called at 7:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by Selectman Thornquist. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
APRIL 7, 2009
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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Richard Van Horn, Eric Gallant, Stephen Squinto, Robert Brinton Jr., Sally Huyser, First Selectwoman Gorski

Chairman Brunwin called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 8:10 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

BUDGET 2009-1
Board members began reviewing line by line the draft of the revenue projection for fiscal year 2009-10. Following review and comments by Board of Finance members regarding State of Connecticut revenue to be received, Huyser moved to accept the revenue budget as projected as of April 1, 2009 exclusive of the mill rate. Brinton Jr. seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Tax Collector
Board members began reviewing line by line the draft of the expenditure side of the budget. The first budget to be questioned was that of the Tax Collector. Brinton Jr. questioned adding an employee as assistant to the Tax Collector, in this budget climate, was not necessary despite comments from the auditors.

Land Use
This budget had a slight increase due to added cost for storm water testing..

Regional Growth Partnership
First Selectwoman Gorski would like to see this appropriation restored to the budget.

First Selectwoman Gorski announced that the final decision from the State of Connecticut on cost to the towns for a resident trooper had been reduced back to 70% of cost rather that the 85% previously indicated for fiscal year 2009-10. This would reduce the cost for the Resident Trooper from $119,733 to $98,603.

Youth Services
The Youth Services budget was increased by 10% due to the request for a policeman at the Teen Center. Following discussion Squinto moved to reduce this line item by $1,000. Van Horn seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.

Medical Insurance
The Bethany Community School teachers have accepted the offer of Connecticare as health insurance carrier for fiscal year 2009-10. This will save the Town budget $33,000 as the premium is less than that of Health Net. Following discussion Squinto moved to take $20,000 of this saving and increase the line item for Ice and Snow. Gallant seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Board of Education
Chairman Brunwin suggested leaving the budget of Bethany Community School at a 0% budget. Brunwin felt it created a good relationship between the Boards. Perhaps if there is a surplus next year it will be returned to the Town. Board members expressed their opinion on this concept. Van Horn then moved a motion to reduce the budget of Bethany Community School by $50,000. No second was given to the motion.

Registrar of Voters
Discussion was opened regarding the budget of the Registrar of Voters. Since there will be no election this November it was suggested that the budget be reduced by $2,000. Chairman Brunwin moved to reduce the budget of the Registrar of Voters by $2,000. Huyser seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Tax Collector
Brinton Jr. moved to take $10,875, the salary for the part time assistant to the Tax Collector out of the budget. There was no second to this motion.

Regional Growth Partnership
Van Horn moved to re-instate the budget for Regional Growth Partnership to the budget. Squinto seconded the motion. The vote was called. There were four yes votes to restore and two no votes that of Gallant and Brinton Jr.

Fire Marshal
The budget of the Fire Marshal was discussed. Brinton Jr. moved to keep the salary of the Fire Marshal the same as last year. Squinto seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote was four to keep the salary as requested and two votes that of Van Horn and Squinto to reduce the budget.

Facilities Manager
Van Horn moved to eliminate the position of Facilities Manager for 10 hours a week from the budget. Brinton Jr. seconded the motion. The vote was called. There were two votes to eliminate the position that of Van Horn and Brinton Jr. There were four votes to keep the position in the budget.

Board of Education
Van Horn again moved to reduce the budget of Bethany Community School $50,000. Brinton Jr. seconded the motion. The vote was tabled until after the discussion of Capital Expenditures was completed.

Capital Expenditures
Chairman Brunwin explained the possibility of a lease purchase agreement to combine the cost of the purchase of the dump truck for the Highway Department and the breathing apparatus for the Fire Department into one lease agreement. By purchasing the breathing apparatus all at once a savings of $27,747 would be recognized. This savings would cover the cost of finance. All Board members agreed with this concept.

Finalize Expenditures
Squinto moved to take $50,000 from the General Fund to balance the budget. Brinton Jr. seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Squinto amended his motion to read, take up to $50,000 from the General Fund to balance budget to keep mill rate at 27 mills. Brinton Jr. seconded the amended motion. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.

Van Horn withdrew his previous motion regarding the reduction of $50,000 to the Bethany Community School budget.

Adjournment was called at 10:40 p.m. after a motion was moved by Van Horn and seconded by Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance

The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following Commission members were present:
Sharon Huxley, Chairman
Melissa Spear, Vice-Chairman
John Ford, Member
Mary Shurtleff, Member, arrived at 8:41 p.m.
Patricia Winer, Member
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Nelly Rabinowitz, Alternate Member, seated as a regular member as needed.
Donald Shea Jr., Alternate Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant


1. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Spear to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2009, Regular Meeting, with the following correction:
· Page 5, Old Business, Item #1, Second Sentence – Reads “Mr. Katzmark stated that the BVFD needs to improve the specifications to meet the obligations to provide for the Town.” Change to “Mr. Katzmark stated that the BVFD needs to improve the specifications to meet the obligations to provide fire protection for the Town.”
Voting were Huxley, Spear, Ford, Winer, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from QVHD, dated March 12, 2009, Re: Review of plans revised to March 5, 2009, for 523 Carrington Road.
2. Letter from RWA to IWC, dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of project for 523 Carrington Road, three-lot resubdivision.
3. Letter from State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, to John Paul Garcia, dated March 10, 2009, Re: Comments on traffic and drainage for project at 523 Carrington Road, Route 69.
4. Letter from Derrylyn Gorski, First Selectwoman, dated March 31, 2009, Re: Withdrawal of Applications #2009-005, #2009-006 and #2009-007, 761 Amity Road.
5. Letter from Neighbor Works, New Horizons, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated March 19, 2009, Re: Requesting waiver for fees for applications for 761 Amity Road, Fairwood Place.

6. Letter from Neighbor Works, New Horizons, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated March 6, 2009, Re: Fairwood Place of Bethany, 761 Amity Road, Development Description with 11 pages attached.
7. Letter from IWC, dated April 1, 2009, Re: No IWC action required for 667 Amity Road, sign permit.
8. Letter from RWA dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of application for 845 Carrington Road, for horse manure composting.
9. Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to William Grieger of 10 Hamilton Drive, dated March 5, 2009, Re: Notice of Violation, 10 Hamilton Drive, outside storage of equipment.
10. Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Cathy Goodenow owner of 98 Northrop Road, dated March 23, 2009, Re: Notice of Violation at 98 Northrop Road.

Other Business

Chairman Huxley stated she received a referral from the RPC that Beacon Falls has a proposal to change their zoning regulations and zoning map pertaining to Chatfield Farms adaptive use regulation. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Spear to authorize Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, to review the referral and prepare a draft response. Unanimous approval.


1. It was moved by Spear and seconded by Rabinowitz to approve the payment of $90.00 for Membership dues through March 31, 2010, to the Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies.
Unanimous approval.

2. It was moved by Spear and seconded by Winer to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis) for services rendered for March 2009, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Unanimous approval.


Isabel Kearns, ZEO, reported on the following:

98 Northrup Road – Notice of Violation, dated March 23, 2009, neighbor complaint pertaining to “Junk” on property.


· 523 Carrington Road (Woodlot Farm), Application #2009-001 for a Special Exception Permit for one rear lot and Application #2009-002 for a Three-Lot Resubdivision with waiver requests for open space and fire protection submitted by John Paul Garcia

At 8:18 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing on Applications #2009-001 and #2009-002. The call for the public hearing was read. Chairman Huxley reviewed the complete contents of the application file.

Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – Letter from QVHD, dated March 12, 2009, Re: Review of plans revised to March 5, 2009, for 523 Carrington Road.
Exhibit 1B - Letter from RWA to IWC, dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of project for 523 Carrington Road, three-lot resubdivision.
Exhibit 1C - Letter from State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, to John Paul Garcia, dated March 10, 2009, Re: Comments on traffic and drainage for project at 523 Carrington Road, Route 69.
Exhibit 1D – Submitted by Ken Martin, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, dated April 1, 2009, Re: Review and recommendations pertaining to Applications #2009-001 and 2009-002 for 523 Carrington Road, with attached map that has colored coded markings.

Present for this application was Mr. John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., who is the applicant. Mr. Garcia presented an overview of the proposed resubdivision and then reviewed the comments from the ZEO in a memo dated March 3, 2009. Mr. Garcia stated he has submitted an application to the IWC and they will be conducting a site visit. Also, Mr. Garcia stated he has spoken with the Conservation Commission, QVHD, RWA and DOT. Chairman Huxley would like revised plans sent to our Town Engineer, Nafis and Young.

Some Commission Members had a question or concern pertaining to the following:
A common driveway for all three lots would save a lot of grading and excavation.
Submit a proposed drainage layout.

Mr. Garcia will submit the Alternate Plan for the common driveway and the preliminary plan for the 8-lot layout.

Ken Martin, Chairman of Conservation Commission, submitted Exhibit 1D and reviewed with the Commission. Mr. Martin stated that the Conservation Commission recommends that the request for open space not be granted.

Commission members will visit the site individually.

Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. There were no comments.

At 9:00 p.m., Chairman Huxley recessed the public hearing until the next regular meeting scheduled for May 6, 2009, at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.


1. Discussion with Brian Laubstein of 21 Tollgate Road pertaining to poultry/livestock in residential areas and lack of zoning regulations – Present for this discussion was Brian Laubstein of 21 Tollgate Road. Mr. Laubstein stated his neighbor has poultry and a ram that trespass onto his property. Mr. Laubstein stated that the Town of Bethany does not have any regulations pertaining to poultry or livestock and feels the Town of Bethany should address this for health reasons and limit the amount and make requirements for keeping them in your own yard. Chairman Huxley stated Mr. Laubstein should go to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Laubstein stated he did and they sent him to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Hiram Peck and Isabel Kearns will review.

2. 761 Amity Road, Application #2009-006 submitted by Mutual Housing Association of South Central CT, Inc. for a Special Exception Permit – First Selectman Derrylyn Gorski submitted a letter of withdrawal dated March 31, 2009.

3. 761 Amity Road, Application #2009-007 submitted by Mutual Housing Association of South Central CT, Inc. for a Zoning Map Amendment – First Selectman Derrylyn Gorski submitted a letter of withdrawal dated March 31, 2009.

4. Discussion with Pat Stewart pertaining to “Beautiful Bethany” (litter cleanup) – Present for this discussion was Pat Stewart of Meyers Road. Pat Stewart stated she has been working on a project for the Town with Liz Appeal to organize a voluntary “Spring Clean-up” in Bethany on Saturday, April 18 and Sunday, April 19, 2009. Ms. Stewart wanted the Commission to be aware of the event and to be supportive of it.

5. 184 Sperry Road, Preliminary review with John Paul Garcia pertaining to proposed barn/riding arena – Present for this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the property owner. Chairman Huxley recused herself. Mr. Garcia wanted to clarify what is allowed in the Zoning Regulations for a private use barn before going to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance. Mr. Peck suggested that Mr. Garcia write down the specific things he is asking the Commission for and he will review with the ZEO and then he can submit an application to the ZBA. Mr. Garcia will do so and return at the next meeting, May 6, 2009. Tabled.

6. 667 Amity Road, Application #2009-008 submitted by Rev. Nathan L. Page for a Sign Permit – No one was present for this application. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended to the Commission to authorize her to review and approve. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Spear and seconded by Ford to authorize Isabel Kearns, to review and approve Application #2009-008 submitted by Rev. Nathan L. Page for a Sign Permit located at 667 Amity Road for Full Faith Outreach Ministries. Unanimous approval.

7. 845 Carrington Road, Application #2009-009 submitted by Acorn Traders LLC for Zoning Permit for an additional business use - composting horse manure – Present for this application was Theron Simons, applicant and owner of record. Mr. Simons reviewed with the Commission the proposed business use. Mr. Simon stated the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection has walked the property. The Commission had questions pertaining to additional noise and odor. Mr. Simon stated he has not received any complaints of noise so far and if the manure is treated properly it will not smell. Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, reviewed Section 5.2.B.7 of the Zoning Regulations. Mr. Peck explained the fact this is a Special Exception for a modification of the site plan and a new application should be submitted.

It was moved by Spear and seconded by Winer to amend the agenda to accept and receive the new application for a Special Exception Permit for a modification of the site plan. Unanimous approval.

The Commission scheduled a public hearing dated for Wednesday, May 6, 2009, at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.


1. 761 Amity Road, Application #2009-005 submitted by Mutual Housing Association of South Central CT, Inc. for a Site Plan Approval for 12 rental senior affordable dwellings and 1 caretaker’s unit – First Selectman Derrylyn Gorski submitted a letter of withdrawal dated March 31, 2009.

2. 523 Carrington Road, Application #2009-001 submitted by John Paul Garcia for a Special Exception Permit for one rear lot – Hearing continued to May 6, 2009. Tabled.

3. 523 Carrington Road, Application #2009-002 submitted by John Paul Garcia for a Three-Lot Resubdivision with waiver requests for the provision of open space and a water source for fire protection – Hearing continued to May 6, 2009. Tabled.

4. Bethany Volunteer Fire Department revised Water Source Specifications – The ZEO will contact Mike Katzmark, Representative for the BVFD. Tabled.

5. Zoning Regulation Amendment for Windmill, Towers, and Energy Producing Wind Devices – Mr. Peck will gather more information on windmills and work with the Clean Energy Task Force. Tabled.

6. Town Plan Revision – Discussion and possible action – Special meeting scheduled for April 15, 2009.

7. Discuss Architectural Reviews – Draft forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Tabled.

8. Proposed Town of Bethany Noise Control Ordinance – Draft forwarded to the Town Attorney. Tabled.

9. Proposed Ordinance Establishing Citation Procedures and Fines for Zoning Violations – Draft forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Tabled.

10. Update on Halter Estates – Tabled.

It was moved by Spear and seconded by Winer to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia Marek, Clerk
For the Planning and Zoning Commission

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 7, 2009
7:00 p.m.


1. Acceptance of the Minutes – February, March meetings

2. Old Business

a. Steep Grant/Pavilion - Nick Poulmas

b. Park Ordinances

c. Budget - BOF

d. Appointment of Vice Chairman

e. Accounting Procedures

f. Dog Walk-a-thon

g. Policy manual - Heidi

h. Questionnaire/Responses

i. Garden Club

j. Basketball

3. Financial Report -- Dawn

4. New Business

a. Amity Youth Football

b. Rid Litter Weekend - Patricia Stewart

c. Director’s Report

d. Spring Programs

e. Summer Camp

f. Volunteer Appreciation Night

Serving the Towns of Bethany, Orange and Woodbridge

135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 389-5991

Date: April 3, 2009

To: Patrick O’Sullivan
From: Chairman James Zeoli
Re : Rescheduling Meeting

The April 9, 2009 meeting of the District Animal Control has been rescheduled to

Thursday, April 16, 2009 due to the Passover holiday.
APRIL 7, 2009
8:00 P.M.





The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:47 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following members of the Commission were present:
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman, acting as Chairman.
Jon Painter, Member
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a regular member.

The following members of the Commission were absent:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
Jack Ellison, Member
John Kane, Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant


1. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 23, 2009, Regular Meeting.
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, dated March 3, 2009, Re: Review of Resubdivision for Woodlot Farm (523 Carrington Road).
2. Letter from DTC, dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of plans for Woodlot Farm Resubdivision, 523 Carrington Road.
3. Letter from RWA dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of application for 523 Carrington Road, Three-Lot Resubdivision.
4. Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of application for 761 Amity Road, Fairwood Place.
5. Letter from Diana and John Chimini of 17 Split Rock Drive, dated March 19, 2009, Re: Disturbance of wetlands on Unger property, 82 Russell Road.
6. Letter from RWA dated March 23, 2009, Re: Review of application for 845 Carrington Road, for horse manure composting.


1. 523 Carrington Road (Woodlot Farm), Application #1119 submitted by John Paul Garcia for an IW Permit for a Three-Lot Resubdivision – Present for this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., applicant. The Commission received the application. Mr. Garcia presented a brief overview of the proposed project and reviewed the letter from the Regional Water Authority, dated March 23, 2009, the letter from Diversified Technology Consultants dated March 23, 2009, and the plans submitted. Mr. Garcia then submitted a copy of the letter he received from the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation dated March 10, 2009, and reviewed the comments on traffic and drainage with the Commission. The Commission requested a copy of the Drainage Calculations from Mr. Garcia. Mr. Garcia stated he will provide the Commission with a copy and that he will revise the plans per the comments he received. The Commission will schedule a site visit.

2. 761 Amity Road, Application #1120 submitted by the Mutual Housing Association of South Central CT, Inc. for an IW Permit to construct twelve rental senior affordable dwellings and one caretaker’s unit – Present for this application was Chris Juliano, PE/LS with Juliano Associates, representing the applicant. The Commission received the application. Mr. Juliano reviewed the proposed project and the proposed drainage system. Mr. Juliano submitted a stormwater drainage report, stormwater analysis and a soil report. The Commission requested a copy of a sample maintenance schedule. Mr. Juliano stated he will provide one. Also, the Commission asked Mr. Juliano to notify Yale pertaining to the close proximity of the Bethany Bog. Mr. Juliano reviewed the letter from the IWEO dated March 13, 2009. The Commission requested test pit data on the proposed rain garden area. The Commission will schedule a site visit and possibly a public hearing. The clerk will send the plans out to Diversified Technology Consultants for review. Tabled.

3. 36 Carrington Road, Application #1121 submitted by Timothy Strazar (Strazar Design) for and IW Permit to replace the existing outbuilding and remove and reconstruct the existing 3-bay garage – Present for this application was Timothy Strazar, representing the applicant. The Commission received the application. Mr. Strazar reviewed the proposed project with the Commission. The Commission would like more information on the wetlands located on the property. The IWEO stated she will obtain more information on the wetlands and will look at the plans for the adjacent lot. The Commission will schedule a site visit. Tabled.

4. 82 Russell Road, Application #768-M-4 submitted by Mary Ellen Unger to modify the IW Permit to construct a 28’ by 40’ barn – Present for this application was Mary Ellen and Mark Unger, owners of record and applicants. The Commission received the application. The IWEO stated she received a complaint from an adjacent property owner. The Commission is not comfortable acting on this application without visiting the site and will schedule a site visit. The Commission questioned the roof drainage off of the proposed barn. The applicant states there will be no gutters just sheet flow. Tabled.

5. Discussion with Pat Stewart pertaining to “Beautiful Bethany” (Litter cleanup) – No one was present for this discussion. Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated she spoke with Pat Stewart of Meyers Road, who is organizing a litter cleanup to have residents clean their roads and use their own trash bags on April 18, and 19, 2009. Ms. Kearns stated Pat Stewart wanted the Commission to be aware of the event and to be supportive of it.

6. 845 Carrington Road, Application #897-M-4 submitted by Acorn Traders to modify the IW Permit for a site plan modification to compost horse manure – Present for this application was Theron Simons, owner of record and applicant. The Commission received the application. Mr. Simons reviewed the proposed activity and stated that the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection has conducted a site visit. Mr. Simons reviewed the process of composting horse manure. The Commission did not want to act on the application due to the discrepancy in the expiration date of the original permit. Staff will research and clarify the expiration date. Tabled.


1. 33 Old Amity Road, Application #1115 submitted by Joseph Dellaselva (Nino Performance) for an Inland Wetlands Permit to construct an automobile service center - No one was present for this application. Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated the applicant was having a problem getting the septic approved by the Quinnipiack Valley Health District. Due to the fact that the timeline will expire soon, the Commission needs to act on this application. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to deny, without prejudice, Application #1115, submitted by Joseph Dellaselva, for an Inland Wetlands Permit to construct an automobile service center located at 33 Old Amity Road due to an incomplete application.
Unanimous approval.

2. 185 Beacon Road, Application #1118 submitted by Daniel Cusano for an IW Permit for the construction of a 24’ by 25’ building – No one was present for this application. Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated she spoke with Chairman McGregor previously pertaining to notifying the applicants that a soil scientist report is needed, which Ms. Kearns did. Tabled.

3. 268 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hitchcock of 268 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – See Item 4. Tabled.
4. 270 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to William Palmieri and Kathryn Sylvester of 270 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – Commission members discussed with the IWEO and concluded that the IWEO will research the status of these orders and then the Commission will take appropriate action at the next regular meeting on April 27, 2009. Tabled.

5. 185 Fairwood Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease & Restore Order Issued to William Grieger, dated May 1, 2007 – Commission members discussed with the IWEO and concluded that the IWEO will research the status of these orders and then the Commission will take appropriate action at the next regular meeting on April 27, 2009. Tabled.

6. 185 Beacon Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Restore Order Issued to Daniel Cusano, dated June 20, 2006 – Commission members discussed with the IWEO and concluded that the IWEO will research the status of these orders and then the Commission will take appropriate action at the next regular meeting on April 27, 2009. Tabled.

7. 27 Hamilton Drive, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the order to Cease Activity Issued to Daniel Dinas and Angela Cunha, dated May 9, 2006 – Commission members discussed with the IWEO and concluded that the IWEO will research the status of these orders and then the Commission will take appropriate action at the next regular meeting on April 27, 2009. Tabled.

8. Continue review and adoption process for the new Inland Wetlands Regulations (Adopt new Inland Wetlands Regulations at the same time as proposed Stormwater Regulations.) – Tabled.


The following sites were inspected for permit compliance during construction:
1) 892 Amity Road Re-Inspection Required
2) 226 Fairwood Road Re-Inspection Required
3) 674 Amity Road Re-Inspection Required
4) 274 Amity Road Re-Inspection Required
5) 48 Clay Road Re-Inspection Required

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:12 p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission