Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Meeting Minutes of 12 January, 2009

Bethany Affordable Senior Housing Committee members in attendance were Jim Foley, Joan Jackson, Carol Paugus, Megan Carbone.

Attendees included Shenae Draughn, Alan Plattus, Eugene Livshits, John Landano, Chris Juliano and Derry Gorski.

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM.

The Committee accepted the Minutes of the December 3rd meeting. Motion by Carol, 2nd by Megan, passed unanimously.

Chris Juliano of Juliano Associates of Wallingford reported on testing of the sites for the septic system(s). He reported that the percolation rates were as expected. Surprisingly the soil was extremely good all the way down. Spread is not a problem. Chris reported that the tests showed that it is possible to have an excellent septic system, even if modifications might be called for as plans progress.

Shenae raised an issue that the committee should be considering, - the mix of one bedroom and two bedroom units. The septic system would allow all units to be two bedroom units. However, we do not know what the population that is eligible (Bethany Seniors getting Tax Assistance) will need. If the experience of other senior housing developments is relevant, there will be a greater demand for one-bedroom units. So that we can better estimate, Megan will get information from the Seniors Getting Tax Assistance list. Eugene will use census data to get information specific to Bethany.

Shenae mentioned that we should be taking into consideration also the policies and attitudes of the funding agencies that are concerned with the development costs being kept low.

It was suggested that at this stage the committee might think in terms of 8 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom units. Alan pointed out that the way Fairwood Place has been planned makes changes simple as the area allotted to each unit is the same regardless of the number of bedrooms.

Whether we were at the stage where we could establish a time line leading up to presentation to the community was explored. Chris estimated that he could complete his part of the work by the end of January and pass it over to John so that he could review it. It would then take two weeks for the full work-up to be completed for QVHD and submission to the State,

There was a brief discussion about the location of the entrance to the project and the nature of the entrance by Alan and Megan. The gatekeeper’s cottage’s location was discussed briefly and also that it will be treated as a unit of the overall development rather than as a separate acreage.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Submitted by Joan Jackson