Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MAY 5, 2009
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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Richard Van Horn, Robert Brinton Jr., Sally Huyser, Stephen Squinto

Visitors: David Forman, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Arnold Riley

Chairman Brunwin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

First Selectwoman Gorski explained to the Board of Finance members, the need for an appropriation of funds in this fiscal year, to repair drainage and repave Rolling Green Road. This road became nearly impassible during the past winter. The situation made it impossible for the school bus and trash truck, to travel on this road, until emergency repair was made. The estimate for the repaving and drainage repair is $101,600. Van Horn questioned why this could not be done in the next fiscal year. Following discussion Brinton Jr. moved to transfer up to the sum of $102,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund for repair of Rolling Green Road. Squinto seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote was four (4) yes votes and one (1) no vote that of Van Horn.

David Foreman brought before the Board of Finance a sample ordinance used to write off credit balances of $5.00 or less and also debit balances of $5.00 or less. Squinto felt that sending back refunds of $5.00 or less should not be a problem. In the course of a year there could not be that many. “We shouldn’t keep others money. It sends a sentiment.” As for debit balances he suggested treating them like a suspense account, if after a few attempts to collect we failed to get paid. Squinto then moved that the Board of Finance authorize the Tax Collector to write off balances due under $5.00 he deemed appropriate. Brinton Jr. amended the motion by adding and send the report to the Board of Finance before they are given. There was no second given to the motion, therefore no vote was called.

The Board of Finance will meet at 7:00 p.m. on May 19, 2009 to set mill rate.

Adjournment was called at 7:40 p.m. after a motion was moved by Van Horn and seconded by Squinto.

Respectfully submitted

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance

Monday, May 18, 2009

Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991

135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting April 16, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Absent: Brian Laubstein
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo

1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Zeoli at 7:30 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions: Mary Culmo introduced herself.
4) Motion made by Lipson/Hellauer to hire Culmo as full time assistant ACO. All in favor.
5) Census – Fred Dray: Partial count due to poor record keeping. Eight animals adopted, 3 redeemed and 3 carried over. Neidmann will be doing the state report. Dray and Neidmann will work together to develop an accurate census.
6) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: Everything is fine. Clean-up at the shelter is needed. Would also like a box to protect donations from the elements when no one is at the shelter to receive them. Employee evaluation form needs revamping. Blaskey will call the state to see what forms should be used. Only calls that require an ACO to go out need to be documented. Reminder that ACO's can call for police back-up when investigating a call.
7) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $3,110.15. Money Market account has $41,290.35. Total $44,400.50. Change insurance carrier. Employee's will have health insurance through Oxford Health beginning May 1, 2009.
8) Chairman's Report – Jim Zeoli:
Hours of operation. Lipson/Hellauer made a motion to extend hours from April 15, 2009 through Labor Day. All in favor.
Wish list: Metal door is needed for back of kennel. Front screen door needs to be replaced as it does not close. A rock is being used to keep the door closed. Water hose outside needs to be checked. Possibly needs a new nozzle. Blaskey/Lipson made a motion to accept a donation of a canoe/kayak from Pat Rubin, a Bethany resident, for water rescues. All in favor. On what topics would DAC like Hartford to educate the public? Lipson applied for mini grant from Orange Lions Club for education for school children. Need to find out the cost to repair/replace kennel floor.
Blaskey has written articles about DAC for publication. She will e-mail them to Bridget Albert.
Funding for low income rabies vaccines. Neidmann said to qualify, pet owners need to be very low income.
Fund Raiser for AARF – Walk-a-thon in Bethany at Veterans Memorial Park, sponsored by Bethany Parks and Recreation, Country Companions, and Bethany Vet on April 24, 2009. Frosty Paws donated by Stop and Shop. Rabies and Micro chip clinic on May 16, 2009 at Country Companions in Bethany. Twenty-five microchips have been donated. Cost is $20.00 plus registration fee.
9) Review and Approval of March 12, 2009 minutes. Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to accept the minutes of March 12, 2009. Unanimous approval. Review and Approval of March 25, 2009 meeting tabled until May 14, 2009.
10) Blaskey/Lipson made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela Andreson Unapproved April 16, 2009
Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991

135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting March 12, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Cheryl Lipson, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Joan Blaskey, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Dottie Bedan
Absent: Joe Hellauer,

1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Zeoli at 7:40 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Roll Call.
4) Public Participation – Bridget Albert and Jeanine Russo were present. Jeanine updated the board on the website. She had asked that Woodbridge and Bethany update their websites, which has not been done. Orange webmaster helped tremendously. Zeoli asked Jeanine to monitor Pet Finder website. Dray asked that Officer King keep Pet Finder page up to date and Jeanine keep DAC page updated.
5) Census – Fred Dray: Four animals were carried over from January. February intake was 6. Three roaming in Woodbridge and 1 dog and 2 cats released to the shelter. February out take was 4 sold as pets, 3 euthanized leaving 3 animals to carry over to March. Thirty-five complaints were investigated.
6) Cat Policy – Brian Laubstein: Cat policy was voted on and accepted at the February meeting.
7) Lead ACO Report – Paul Niedmann: Aida had surgery and is doing well. Van will be registered tomorrow.
8) Minutes – Blaskey/Dray made a motion to accept minutes of February meeting. All in favor.
9) Treasurer’s Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $8,923.41. Money Market account has $36,164.14. Total $45, 087.55. Laubstein would like to see payroll on the check report. A copy of the payroll cover sheet will be included in the check report.
10) Chairman’s Report – James Zeoli:
a) Zeoli asked how new hours are working: Niedmann said new hours working O.K. King did get O.T. because a call came in at 8:16 PM. Too soon to tell how well new hours are working. Dray also mentioned that King will start licensing survey which is required by the State of CT.
b) Hearing for lady with the pitbull: Owner finished fixing the fence, Niedmann feels that if the fence is repaired a hearing is unnecessary. Zeoli asked Niedmann to inspect the fence to be sure fence is complete and dogs cannot escape.
c) Facility hours: The facility will close at 2:30 PM on Saturday. Cuomo comes in on Wednesday and Thursday to assist Mel. On Saturday, she will come in to help Mel and be the ACO. Zeoli feels that the board should consider extending hours that the facility is open on Saturday. Bridget Albert asked if a volunteer could help out when ACO is out on a call. Dottie Bedan and Paul Niedmann concerned about liability.
d) Personnel evaluation form needs to be revamped.
11) Laubstein/Dray made a motion to discuss budget in executive session. Entered executive session at 8:45PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Approved March 12, 2009
MAY 19, 2009
7:00 P.M.











Monday, May 11, 2009

APRIL 27, 2009
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Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Walter Briggs, Selectman Steven Thornquist
Visitors: Carol Stamper, Donald Shea
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was check signing. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of April 13, 2009. The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by Selectman Thornquist. There were no changes to the minutes. The minutes were then approved on a unanimous vote.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion for Tax Refunds. The motion to refund to Bobbie Charlene the sum of $114.13, to James Pace the sum of $64.80, to Jason Jasiorkowski the sum of $5.00, to Kevin Neal the sum of $254.45, Muhammed Z. Chaudhri the sum of $6.26 and to Stephen Cohen the sum of $5.57 all for overpayment of taxes was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded b y Selectman Thornquist. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.
Carol Stamper was present, to request waiving of the fee for the Lakeview Lodge, for use by the First Church of Christ Congregational, for a youth event on October 25, 2009. The motion was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Briggs. The vote taken was unanimous.

The Selectmen acknowledged receipt of a letter from the Bethany Land Trust regarding the cable across the dirt portion of Northrop Road to Beacon Road. No action was taken on this correspondence.

The Selectmen briefly discussed the Senior Housing proposal, presently being considered on the Airport property, with Donald Shea.

Adjournment was called at 7:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by Selectman Thornquist.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
Town of Bethany
May 18, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. (D.S.T.)
Bethany Town Hall
40 Peck Road
Bethany, Connecticut

The Electors and those legally qualified to vote in the Town Meeting of the Town of Bethany are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Budget Meeting and Annual Town Meeting will be held on the evening of Monday, May 18, 2009 at 7:00 P.M., (D.S.T.) at the Bethany Town Hall Gym at 40 Peck Road for the following purposes:

(1) To receive the report and recommendations of the Board of Finance upon the Budget of
$20,150,642 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009 and to take necessary action thereon;

(2) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $22,000 for Bethany Library roof repairs.

(3) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $57,370 for the first of a three- year lease purchase of a dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department.

(4) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $62,800 for the fourth of five payments of a five -year lease purchase of a fire tanker truck and related equipment for use by the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

(5) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $100,062 for the second of five payments of a five -year lease purchase of a fire pumper truck and related equipment for use by the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

(6) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $59,879 for the first of three payments for breathing apparatus for use by the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

(7) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $24,800 for the purchase of fire hose for use by the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

(8) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $23,000 for the GIS System by the Board of Selectmen.

(9) To authorize the transfer of $50,000 from the General Fund to the Land Acquisition Fund.

(10) To authorize the Board of Finance to transfer up to $115,000 from unexpended line item accounts to the Public Works Snow and Ice account.

(11) To empower the Board of Selectmen to make necessary contracts with the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation for the repair and building of roads.

(12) To authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of State Police of the State of Connecticut for regular assignment to the Town of Bethany of one (1) Resident State Policeman for the period from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011 and to further authorize First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski to solely execute such an agreement on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and on behalf of the Town of Bethany.

(13) To authorize the Board of Finance to transfer up to the sum of $101,600 from the General Fund to the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures for the repaving of Rolling Green Road.

(14) To act upon the reports of the various Town Officers, Boards and Commissions as contained in the published Annual Report of 2007-08.

(15) To act on any other matter proper to come before the meeting

Dated at Bethany, Connecticut this 8th day of May, 2009




Selectmen, Town of Bethany

Nancy McCarthy
Certified Town Clerk


The Bethany Conservation Commission would like to hear resident’s comments on the 2009 revised Open Space Plan (OSP), which is a component of the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). The Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) requires the POCD to be reviewed every 10 years. The Commission has scheduled a public meeting at 8:00 pm on Thursday, May 14, 2009, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, to hear what comments residents of Bethany have on the revised OSP.

“The 2009 OSP is similar to the 1998 Plan,” said Ken Martin, Commission Chair. “The primary change is to update the properties that are recommended for permanent protection”

The OSP and the POCD are the primary policies used by the Planning ad Zoning Commission as it reviews applications and other questions posed to it under the enabling statutes and authority granted by the CGS. The OSP is also the policy used by the town to determine the location and type of land that should receive permanent protection. In addition, there are updates which are aimed at trying to make development and land use patterns as sustainable and energy efficient as possible while preserving the overall rural character which is so important to the residents of Bethany .

After this meeting the Conservation Commission will decide if any further revisions to the OSP are necessary. A formal public hearing will then be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission, as required by the CGS, prior to the adoption of the POCD.

If residents would like to obtain an electronic copy of the revised OSP, please email, or they can obtain a hard copy at the Bethany Planning Department at Town Hall, 40 Peck Road.
Bethany Conservation Commission
Agenda for Regular Meeting
Thursday, May 14, 2009
8 P.M. in the Commission Room

1. Publicized meeting with the public to review the Open Space Plan. See attached press release for further details.
2. Administrative Activity:
a. Commission minutes (2/12 and 3/7 missing);
b. Correspondence;
c. Invoices;
d. Minutes of other commissions;
3. Discuss P&Z public hearings for subdivision – 523 Carrington Rd
4. Discuss new beaver activity at Watch Hill open space.
5. Discuss results of Rid Litter weekend – Sat. & Sun., 4/18 & 4/19.
6. Request from the Clean Energy Task Force to participate in Earth Day activities – Sat., 5/16.
7. Decide recipient of the annual Conservationist of the Year Award.

Kenneth W. Martin