Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting April 16, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Absent: Brian Laubstein
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Zeoli at 7:30 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions: Mary Culmo introduced herself.
4) Motion made by Lipson/Hellauer to hire Culmo as full time assistant ACO. All in favor.
5) Census – Fred Dray: Partial count due to poor record keeping. Eight animals adopted, 3 redeemed and 3 carried over. Neidmann will be doing the state report. Dray and Neidmann will work together to develop an accurate census.
6) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: Everything is fine. Clean-up at the shelter is needed. Would also like a box to protect donations from the elements when no one is at the shelter to receive them. Employee evaluation form needs revamping. Blaskey will call the state to see what forms should be used. Only calls that require an ACO to go out need to be documented. Reminder that ACO's can call for police back-up when investigating a call.
7) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $3,110.15. Money Market account has $41,290.35. Total $44,400.50. Change insurance carrier. Employee's will have health insurance through Oxford Health beginning May 1, 2009.
8) Chairman's Report – Jim Zeoli:
Hours of operation. Lipson/Hellauer made a motion to extend hours from April 15, 2009 through Labor Day. All in favor.
Wish list: Metal door is needed for back of kennel. Front screen door needs to be replaced as it does not close. A rock is being used to keep the door closed. Water hose outside needs to be checked. Possibly needs a new nozzle. Blaskey/Lipson made a motion to accept a donation of a canoe/kayak from Pat Rubin, a Bethany resident, for water rescues. All in favor. On what topics would DAC like Hartford to educate the public? Lipson applied for mini grant from Orange Lions Club for education for school children. Need to find out the cost to repair/replace kennel floor.
Blaskey has written articles about DAC for publication. She will e-mail them to Bridget Albert.
Funding for low income rabies vaccines. Neidmann said to qualify, pet owners need to be very low income.
Fund Raiser for AARF – Walk-a-thon in Bethany at Veterans Memorial Park, sponsored by Bethany Parks and Recreation, Country Companions, and Bethany Vet on April 24, 2009. Frosty Paws donated by Stop and Shop. Rabies and Micro chip clinic on May 16, 2009 at Country Companions in Bethany. Twenty-five microchips have been donated. Cost is $20.00 plus registration fee.
9) Review and Approval of March 12, 2009 minutes. Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to accept the minutes of March 12, 2009. Unanimous approval. Review and Approval of March 25, 2009 meeting tabled until May 14, 2009.
10) Blaskey/Lipson made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM. All in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Unapproved April 16, 2009