OCTOBER 6, 2009
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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Chip Spear, Steven Squinto, Robert Brinton Jr., John Grabowski, Sally Huyser joined the meeting at 7:07 after approval of minutes, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Visitors: Timothy Connellan, Dominick Reis, Lawrence Eisner, Robert McSherry
Chairman Brunwin called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion of approval was moved by Spear and seconded by Brinton Jr. There were no changes to the minutes. The minutes were approved on a vote of (4) four yes votes. Squinto abstained from voting because of his absence from that meeting.
Timothy Connellan and Dominick Reis were present to discuss with the Board of Finance members their budget procedures including a discussion about their method of encumbrances. The Board of Finance would like to see a monthly report from the Board of Education that would compare expenses to the budget for each line item. The present enrollment as of October 1, 2009 was 515 students from Pre-K through sixth grade.
Lawrence Eisner gave a presentation to the Board regarding investments of the Town, and what he projects as the total interest earned on the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year. Board members questioned Lawrence on the various investments. Most accounts are paying less than 1% interest at this time.
Chairman Brunwin reported on her attendance at the Amity Finance Committee meeting. It is estimated that after the audit is complete there will be a surplus of $52,000 returned to Bethany. It is estimated that for the fiscal year 2009-10 the total surplus will be $510,000 with a refund to Bethany of $100,000.
Chief Robert McSherry was present to discuss with the Board of Finance Capital Expenditures for fiscal year 2010-11. The department has filed a grant with the Federal Government for a fire truck. If they receive this grant for a truck it would replace the 1982 Ford that is on the five year plan for next year. McSherry indicated that the communications system was top priority for replacement as the department is having communication difficulty throughout the Town.
The Finance Review Committee has met and developed a Management Letter at their first meeting. The five departments they need to address for procedures are Accounts Payable, Payroll, Town Clerk, Park and Recreation, and Tax Collector. The committee plans to have the report complete by the December meeting to avoid further communication from the State of Connecticut.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported to the Board that a Special Town Meeting will be held to increase vendor and hawking fees. Following discussion Squinto moved to increase the hawking and vending fees from $2 per year as set in 1971 to $50 per month and to place this ordinance change on the agenda for the upcoming meeting. Squinto moved to place the over expenditure of $45,000 for Pine Brook Crossing and the repair to Carmel Road of $30,000 also on the agenda of this meeting. Brinton Jr. seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote taken was unanimous.
First Selectman Gorski reports that the Facilities Committee has met. Chairman Alan Monelli has a point system developed as they visit all buildings. The committee will report back to the Board of Selectmen as they evaluate each building.
Adjournment was called at 8:40 p.m. after a motion was moved by Spear and seconded by Grabowski. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance