Bethany Conservation Commission
November 5, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 8:06 PM by chairman Ken Martin. Also present were Brian Eitzer and Bruce Loomis.
The minutes of the October 8, 2009 meeting were read. Brian moved to accept as presented and Ken seconded – motion passed.
Ken handed out and reviewed the CACIWC newsletter “The Habitat”. There is an article about a new organization “Walk the Path to Health and Happiness.” They are looking at mapping trails state wide. Ken noted that Bethany town trails are not well established and documented. There are many trail easements that have never been developed. Ken suggested the issue should be looked at further at a later meeting
There is also an article about the Supreme Court upholding an IWC denial for lack of required elements in the submitted plan.
The James Woodward subdivision will be taken up by P&Z at their first meeting in December. Their sight walk will be held sometime after the meeting has been held. CC will mention to P&Z steps in the trail easement on the south side lower trail as verbally committed to by the engineer during a site walk with the Conservation Commission on an earlier submission of the plans. Without the steps the trail will be steep and difficult to navigate, requiring a great deal of work to establish a usable trail.
Also of concern to the CC is “maintenance drive” running from lower cul de sac almost to upper cul de sac which town will have to maintain in order to keep required access to “wet meadow” drainage area (see lots 4&5). The drive goes through lot 4 and the trail easement and onto lot 5 where the drainage area is located. The plan appears to call for a very large amount of cut & fill to regrade for lots and roads – especially the lower cul de sac. The open space does not abut the wetlands on the North side and CC would like to see it do so. As it is drawn there is a narrow strip currently shown as part of lot 13 between the wetland and the open space area. CC would like to see this strip eliminated. CC did not see the open space calculation on the plans so CC was not sure if the 20% open space requirement is being met.
Ken, Brian and Bruce will attend the CACIW annual meeting and seminars November 14, 2009.
Brian moved to adjourn and Ken seconded – meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Loomis
Secretary Pro-tempore