Wednesday, June 16, 2010

JUNE 14, 2010
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Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Steven Thornquist

Guests: Attorney Kevin McSherry, Alan Green

First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was signing of the Accounts Payable checks. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 20, 2010. The motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Gorski. The minutes were approved on a unanimous vote.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of May 24, 2010. The motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectwoman Gorski. The minutes were approved on a unanimous vote.

First Selectwoman Gorski began bid opening for the Road Paving Program for fiscal year 2010-11. The bids were as follows:

Empire Paving Inc. $.21 per square foot of material applied for the overlay program
$.21 per square foot of material applied for the shimming program
$.03 per square foot of material applied for the tack coat requirement
A 1% discount on any invoice paid within 15 days of receipt by the town of Bethany Finance Department as an incentive for prompt payment. Otherwise, payment terms are net 30- days.

YB Paving, LLC $.12 per square foot of material applied for the overlay program
$.10 per square foot of material applied for the shimming program
$.06 per square foot of material applied for tack coat requirement
Price per lineal foot of curb for all work as defined in the bid specification: $1.75.
A 2% discount on any invoice paid within 10 days of receipt of the Town of Bethany Finance Department. Otherwise, payment terms net 30 days.

Sal War Inc. $.14 per square foot of material applied for overlay program
$ .10 per square foot applied for the shimming program
$.08 per square foot of material applied for tack coat requirement
Price per lineal foot of curb for all work as defined in the bid specification: $2.00.
A 2% discount on any invoice paid within 10 days of receipt of the Town of Bethany Finance Department. Otherwise, payment terms net 30 days.

Tilcon Connecticut, Inc. $.45 per square foot of material applied for overlay program
$.55 per square foot applied for the shimming program
$.07 per square foot of material applied for tack coat requirement
No discount offered for invoice paid early.

Waters Construction Co., Inc. $.19 per square foot/haul and lay 2” binder course
$.19 per square foot haul and lay 2” wearing course
$.04 per square foot of material applied for tack coat requirement.
Price per lineal foot of curb for all work as defined in the bid specification: $2.10.
No discount offered for early pay.

The bids will be reviewed and references checked. Bid will be awarded at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting of June 28, 2010.

The only bid received for the replacement of Town Hall windows was opened. The bid received was from Anderson Glass Company, Inc. The bid was for $42,000. The grant available for this window replacement is $42,876. Following a brief discussion a motion was moved by Selectman Shea to accept this bid as submitted. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Town Clerk Nancy McCarthy, as Registrar of Vital Statistics under C.G.S 7-65 is required to appoint two Subregistrars of Vital Statistics. She has asked that the Board of Selectmen approve her appointments . Nancy has asked TFC. David Merriam and Roderick White to serve as Subregistrars of Vital Statistics. Selectman Thornquist moved the motion of approval. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Maureen Adamczyk has asked the Board of Selectmen to waive the rental fee for the use of Lakeview Lodge on July 18, 2010 for her son’s Eagle Scout ceremony and to also invite the Board of Selectmen to this ceremony. The fee to waive the rental fee was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Thornquist. The vote taken was unanimous.

Selectman Thornquist moved the following resolution:

RESOLVED: that the named Authorized Persons be and they hereby are, and each of them is, authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of this organization(herein called the “Organization”), to establish and maintain one or more accounts with Multi Bank Securities (herein called the “Brokers”) and Pershing LLC, its successors or assigns, and for the purpose of purchasing, Investing in, or otherwise acquiring, selling, possessing, transferring, exchanging, pledging, or otherwise disposing of or realizing upon, and generally dealing in and with;

Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

Selectman Thornquist moved a motion to add Stop Sign Discussion to the agenda of this meeting.
Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
The placement of stop signs at Bethmour Road and Schaffer, at Bethmour and Pole Hill Road and Fairwood Road and Falls Road north bound was discussed. Following discussion Selectman Thornquist moved to place a stops sign at Bethmour Road and Schaffer Road and at Bethmour Road and Pole Hill following the recommendation of TFC. Merriam. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. The Selectmen agreed more study is needed to determine the necessity of the stop sign at Falls Road and Fairwood Road north bound.

Adjournment was called at 8:30 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen