Bethany Conservation Commission
July 8, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 8:06 by Ken Martin. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis and Cathy Rives.
Cathy Rives was appointed secretary pro-tempore and was appointed to vote in place of Audrey Eisenstadt, who was absent. The minutes of the June 10, 2010 meeting were reviewed. Ken moved to accept the minutes as read, Bruce seconded the motion and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Ken had noticed an undeveloped parcel of land at Pine Brook Crossing that abuts the Woodbridge town line. It is approximately 3.75 acres. It is uncertain if it will go to auction and we wondered if the town would be interested in buying it for the Open Space? After thorough examination of site maps, the committee decided that it would not be a good investment.
The committee went into Executive Session at 8:16 to discuss a possible Open Space Acquisition. The committee left Executive Session at 8:35. No votes were taken but the group agreed to pursue this possible Open Space opportunity.
It was noted that at present there are no Republicans on the Conservation Commission. This will be a consideration when looking to fill vacancies.
It was noted that the opening to the trail at the old recycling center is littered with debris of all sorts, so much so that it can't be entered safely. Ken will confirm if there is other access to this trail and look for maps. This issue needs to be dealt with.
Another area of concern is on Mesa Drive. Trails there are covered with ATV tracks that are filled with water. Bruce spoke to Trooper Merriam to speak to the possible offenders. A similar situation is happening at the Falls Road trail. It was noted that this property is owned by the town and so the town should enforce the ATV troubles.
Brian moved to adjourn, Ken seconded, the motion passed unanimously and the Commission adjourned at 9:04.
Cathy Rives
Secretary pro-tempore