Bethany Conservation Commission
April 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 8:08pm by Chairman Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer and Lisa Tavolacci.
Bruce moved to accept the March 12, 2012 minutes. The motion passed and the minutes were accepted.
Bruce shared the minutes from the Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands Commissions from March and April.
Bruce spoke with Elizabeth Moore, the Farmland Trust director of projects, and Derrylyn Gorski about what is acceptable as a definition of agricultural land. Bruce discussed that we have a list in the Bethany Plan of Conversation and Development Handbook, but it is not clearly prioritized. One of the issues discussed was the fact that horse farms were not included but cow farms were. The need was to screen our list to develop our priorities on them. Elizabeth Moore was to send the criteria. Bruce felt a decision on the subject was premature until we received the criteria.
A new member who has joined our commission is Schaukat Khan. Mr. Kahn has been appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
Conservation of the year award for the community school was discussed. It will be awarded to two sixth graders at commencement. Brian moved to sponsor two awards for $60. Lisa moved to second it. Brian questioned if the reason they were awarded would be clear. Bruce clarified that the letter from the school stated their intent. The motion passed. The response letter needs to be sent to June Riley and received by April 26, 2012.
The Commission entered into Executive Session at 8:32pm to discuss Conservationist of the Year. The Executive Session ended at 8:39. Bruce will speak with June Riley as to where to get a certificate and/or letter of recognition printed to present at the Annual Town Meeting.
Brian moved to adjourn the meeting and Lisa seconded the motion at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Tavolacci
Secretary pro-tempore