Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MINUTES OF THE BETHANY INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OF MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2012                                                  Page 1 of 5

The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:33 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following members of the Commission were present:

Alexandra Breslin, Chair

Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair

Lisa Gaw, Member

Roger Hathaway, Member

The following member of the Commission was absent:

Brian Smith, Member

Also present was:

Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer


1. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the June 25, 2012, Regular Meeting.

Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Hathaway.

Gaw abstained as she was not present at meeting.

Unanimous approval.

2. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the July 16, 2012, Special Meeting.

Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Hathaway.

Gaw abstained as she was not present at meeting.

Unanimous approval.

3. It was moved by Gaw and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the September 24, 2012, Regular Meeting.

Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw.

Hathaway abstained as he was not present at meeting.

Unanimous approval.

4. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the October 14, 2012, Special Meeting.

Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.


1. Letter of consent to extension of time from First Selectman Gorski, dated October 16, 2012, Re: Application #1191, requesting 35 day extension to act on application for Town of Bethany, various road work.

2. Letter from South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, dated October 18, 2012, Re: Review comments on Application #1192, Peck Road culvert replacement.

3. Letter from John Paul Garcia, dated October 8, 2012, Re: 615 Bethmour Road, Lot Split.

4. Memo from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, submitted October 2, 2012, Re: Chronology of Events for 187 Beacon Road.


1. Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions, 35th Annual Meeting and Environmental Conference on Saturday, November 17, 2012, at Four Points by Sheraton in Meriden, Connecticut.

2. Soil and Water, Southwest Conservation District Newsletter, Fall 2012.

3. 2012 Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program, Segment 3.


1. 88 BEACON ROAD (Albers Foundation), Discussion regarding construction of new building –

Present for this discussion was Hunter Smith of Hunter Smith Associates, Architects, from Hamden, Connecticut. Mr. Smith presented the proposed project to develop an additional building which would be used to store the furniture that Josef Albers designed. Mr. Smith submitted a plan entitled, “As-Built Site Plan”, submitted October 22, 2012, with hand-drawn markings, showing the proposed building and the location of the upland review area. Mr. Smith stated he is asking the Inland Wetlands Commission if a formal application would be required.

Commission members reviewed the proposed plan, discussed and proceeded to deliberate.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Gaw that the Inland Wetlands Commission, after review of the plans, determined there is no need for a formal application to the Agency for the proposed utility building based on the fact there will be no adverse impact to the wetlands giving the distance between the proposed building and the wetlands located at 88 Beacon Road.

Voting: Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.


1. Frances Drive, Tawney Drive cul-de-sac, Knollwood Road, Bethridge Road and Bethmour Road from Woodbridge to Bethany Farms and from Pole Hill Road to Luke Hill Road, Application #1191 submitted by the Town of Bethany to remove and replace catch basins and pipe, reclaim and pave roads –

No one present for this application. The Commission received a letter of consent to extension of time from First Selectman Gorski, dated October 16, 2012, Re: Application #1191, requesting 35 day extension to act on application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, November 26, 2012. Tabled.

2. 40 PECK ROAD, Application #1192 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an Inland Wetlands Permit to replace damaged culvert pipe under Peck Pond –

Present to speak on behalf of this application was Paul Crotta, of Mesa Construction, representing the Town.

The Commission received a letter from South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, dated October 18, 2012, Re: Review comments on Application #1192, Peck Road culvert replacement.

Mr. Crotta stated that Alan Green, Public Works Director, would like the Regional Water Authority to remove sediment from the pond to lower water table first before culvert replacement is started.

Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve Application #1192 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an Inland Wetland Permit for a culvert replacement only located under 40 Peck Road (Peck Pond) as presented in the application, statement of use and testimony and in accordance with the submitted plan entitled, “Town of Bethany, Peck Pond Drainage Project”, dated September 11, 2012, with no revisions, prepared by Mesa Excavation & Paving, Inc., Bethany, Connecticut and this approval is subject to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and 803.

Voting: Breslin, Sullivan, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.

3. 615 BETHMOUR ROAD, Application #1193 submitted by Robert and Ellen Coe for an Inland Wetlands Permit for a residential site development –

Present to speak on behalf of this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicants.

Mr. Garcia submitted revised plans dated to October 1, 2012, and a letter from the Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated October 5, 2012, Re: Review comments on development of a two-lot residential subdivision located a 615 Bethmour Road.

Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Gaw to approve Application #1193 submitted by Robert F. and Ellen G. Coe for an Inland Wetland Permit for the creation of a rear lot (Lot #2) in accordance with the submitted plans prepared by John Paul Garcia and Associates, Bethany, Connecticut, entitled as follows:

a) “Proposed Split Map”, dated July 25, 2012, revised to October 1, 2012, Drawing No. C-1.

b) “Site Development Plan”, dated July 25, 2012, revised to October 1, 2012, Drawing No. C-2.

c) “Site Development Plan”, dated July 25, 2012, revised to October 1, 2012, Drawing No. C-3.

d) “Typical Details”, dated July 25, 2012, revised to October 1, 2012, Drawing No. C-4.

In addition, this permit is subject to the following conditions including the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803:

1) Field location of the conservation signs to be checked and inspected by the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer.

2) If the site plan is to deviate from the footprint or location of the driveway in the development of Lot #2, the applicant shall resubmit to the Inland Wetlands Commission for review and for any necessary approvals.

Based on these conditions there should be minimal or no adverse impact on the onsite or adjoining wetlands.

Voting: Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.

4. 50 HUNTERS TRAIL, Discussion regarding re-build of collapsed riding arena –

Commission members reviewed existing maps on file in the Inland Wetlands Commission office, discussed and proceeded to deliberate.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway that the Inland Wetlands Commission, after review of the plans for the reconstruction of the barn that collapsed, determined that no formal action by the Agency for the rebuilding of the collapsed stable and riding arena is necessary based on the review of the existing maps for that area in the Inland Wetlands Commission files.

Voting: Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.

5. 185 Beacon Road, Discussion with Daniel Cusano regarding non-permitted barn –

No one was present for discussion.

Some comments made by the Commission were:

• Applicant should submit an application to remove and restore the wetland area that was filled illegally.

• Runoff goes down to Buchter’s Pond (181 Beacon Road) and can be creating a problem for them and Veteran’s Park (265 Beacon Road).

• No notice of violation in place from the Inland Wetlands Commission.

• Riding stable is not an approved use.

• Member Sullivan to contact Roman Mrozinski of the Southwest Conservation District Service to meet at the site.

• IWEO to communicate to Mr. Cusano what the Commission is doing and that the Commission will be working with him.


6. Continuation of Show Cause Hearing regarding Town of Bethany drainage repairs conducted in a regulated area without an Inland Wetlands Permit – Tabled.

7. Update on appeal submitted by James Woodward for 46 Mesa Drive – Tabled.

8. Discussion in regard to amendments to the Inland Wetlands Regulations per State of CT – Tabled.


There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Gaw to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:48 p.m. Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

for the Inland Wetlands Commission