Bethany Conservation Commission
Minutes - January 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Loomis at 8:00pm. Also in attendance were Cathy Rives and Lisa Tavolacci.
The minutes of the Dec. 13, 2012 meeting were tabled as they were not available due to Brian Eitzer’s absence.
Bruce introduced the mail correspondence of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council with their request for funding assistance through membership. The suggested membership levels ranged from $100.00 to $2,000.00. The decision was taken under advisement until Bruce contacts June Riley about the current usage level of our modest budget.
Bruce introduced the topic of GIS mapping and its potential accord with the designation of properties against our own physical map. This comparison was tabled due to Brian’s absence until the next meeting.
Bruce opened an Executive Session to discuss a land issue at 8:08pm. At 8:22pm the session concluded.
Cathy Rives moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm and Lisa seconded and the motion passed.
Respectively Submitted,
Lisa Tavolacci secretary pro-tempore