Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bethany Conservation Commission

The meeting was called to order at 8:12 p.m. Thursday Nov.  2013. Those in attendance were Bruce Loomis, Cathy Rives, Dorothy Seaton, and Lisa Tavolacci.

Bruce made a motion to accept November minutes, Lisa seconded. The minutes were amended to read that Louise Harter (spelling corrected) was in favor of the Green Haven proposal.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Bruce moved to review the minutes of the property walk at 788 Amity Rd. The minutes were tabled due to lack of member representation.

The October minutes were tabled due to lack of member representation.

Bills and Correspondence-Bruce distributed commission correspondence, The Soil and Water Newsletter.

Bruce reviewed the minutes and agenda of other Commissions.  Inland and wetlands are still reviewing 788 Amity Rd as well as the Green Haven plan.

The Planning and Zoning Commission is still reviewing plans submitted by John Paul Garcia for a four lot re-subdivision located at 788 Amity Rd. Also still before them is the Conservation Commission letter and the possible need for a fire fighting water tank on the property,  presented by the fire department.

New business- Bruce motioned that the Conservation Commission has determined with regards to the   Green Haven proposal, that we, as a Commission do need to make a statement.  As this is a modification of the previously court ordered approval of Halter Estates all open space and conservation related issues were resolved as a result of the court order.  However, when compared to the original Halter Estates plan the Green Haven plan has some very real benefits to the town with regard to reducing the impact of development on this site.  They include saving an historic house; not using or impacting Meyers Road with traffic for the development; situating the homes so as to be much less visible from any road; greatly reduced impervious surface area; and defined areas of open space with conservation easements where none existed before.   Lisa seconded, one member opposed, the vote passed 3 to 1.

Bruce announced the passing of a former longtime Conservation Commission and Inland Wetlands member Audrey Eisenstadt.  We want to thank her posthumously for her generous contribution and service to the Conservation Commission and the Town of Bethany. 

Dorothy moved to close the meeting, Cathy seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30.

         Respectfully Submitted,

            Lisa Tavolacci, Secretary pro-tempore