Bethany Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2013
Time: 8:00pm
– 9:15pm
Attendees: Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis, Dorothy Seaton, Lisa Tavolacci
Absent: Shaukat Khan,
Cathy Rives
Presenters: Green Haven
Contacts: Brenda
Caldwell, 6 Brookwood Road,
Consultant: Ethan
Roland, Appleseed Permaculture
Civil Engineer: Chris Hulk,
Milone & MacBroom
Meeting called to order at 8:00pm by Bruce Loomis.
1. Green Haven Presentation for the former Halter property on Meyers Road
Moved to top of meeting agenda
Green Haven presentation highlights:
- 30
homes on former Elsie Halter estate
- Want
to preserve farmland in town
- Plan
to rehabilitate existing historic home on property
- Embracing
“organic agriculture”
- Minimal
building area on property with open space
- Future
wildlife ponds to be built on property
- Potential
public access to conservation land
- Compared
Green Haven Halter footprint to Halter Estates footprint
- Want
to modify Section 9 of P&Z Regulations from over 55 to
multi-generation - modification of existing approval
- Put
in Affordable Housing Application
- Adjustment
to HUD zone Section 830G to allow for greater density
After presentation, commission asked preliminary questions:
Eitzer: What are the plans for the rehabilitation of historic home on
Green Haven (GH): Possibilities are meeting room, extra bedroom, museum
Eitzer: Asked for GH to go over road and septics
Floor open for public comment:
- Patsy
Wiener, 7 Carrington Road, in favor - Stated Green Haven hasn’t decided
how to formerly “conserve” open space
- Louis
Harter, 64 Meyers Road, in favor - Need to take into account permeability
2. Minutes of Prior Meetings – August & May
Both August and May minutes were approved on October 10, 2013. The October meeting minutes (10/10/2013) were
not available for review.
3. Bills and Correspondence
CT Conservation Council is requesting Bethany Conservation Commission
(BCC) become members. Bruce suggested
$250 joint membership with Bethany Inland Wetlands Commission (BIWC). Each commission pays $125. Bruce motioned to entertain joining CT
Conservation Council. Brian seconded to
open up discussion why we should join.
Bruce stated this council is another conservation watchdog group. Since there are different monetary levels to
join, it was suggested the BCC join at the $100 Supporting Member level in
conjunction with BIWC -- splitting the cost between the two organizations ($50
each). This would allow BCC to evaluate
membership to see its worth. Motion to
join CT Conservation Council at Supporting Member level ($100) if BIWC is in
agreement. All present were in favor.
4. Upcoming CACIWC conference
Lisa Tavolacci, Bruce Loomis and Brian Eitzer will be attending.
5. Discussion with Inland Wetlands regarding Veteran’s
Memorial Park
Removed from agenda. If both
commissions have availability, discussion will take place in January.
6. Discussion of Amity Road business zone (executive session): Deferred to a future meeting
7. Continued discussion of 2014 meeting schedule
2014 Meeting schedule will remain as initially proposed – the 2nd
Thursday of the month
8. New Business
Amity Road Subdivision
77 Amity Road – Commercial Development 4 lot subdivision
Application for waiver of open space requirement
Subdivision Regulation as revised July 16, 2007
Section 11.4 Applicant
has not provided for open space set aside per regulation (20% open space)
Section 11.4.c Applicant
has not consulted with Bethany Conservation Commission
Section 11.4.f 8 Option
to pay a fee in lieu of open space: 10% FMV (fair market value) of the
undeveloped (raw) land.
Bruce - Motion to deny waiver of open space requirement based on the
a) Apparent for profit subdivision
b) Fee in lieu is available under Section 11.4.f 8 and pursuant to CGS 8-25
c) Conservation Commission sees no compelling reason to approve waiver
Brian seconded the motion. All
members present approved motion to deny waiver of open space requirement.
Green Haven site walk: Bruce to
schedule walk prior to 12/11
Joey Choiniere – Amity High School senior
- Auditing
meeting for his Critical Issues Class
- Asked
members questions as to the role and running of the commission
Lisa motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:15pm. Brian seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Seaton