Tuesday, November 25, 2014




The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room in the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

         Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair acting as Chair

         Brian Smith, Member

         Roger Hathaway, Member

         Lisa Gaw, Member


The following member of the Commission was absent:

         Alexandra Breslin, Chair


Also present was:

         Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer





1.  112 Miller Road, Application #1228 submitted by Joseph Szewczyk for an IW Permit to

     construct a bridge and clearing of an existing trail -


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Joseph Szewczyk, applicant and owner of record.


Mr. Szewczyk noted the following:

  • Proposing to build bridge that washed away.
  • Eagle Scout project.
  • Meet with the Building Department and they suggested contacting John Paul Garcia & Associates, who then suggested using telephone poles for proposed bridge.
  • Digging holes and pouring concrete.
  • Footings will be 2 to 3 feet deep.


In discussion, Commission members noted:

  • Applicant should verify with Building Department about getting below frost line.
  • Applicant to obtain information from pole owner if there is any potential of the telephone poles leaking.
  • Commission would like to visit the site.
  • Would be helpful if applicant was at site visit to show Commission where bridge will be constructed.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, October 27, 2014.  Tabled.




It was moved by Smith and seconded by Hathaway to add to this evening’s agenda Application #1229 submitted by Richard Murphy for an Inland Wetlands Permit to construct 10-foot by 13-foot 3-inch addition to the existing house located at 610 Carrington Road.  Unanimous approval.


2.  610 Carrington Road, Application #1229 submitted by Richard Murphy for an Inland

     Wetlands Permit to construct a 10-foot by 13-foot 3-inch addition to the existing house -


The Commission formally received the application.   The applicant, Richard Murphy, was present.


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit and asked the applicant to stake the corners as to where the addition will be located.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, October 27, 2014.  Tabled.





1.      255 Bear Hill Road, Application #1226 submitted by Judi and Paul McKinney to locate

      a 22-foot by 22-foot garage on existing foundation


No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.


Commission members discussed what was observed at the site visit and proceeded to deliberate.


It was moved by Smith and seconded by Hathaway to approve Application #1226 submitted by Judi and Paul McKinney for an Inland Wetlands Permit to construct a 22-foot by 22-foot two-bay garage on the existing foundation located at 255 Bear Hill Road in accordance with the submitted plan entitled, “255 Bear Hill Road, Garage” dated August 2014, prepared by the applicant.  This approval is subject to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and 803.


The reason the Commission approved this application is that the activity proposed will have no adverse impact on the pond located on the property because the garage is being constructed on the existing foundation and there will be no ground disturbance.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Gaw, Hathaway.

Unanimous approval.







2.  10 Round Hill Road, Application #1227 submitted by William Ciola for a Site Plan

     Development of a 125-foot by 40-foot storage building and associated site work


Present for this discussion was Al Shepard, P.E. of Nowakowski, O’Bymachow and Kane, representing the applicant.


Some items noted by the Commission after the site visit were:

  • New grading up to the trees.
  • A few of the containers were moved.
  • Will need restoration plan were grading has been completed and where the wetlands were filled in.
  • What is shown on plan is not representative of what is seen out in the field.
  • No issue with location of the building or the building itself.
  • Concerned if there will be maintenance in the proposed building and will there be floor drains or an oil separator.


Mr. Shepard submitted revised plans as per comments from the Diversified Technology Consultant letter dated September 18, 2014.  Mr. Shepard reviewed the revisions made to the plans and also submitted a letter dated September 29, 2014 in response to DTC engineer comments.


The Commission asked clerk to forward a copy of the revised plans to Diversified Technology Consultants to verify the calculations.


Mr. Shepard will visit the site and review the disturbance and prepare a restoration plan.  Also, Mr. Shepard will look further into building description and if he will need to add floor drains and an oil separator to the plans.


The Commission will schedule to visit the site again.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, October 27, 2014.  Tabled.



3.  Revisit site in November the continue discussion regarding road and overland run-off

     across 37 Hilltop Road (DeCesare) down to Route 69 -  Tabled.



4.   Discussion regarding Bethany West clearing.  (Letter from Roman Mrozinski of the

      Southwest Conservation District)Tabled.



5.      185 Beacon Road, Discussion with Daniel Cusano regarding non-permitted barn



6.      Continuation of Show Cause Hearing regarding Town of Bethany drainage repairs

conducted in a regulated area without an Inland Wetlands Permit


The Commission agreed to send a letter to the Town to make sure that the area disturbed by the Town will be restored but the Commission wanted the Town to approach the property owner (since Town did work) that the area is no longer going to be a lawn and that it needs to be restored back to its vegetated state.  The Commission was going to draft a letter to Town but the Chair had a discussion with the Board of Selectmen and the Chair will report back at the next regular meeting.  Tabled.



7.      Discussion in regard to amendments to the Inland Wetlands Regulations per State

      of CT  Tabled.





Approval of minutes tabled to the October 27, 2014, Meeting.  Tabled.




1.      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Hathaway to approve the payment of $114.90 to Diversified Technology Consultants for professional services for the review of Bethany Mesa Drive Culvert.

      Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Gaw, Hathaway.

      Unanimous approval.


2.      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Hathaway to approve the payment of $75.00 to the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission, Inc. for the Membership Renewal for the period of July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015, for two commissions (sustaining).  Share with the Conservation Commission.

      Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Gaw, Hathaway.

      Unanimous approval.





1.      Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated September 18, 2014, Re:  Comments on review of application for 10 Round Hill Road, new commercial landscape yard.

2.      Email from Russ Direnzo, dated September 5, 2014, Re:  74 Amity Road Site (Chemtura) status update with attached Wetland Depression Photos April-Sept 2014, Wetland Swale Photos east view April-Sept 2014, and Wetland Swale Photos view to west April-Sept 2014.




3.      Letter from Alan Green, Director of Public Works dated September 9, 2014, Re:  Review of proposed location of the Community Garden at the Airport property between Recycling Center and the horse rings on the north end with attached photographs of the Woodbridge Community Garden.

4.      Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated September 4, 2014, Re:  DTC Hourly Consulting Rate increase.

5.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. & Mrs. William Grieger, dated August 27, 2014, Re:  Removal of debris, junk and vehicles located at 63 Sargent Drive, case closed.





1.      Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission, 37th Annual Meeting and Environmental Conference, Saturday, November 15, 2014, Wallingford, Connecticut.





Mesa Drive culvert – The Commission visited the site where the beavers dammed and feel instead of removing the pipe have one of the beaver experts come out and investigate.  The Commission would like the expense of this investigation to come out of the Department of Public Works budget.


Proposed Community Garden at Airport Property (near horse ring and recycling) – Not within the jurisdiction of the Inland Wetlands Commission’s regulated area.


10 Northrop Road – The IWEO stated the property owner clear cut, constructed stone wall, regraded, and pushed material over stonewall near wetlands without permit.  The Commission directed IWEO to send an order to Cease and Desist and schedule a show cause hearing at the October 27th Regular Meeting.  If property owner submits an application before this, then the order will not be necessary.  Tabled.





The Commission scheduled a site visit for Sunday, October 19, 2014, at 8:30 a.m.  Commission members to meet at the Town Hall parking lot and proceed to the following properties:

  • 112 Miller Road
  • 610 Carrington Road
  • 10 Round Hill Road








There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Smith

and seconded by Hathaway to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Unanimous approval.



Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

for the Inland Wetlands Commission