Monday, February 9, 2015

Bethany Conservation Commission

                                                Dec 11,2014


The meeting was called to order at 8:03 by Bruce Loomis.  Also in attendance were Cathy Rives and new member, Patricia Winer.  Patricia (Patsy) was appointed by D. Gorski at the last Board of Selectman's meeting.  Re-appointed at that meeting were members Brian Eitzer and Cathy Rives to subsequent terms.  Dorothy Seaton was upgraded to a full member.  The Board is now looking for one additional member.

Jim Seaton was introduced as a guest to voice his concerns regarding the proposed Bethany Community Garden to be located at 90 Pole Hill Road.  Mr. Seaton owns the land behind the proposed site and is concerned about run-off, wildlife and  viability of the site as it is very wet for much of the year.  He mentioned other sites that may better suit the needs of the garden.

Bruce appointed Patsy as a voting member for the meeting.

The minutes from the October and November meetings were tabled as not enough members from those meetings were in attendance.

Bruce reminded members to submit receipts from the CACIWC conference for reimbursement.

Discussion of proposed zoning regulation amendments was put on hold until we have more members present.

Dorothy is investigating specific criteria for COY. She was not present and so discussion was postponed.

Regarding possible areas of involvement for the commission in the future: Bruce suggested that we come up with a "Bucket List" of things we'd like done and a pre-emptive plan ready to go.  That way, when monies become available, we could submit a proposal and go with it.  To be discussed further at a later date.

Bruce moved to adjourn, Cathy seconded and the meeting adjourned at 9:05.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Rives, Secretary pro-tempore