Friday, May 1, 2015


APRIL 7, 2015

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Attendance:  John Grabowski, Robert Brinton Jr., Chip Spear, Sharon Huxley, John Ford IV, Sally Huyser

Visitors:  Rod White, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Robert McSherry

BUDGET 2015-16


Rod White was present to explain to the Board of Finance requests he had made for a Fire Inspector who could help him with inspections of businesses in the Town.  He had also requested that money be put in the budget for a part time Deputy Fire Marshal that would be available if needed or when Rod was away.  Following discussion it was determined that $1,000 would be added to the Fire Marshal budget for a Deputy Fire Marshal/Inspector.  The Board recommended $1,000 for the Cert Team budget to purchase supplies, since the State will no longer be giving out grant money to the Town for this program.  The Board members discussed the Fire Marshal’s request for a pickup truck.  Rod had requested $40,000 for a pickup truck.  Following discussion it was determine that $20,000 would be put into the Capital Expenditures for a used pickup truck. 


First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the health insurance premium would increase 6% not 15% as previously budgeted. 


Board members determined that they would like to see the cost of debt service for road repair moved back to the Public Works budget rather than in the debt service budget as previously indicated. 

After the changes have been made to the working budget draft as suggested at this meeting, a copy will be sent to all the members. 


Adjournment was called at 9:15 after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear.  The vote taken was unanimous.


                                                                                                Respectfully Submitted,


                                                                                                June G. Riley

                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance