Monday, July 13, 2015


Bethany Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2015

Time:   8:00 P.M.

Place: Bethany Town Hall


Attendees: Bruce Loomis, Brian Eitzer, Matt Popp, Dorothy Seaton and Patsy Winer. Matt was appointed as voting member in lieu of Cathy’s absence.

Absent: Cathy Rives

Meeting was called to order by Bruce Loomis at 8:10 p.m.


1.       Minutes of prior meeting: May 7 meeting minutes were reviewed.  Dorothy motioned to accept the minutes, Shaukat seconded. Two corrections were made in the minutes, which are as follows:  i. correction of spelling of the name of one of the members of the commission, Shaukat, ii. deletion of the line in agenda 6 that reads,  “Patsy…. Regulations.”

2.        Correspondence and Bills: Bruce reported no important correspondence since the last meeting. Members discussed the reimbursement of $41.07 to Bruce for the expenses related to Conservationist of the Year (COY), also $50 award to The Bethany Land Trust in the name of Carol Lambiase as this year’s Conservationist of the Year.  Motion was made by Dorothy to approve the reimbursement of the expenses to Bruce, seconded by Brian. The motion was approved. A second motion to approve the $50 donation was also approved.

3.       Update on 48 Mesa Drive:  Bruce presented an update on the Woodward Estate matters- the application for the development of subdivision in two separate plots. The owner of the estate is James W. Woodward. The commission tried to understand whether the proposed cut was 1st or 2nd cut of the lot, as the zoning regulations are different in two circumstances.  If it is the 1st cut then the commission does not need to be involved but, if it is the second cut, the owner of the estate will need to appear before the commission. The commission decided to wait for the legal determination of the status.  Bruce informed that he tried to contact the attorney Kevin McSherry and will try to contact him again.

4.       Update on Horse Ring: Bruce informed the members of the commission that the letter to the Planning Zoning Commission, with questions related to the proposed modification of the Horse Rings at the Airport, was not sent yet.  Earlier, in the May 7 meeting, it was decided that this commission would send a letter (with approximately 12 questions/comments) to Planning and Zoning Commission to obtain more information.

5.        Working session to organize/clean out file closet:  was not undertaken during this meeting, it was tabled for a future meeting of the commission.

6.       Any other matter: i. Dorothy distributed the revised version of COY nomination form. Bruce motioned to accept the revised version of the nomination form for possible use to nominate the 2016 candidate(s).  It was also decided that after 2016, the form will be further reviewed by the commission for its possible use in the future.  The motion was seconded by Shaukat. The motion was approved after discussion as mentioned above. It was also decide that a copy of the revised COY nomination form will be included in the minutes of this meeting when it is sent to Nancy McCarthy, the town clerk.

Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Shaukat. The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday July 9. 2015.


Respectfully submitted,


Shaukat Khan

Secretary Pro tem