Bethany Conservation Commission
Sep. 10, 2015
- The meeting was called to
order at 8:10 by Bruce Loomis. Also
in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, Matt Popp and Patsy Winer. Absent
were Shaukat Kahn, Dorothy Seaton.
- Patsy
Winer and Matt Popp were appointed as voting members for this meeting.
- Patsy
nominated and Matt seconded Bruce to be Chairman of the Commission for the
2015-2016 year. No other nominees,
Bruce was unanimously voted in.
- The
minutes Aug. 13, 2015 meeting were tabled as there were not sufficient
members present who were also at that meeting.
- No
bills, but correspondence from CACIWC was received stating that it is time
to pay their dues. Bruce moved, Patsy
seconded a motion to “Authorize the clerk for the Inland Wetlands to complete
the joint membership dues for the Inland Wetland Commission and the
Conservation Commission to CACIWC with a charge of up to $75.00 from the
Conservation Commission’s budget for this year”. The motion passed unanimously.
- No new
information on the Mesa Drive application.
- There
was a discussion about the possible plans of the Woodhaven Country Club to
seek use of the golf course as open space for a possible cluster
development. The commission decided
to wait for a formal proposal before making any plans to walk the
property. These plans may be
discussed at the Oct. 7 Planning and Zoning meeting and all were asked
about attending.
- There
was a discussion of the zoning regulations which are under revision. Cathy moved and Brian seconded a motion
that the Conservation Commission strongly urges the Planning and Zoning
Commission to enact regulations excluding steep slopes from the buildable
lot size. The motion was passed unanimously. Bruce will write a letter to the
Planning and Zoning Commission to inform them of our views.
- There
was a discussion about the plans of the Heart of Bethany group to bring
back Rid Litter Day. This event
will occur sometime around Earth Day 2016.
Patsy moved and Matt seconded that the Conservation Commission
endorse the plan to have this day in the Spring. The motion passed unanimously.
- Matt
moved and Patsy seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:00. The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore