Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bethany Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)


December 10, 2015


Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:07. Also in attendance were Cathy Rives and Matthew Popp. Absent were Brian Eitzer, Shaukat Kahn, and Patsy Winer. Dorothy Seaton has resigned her position due to conflicting obligations for the Board of Ed. Bruce appointed Matthew to vote in place of Brian. Also present was Louis Harter to discuss concerns regarding scenic roads.


Prior to the meeting, Patsy gave Bruce copies of Bethany’s Scenic Road Ordinance. Bruce distributed them to the Commission for us to read through. Louise gave valuable input about scenic roads, which the Commission discussed. It was decided to table further discussion until the next meeting.


The November meeting minutes were reviewed. Bruce moved to approve on condition that in regards to Mr. Woodward’s engineer’s report, “Open Space” be corrected to “Open Space/Steep Slopes”. Matthew seconded. Bruce moved to accept the minutes as corrected. All were in favor.


There was no new correspondence or bills received by the Commission. Bruce submitted a letter to the town clerk for reimbursement of expenses for those that attended the 2015 CACIWC conference. Those that attended were Bruce, Brian, and Matthew.


Nothing new had happened regarding Mr. Woodward’s proposal because of a technicality with the earth removal permit.


There was nothing new about Woodhaven Country Club.


The Peck Road affordable housing application was denied.


Despite numerous calls and messages to the CT DOT, the Federal Highway Administration, and Senator Joe Crisco, Matthew is still unsuccessful in determining if there is a federal mandate about painting double yellow lines on roads. He will keep trying.


The Commission took a preliminary look at land use maps supplied by Hiram Peck for later use.


Bruce proposed the suggestion of adding a regulation for freestanding solar panels. Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.


Bruce moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:09. Cathy seconded, and all were in favor.


Respectfully submitted,


Matthew Popp, Secretary pro tempore