Bethany Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2016
Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at
8:05. Also in attendance were Brian
Eitzer, Matthew Popp and Cathy Rives.
Absent were Shaukat Khan and Patsy Winer. Bruce appointed Matthew to vote in place of
The March meeting minutes were reviewed. Brian moved to accept once the date had been
corrected. Bruce seconded and the
minutes were passed as corrected.
There were no new bills. There was correspondence from the Aquarion
Water company soliciting businesses to nominate for the Environmental Champion
Award. Patsy Winer has submitted a
The Commission discussed the Conservationist Award
given to two BCS students. The award has
traditionally been $60 for two award winners.
After discussion, Bruce moved to pre-approve the awards up to $100. Brian seconded, all were in favor and the
motion passed.
There will be a hearing about the Peck Road
affordable housing application on May 4th at 7pm. This commission has concerns about fire
A new application has been received for soccer
fields to be created at 667-681 Amity Road (where the driving range now
stands). The proposal is for the
creation of two outdoor fields and construction of a building with two indoor
fields. The hearing will be in May. The commission discussed concerns about the
texture and color of the building (that will be evident from Amity Road) and
any screening between the proposed parking lot and Amity Road
Discussion about zoning regulations was tabled.
The Commission entered executive session at 8:36 to discuss
Conservationist of the Year. A vote was
taken and decision made. Executive session
was ended at 8:47.
Bruce reminded everyone about the CACIWC
conference which is scheduled to be held on November 12, 2016. All are encouraged to attend.
As there was no other business, Matthew moved to
adjourn at 8:55. Brian seconded and the
meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives, Secretary pro-tempore