Tuesday, February 28, 2017

January 30, 2017
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kris Sullivan at 7:35 pm.  In attendance were members Will Brinton, Mary Ehrler and Kris Sullivan.
Minutes:  The minutes of the meeting of December 19, 2016 were reviewed.  Mary made a motion, seconded by Will, to accept them as submitted.  The motion passed unanimously.
Carrington Cemetery maps:  We received both a paper and mylar copy of the Section D map, along with a bill from Nafis and Young.  Will agreed to file the mylar at the Town Clerk’s Office so it could be referenced in cemetery deeds.  Will made a motion, seconded by Kris, to approve the bill for $490 and the motion passed unanimously.
Rules & Regulations:  Kris and Carol Goldberg will discuss where we are as far as rules and regulations before our next meeting.
Lot Fees: Ellen Cleary has asked to purchase cemetery lot(s) at the lower price in effect before July 1, 2016 due to the fact she requested them in the past and was declined because of the mapping project.  The consensus was this should be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen since we are not empowered to establish lot fees.  It was also agreed that a discussion should take place between this commission and the Selectmen to establish an end date to future requests to waive the higher fees.
Congregational Cemetery:  There has been some discussion between the town and the Congregational Church about the town taking over the ownership and management of their cemetery on Amity Road.  We will follow these developments and schedule a site visit at some point in the near future to take a look at this cemetery.
Adjournment:  Mary made a motion, seconded by Kris, to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 pm.  The motion passed unanimously.
William L. Brinton,
Acting Secretary