Monday, June 19, 2017

Bethany Conservation Commission
February 16, 2017
Approved Minutes
  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by Bruce Loomis.  Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Absent were Shaukat Khan and Cathy Rives.
  2. Matthew Popp was appointed as a voting member in place of Cathy Rives for this meeting.
  3. Brian moved to accept the minutes of the Nov. 10, 2016 meeting, Matthew seconded.  It was noted that in the 4th paragraph 8;15 should be 8:15.  With that correction the minutes were approved unanimously.
  4. The minutes of the December 8, 2016 meeting were tabled as there were not enough members present who were also at that meeting.
  5. The only correspondence was an issue of Connecticut Wildlife.
  6. There was a discussion of the tree trimming that Eversource is currently conducting in town.  Bruce mentioned that he asked Derrylyn Gorski to mention to the tree wardens and Eversource that they should be sensitive to scenic roads.
  7. Bruce gave an update on the Woodward (Mesa Drive) open space.  The transfer to the land trust should be completed with the inclusion of a trail link to the existing open space.
  8. There was a discussion of the ongoing issues with the Planning and Zoning Commission.  It was noted that this item was tabled at their last meeting.  The Conservation Commission’s interpretation is that the town’s regulations require that the Conservation Commission get the opportunity to review and provide advice on open space prior to the Planning and Zoning decision even though that advice does not need to be heeded (Subdivision Regulation 11.4.C).
  9. It was noted that the lighted sign regulation was continued pending further research into the brightness of lights issue.
  10. It was noted that Will Brinton is still following up on the issue related to the Keegan property trail right of way.
  11. The commission went into Executive Session at 8:45 to discuss a land issue and the Conservationist of the Year Award.  The Executive session ended at 9:07.
  12. Work was done on the updating of the various lists of open space and open space priorities in the Appendices to the Bethany Plan of Conservation and Development due to changes that have occurred in the town over the past several years.
  13. Patsy moved to adjourn at 9:27, Matthew seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore