Friday, July 14, 2017

JUNE 13, 2017
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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, John Ford IV, Sharon Huxley, Sally Huyser, Robert Brinton Jr. Melissa Spear was absent from the meeting
Visitors:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Fran Doba, Selectman Clark Hurlburt, Thomas Broesler
Chairman Grabowski called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Bethany Town Hall, Selectmen’s Conference Room.
Chairman Grabowski called for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of April 24, 2017.  The motion of approval was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by John Ford IV.  The minutes were approved on a unanimous vote without change.
Chairman Grabowski called for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of May 22, 2017 as listed on the agenda.  Sharon Huxley noted that the agenda had listed approval of minutes of May 22, 2017 instead of May 2, 2017.  The typo was noted.  The motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of May 2, 2017 was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by John Ford IV.  The minutes were approved on a unanimous vote without change.
Chairman Grabowski gave a report on the Amity Finance Committee meeting.  John reports that the $1,200,000 surplus in the Amity budget may not be returned back to the three towns.  The committee is planning to set aside $200,000 of the surplus for the air handler repair.  They have discussed keeping money for bonding costs for a four year period possibly to do the artificial turf on the football field.  There will be three or four new members on the Finance Committee at the next meeting, so depending on how they vote, will determine if any of the surplus will be returned to the towns or used for other purposes. In the meantime Bethany should not depend on a refund to balance the budget.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the State wide mil rate of 32 mils, for motor vehicle taxes for fiscal year 2017-18 set by the State for all towns and cities, has been approved by the Legislature.   Bethany will therefore have to compensate for the loss of revenue in the mill rate difference for motor vehicles. 
Selectwoman Gorski spoke to the Board of Finance regarding the assessment to Bethany by SCRCOG of $4,821 for the writing of an emergency plan for the Region.  Without this plan the Town of Bethany would not be able to apply for Federal grants as in the past for storm damage.  Following discussion Sharon Huxley moved a motion to pay the assessment to SCRCOG of $4,821 from the Contingency Fund.  Sally Huyser seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Sharon Huxley indicated under Roberts Rules that a Point of Order should be sent out in an email to correct amount of the Fund Balance as of June 30, 2016.  The Fund Balance should have been listed on the Call of the Annual Town Meeting notice of May 15, 2017 as $3,193,549 instead of $2,835,783.  The correct information is as follows:
Unassigned Fund Balance 6/30/2016                         $3,193,549                         13.74%
Fund Balance available to balance budget               $    880,482
Unassigned Fund Balance                                            $2,313,067                          10.00%
The error was in picking up the wrong Fund Balance from the previous year’s audit.
The Board discussed various ways to balance the budget and set the mil rate using money from the Fund Balance.  Without knowing exactly what the Town will receive in grant money from the State it was determined that $650,000 would be taken from the Fund Balance to balance this budget.  If more money is received than expected from the State of Connecticut, then the money would be put in the General Fund to reduce taxes next year.  A motion was moved by Sally Huyser to set the mil rate at 36.9 mils.  Robert Brinton Jr. seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 
Tom Broesler reported that he had spoken to the Actuary reviewing the Firemen’s Pension account.  The Actuary indicated that the plan should be funded by $35,500 each year to maintain it.  Since the budget is final this would have to be a consideration for next year.
David Forman presented to the Board of Finance a Tax Suspense list to be approved by the Board of Finance.  The Board reviewed it.  A motion was then moved by John Ford IV to accept the list as presented.  The motion was seconded by Sharon Huxley.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Sharon Huxley wanted it noted that the Board of Finance is not following and addressing the Control Issues as recommended by the Auditor.   Sharon suggested adding this as an agenda item to every meeting to begin the procedure of correcting them. 
The Board thanked Robert Brinton for his years of service to the Town in serving on the Board of Finance. 
Adjournment was called at 8:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Robert Brinton.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance