Bethany Conservation Commission
February 8, 2018
Unapproved Minutes
- The meeting was called to order at 8:05 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Absent were Shaukat Khan and Cathy Rives.
- Matthew Popp was appointed as a voting member in place of Cathy Rives for this meeting.
- Patsy moved to accept the minutes of the Nov. 9, 2018 meeting, Matt seconded. It was noted that the letter A should be capitalized in the word appendices in the third from last paragraph (Open Space Appendices).
- The only correspondence was the fall 2017 issue of “The Habitat”.
- Bruce reported on issues with the Conservation Commission budget. The expenses from last year’s Conservationist of the Year award were not submitted during fiscal 2016-2017. They are now submitted and put into this year’s budget, however, that additional submission along with the projected expenses for this year’s Conservationist of the Year and the Bethany Community School Conservation Awards will cause the Conservation Commission’s budget for 2017-2018 to be exceeded. Bruce will send a letter to the budget committee to explain the issue.
- Entered an Executive Session at 8:18 to discuss a land issue and Conservationist of the Year. The Executive Session ended at 8:34.
- There was a discussion of creating an approved charity list for the Conservationist of the Year award. After the discussion the following motion was made by Brian:
Given budget issues the Conservation Commission will no
longer include a monetary donation as part of the Conservationist of the Year
seconded the motion and it passed.
- Bruce tabled the issue on the Open Space Appendices.
- There was a discussion of trail use within the town and whether the Commission should make an effort to get the trails upgraded and expanded. No action was taken at this time.
- There was a discussion about the need for additional members to the Commission.
- Matt moved to adjourn at 9:10 Patsy seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore