Monday, May 7, 2018


March 8, 2018



Members present: Bruce Loomis, chair; Brian Eitzer; Patricia Winer

Absent: Cathy Rives, Shaukat Khan, Matthew Popp


The meeting was called to order at 8:05.


1.Review of Minutes of February 8, 2018. Winer moved to approve, Bruce Loomis seconded. Bruce suggested that under Item 5, “budget committee” be changed to “Board of Finance.” And under Item 6, “Entered an” should be changed to “Entered into.” The minutes were approved with these amendments.


2. Correspondence. The only correspondence was Acquarion’s annual announcement of its competition for Environmental Champion awards, and an atlas of birds from Audubon.


3. Budget. The commission asked for an increase in its budget last year of $250 but did not get it, and we will be over budget for this year, but maybe by only $60. It was agreed to ask for $600 in the next budget, an increase of only $100. It was also agreed to ask for $100,000 for the Land Acquisition Fund. These requests will be made in the form of a letter, not by appearing before the Board of Finance.


4. Conservationist of the Year. Since neither Commission members nor members of the public had made submissions that we thought were worthy of the award, there will not be one this year.


5. Review of Appendices. Some time was spent updating the appendices to the Town Plan to make them reflect the current open space protections and future desirable land acquisitions. Patricia Winer will check through the text to find any references to the appendices and will mark changes needed to make the two parts of the Plan match.


Brian moved to adjourn at 8:55pm. Bruce seconded. All voted in favor.


Respectfully submitted,


Secretary Pro Tempore

Patricia Winer