Tuesday, June 18, 2019



APRIL 30, 2019

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Betsy Thornquist, Sharon Huxley, Katie Erickson, John Ford IV, Sally Huyser

Visitors:  Fran Doba, Sheila Lane

Chairman Grabowski called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:08 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 

BUDGET 2019-20

Chairman Grabowski opened discussion on comments from the Budget Hearing.  The Board agreed that the Hearing was well received.  The Board was surprised with the reaction of those attending regarding the mill rate, and the opinion of the majority, that rather than a reduction in the rate they would rather have the money put into the repair of roads.  The teacher’s retirement issue with the State of Connecticut, and how much the Town will owe the State is still unresolved.  At this time it seems that the State of Connecticut’s suggestion to regionalize schools is unresolved. The only possible savings to towns, if this were to become law, would be possible savings in Special Education programs and possible participation in self-insuring of health insurance.  First Selectwoman Gorski felt that sticking with a flat mill rate would be the best solution.  Betsy Thornquist agreed that was the feeling she had gotten from the Hearing.  The Board reviewed the suggestion of Katie Erickson regarding spending the General Fund down leaving 12% in it to do more paving.  It was the consensus of the Board that this would not be a good idea.  The question came up about the State collecting the car tax and giving a portion back to the Town.  If this were to be enacted the Town of Bethany would lose a considerable amount of revenue.  Betsy Thornquist questioned what not bonding for roads all at once would have on the budget.  Since the town would go with BANS for the first three years it would not make a significant change.  


The cost to renovate the Annex for use by the Park and Recreation was discussed.  The total cost of renovation would be $235,000.

The following motion was moved by Sharon Huxley and seconded by Betsy Thornquist to authorize the expenditure of $235,000 from the General Fund for repair of the Annex, the project to be approved at the Annual Town Meeting.  The vote was called.  The vote taken was unanimous. 

The motion to take $282,906 for the re- paving of the Bethany Community School parking lot from the General Fund, and the sum of $163,634 for the re-paving of the Town Hall parking lot and sidewalks, and $50,000 for repaving of wheelchair access ramps at Town Hall, all from the General Fund, with project being approved at the Annual Town Meeting, was moved by Betsy Thornquist and seconded by Katie Erickson.  The vote taken was unanimous. 

The following Capital Expenditures were approved for recommendation to the Town Meeting on a motion moved by Betsy Thornquist and seconded by Sharon Huxley.

6 Yd. Dump Truck with plow $220,000 total leased over three year period for $77,829 per year.

Generator for Town Hall $125,000, Alarm Monitoring for Bethany Community School $20,000, Replacement of floor at Lakeview Lodge $40,000.  Approval to purchase Rescue/Pumper truck for Fire Department for a total cost of approximately $850,000 plus interest with the first payment due fiscal year 2021-22, total cost with interest yet to be determined will be on the call for the Annual Town Meeting.  The total of Capital Expenditures for fiscal year will be $904,369

The vote taken was unanimous.

A motion to approve total Revenues at $23,772,531 was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Katie Erickson.  The vote taken was unanimous.

A motion to approve total Expenditures at $23,865,324 was moved by Betsy Thornquist and seconded by Sally Huyser.  The vote taken was unanimous.


Chairman Grabowski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2019.  A motion was moved by John Ford IV and seconded by Sharon Huxley.  Chairman Grabowski questioned the amount of the Amity Surplus as written in the minutes.  Since the amount was not available approval of the minutes were tabled.

Chairman Grabowski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the April 22, 2019 Budget Hearing.  Some members had not read the minutes therefore approval was tabled.


First Selectwoman Gorski made a request to the Board of Finance, to approve the expenditure of $24,927.91 from the Contingency Fund to pay the State of Connecticut Pension Fund for Sean Warner’s pension dating back to his time of eligibility.  The State had calculated the amount due.  The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by John Ford IV.  The vote was called.  There were five yes votes and one abstention that of Sharon Huxley. 


Sheila Lane reported that the new computer software for accounting and bill paying will be put into operation September 1, 2019. 


Sharon Huxley moved to appoint the auditing firm of MAWC Certified Public Accountants to conduct the audit for 2018-19.  Betsy Thornquist seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 


Resident Trooper Merriam has requested that the Board of Finance approve the purchase of a new police car with funding to be taken from the Police Revenue Account to purchase the vehicle.  Sharon Huxley moved the motion that the Board of Finance approve up to the sum of $45,000for the purchase of a new police car with monies taken from the Police Revenue with final approval voted on at the Annual Town Meeting.  John Ford IV seconded the motion.  The vote was called.  The vote taken was unanimous. 


Adjournment was called at 8:12 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sharon Huxley and seconded by John Ford IV.


                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                                                                June G. Riley 

                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance