Conservation Commission
27th 2020
Minutes (Unapproved)
Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:05pm. Also in attendance were Brian
Eitzer, Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. The Commission welcomed guests Marie
Pulito and Allison Beres-nork.
spoke to the Commission on behalf of Sustainable Bethany about their interest
in creating a “pollinator pathway” in Bethany to create an environment for bees
to flourish. Their idea is to work with multiple groups in town to build the
“pathway” over the course of a year. They suggested that the land could be
town-owned, private property, or part of a land trust, and any combination
thereof. Marie mentioned that the neighboring town of Hamden’s Land Trust is
already underway working on building a “pathway” in their town. Marie also spoke
to the Commission about a second project that Sustainable Bethany is working
on, which is planting trees in town as a recovery effort from damages due to
the tornado in May of 2018. She mentioned the possible planting of chestnut
trees specifically as part of that effort. Marie stated that she would keep in
touch with the Commission with new information about both projects since they
both are in their beginning stages. She asked that the Commission consider
helping with both projects and that we keep a lookout for possible land that
could be used for the “pathway”. The Commission noted that Sustainable
Bethany’s primary mission seemed different than what was described in the email
received before the previous meeting.
were no bills. The Commission received two nominations for this year’s
Conservationist of the Year award. The Commission also received the annual
request from Bethany Community School to sponsor their annual conservation
awards in the amount of $60.00. They give the awards one boy and one girl each
year. Brian moved that the Commission spend the money to fund the awards, Matt
seconded. The motion passed.
Brian moved to
accept the minutes from the previous meeting, Patsy seconded. Bruce suggested
that in paragraph six, “windmills” should be changed to “wind generators”. The
minutes were accepted as amended.
Commission discussed Allison’s interest in becoming a member. She will speak to
the First Selectwoman about becoming officially appointed.
Commission discussed the town’s open space plan.
moved to adjourn the meeting, Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at