AUAUST 24, 2009
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Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Steven Thornquist
Visitors: Attorney Kevin McSherry, Ben Haag
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was check signing. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Selectman Thornquist moved to refund to Alan Zibluk the sum of $46.06, to Ann Klatskin the sum of $52.20, to B. Mucherino Plavnicky the sum of $7.13, to Clifford Rosson the sum of $31.78, to Carol Paugus the sum of $9.77, to Connecticut Sheet Metal the sum of $3.00, to Cora Fonda the sum of $50.27, to David Tressel the sum oif $36.13, to DCFS Trust the sum of $405.94, to Dennis Colwell the sum of $8.13, to Dhanapala Nagarathnam the sum of $59.67, to Earl Sanford the sum of $9.45, to Elaine Skoronski the sum of $100.00, to Eleanor Beckert the sum of $91.93, to Elizabeth O’Neal the sum of $14.69, to Financial Services VEH Trust the sum of $375.56, to Gary Schulman the sum of $15.74, to GMAC the sum of $79.03, to Harold Lineweber the sum of $221.13, to Honda Lease Trust the sum of $176.77, to Hui Li the sum of $10.72, to James Monarchio the sum of $21.87, to Joan Dixon the sum of $16.55, to John Schurman the sum of $107.06, to Keith Rapaport the sum of $22.19, to Kellie Scott the sum of $50.46, to Kevin Graham the sum of $22.33, to Marilyn Gambardella the sum of $1,895, to Mary Robinson the sum of $49.14, to Megastar Trading the sum of $40.90, to Michael or Janet Enson the sum of $27.40, to Nicholas Poulmas the sum of $19.63, to Petruzzello Transport the sum of $19.72, to Raymond Horn the sum of $22.33, to Ronald Plavnicky the sum of $6.80, to Sal Amadeo the sum of $3.02, to Sandra McSherry the sum of $30.83, to Zhinan Yin the sum of $22.22, to Konica Copier the sum of $498.76, and to Konica Copier the sum of $106.69 all for overpayment of taxes. Selectman Shea seconded the motion.
Craig and Debra Molsick have requested a tax deferral for the first installment of the 2008 Grand List real estate taxes on their vacant land at 221 Bear Hill Road and 73 Hopp Brook Road. The Molsicks’ assessment increased 36.4% for one parcel and 176.3% for the other. In his letter to the Board of Selectmen David Foreman requested that “while I would not normally consider a tax increase due to revaluation as being the type of unusual financial circumstance referred to in state statute 12-174, in this case I believe it does apply,” therefore he is recommending that the Board of Selectmen grant a deferred collection on the July installment for the two parcels. Following discussion Selectman Thornquist moved to accept the recommendation of David Forman for tax deferral of the property at 221 Bear Hill Road and 73 Hopp Brook Road owned by Craig and Debra Molsick. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Modification was needed for the Connecticut State Library and Historic Documents Preservation Grant passed at the previous meeting. Selectman Thornquist moved the following resolution:
RESOLVED: That Derrylyn Gorski, First Selectwoman for the Town of Bethany is empowered to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of this municipality a contract with the Connecticut State Library for an Historic Documents Preservation Grant.
Selectman Shea seconded the resolution. The vote taken was unanimous.
Correspondence was received from Frank and Bernice Mozealous regarding drainage on the corner of Carmel and Brooks Road. The Highway Department has addressed some of the issues and will work with the Mozealous’ to complete the corrections.
First Selectwoman Gorski attended the public hearing held in Hartford regarding changes to the Probate Court system, where she testified on the issues regarding the proposed changes. If the recently passed statute were to be modified Bethany could establish with Woodbridge and Orange an Amity court.
Adjournment was called at 8:00 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Commission members were present:
Sharon Huxley, Chairman
John Ford, Member
Mary Shurtleff, Member
Patricia Winer, Member
Nelly Rabinowitz, Alternate Member
Donald Shea Jr., Alternate Member, seated as a Regular Member
The following Commission members were excused or absent:
Melissa Spear, Vice-Chairman
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
1. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Winer to table the minutes of the July 1, 2009, Regular Meeting, until the next regular meeting of September 2, 2009, so the Clerk can review the record for a discrepancy.
Voting for: Huxley, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Ford to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the July 8, 2009, Special Meeting.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer.
Unanimous approval.
1. Letter from Melissa and Tom Lambrecht of 96 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 15, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Jason Hartmann, No objection to the usage of the shared driveway and parking on the north side of the house and the paddock.
2. Letter from Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 10, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Special Exception to operate boarding stable and training facility, activities excessive for this site as seen during July 9, 2009 site visit.
3. Email from Paul Holmes, DOT, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated July 20, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Driveway apron.
4. Letter from QVHD, dated July 22, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Construction of a pavilion, comments from review of application.
5. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated July 29, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-021, 241 Fairwood Road, Apt. B.
6. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated August 4, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-023 and #2009-025, 190 Sperry Road.
7. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated August 3, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-024, 234 Amity Road.
8. Letter from Nafis & Young, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated June 27, 2009, Re: Comments from site walk on July 23, 2009, at 83 Beacon Road.
9. Letter from SCC Regional Planning Commission, dated July 10, 2009, Re: Town of Hamden: Proposed amendments to the 2004 Plan of Conservation and Development.
10. Letter from SCC Regional Planning Commission, dated July 10, 2009, Re: Town of Prospect: Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendments and definition of Open Space.
1. Basic Training for Land Use Commissioners, Fall 2009.
1. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis) for services rendered for July 2009, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Ford to approve the payment of $95.00 to John McLeod for recording services at the meeting of July 1, 2009 (523 Carrington Road, 80 Litchfield Turnpike).
Unanimous approval.
3. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Ford to approve the payment of $95.00 to John McLeod for recording services at the meeting of August 5, 2009 (80 Litchfield Turnpike, 265 Beacon Road).
Unanimous approval.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, reported on the following:
· 185 Beacon Road, Daniel Cusano, pertaining to Cease and Desist Order issued June 23, 2009 – Town Attorney moving forward with court proceeding.
· 80 Litchfield Turnpike (Double H Farm), Application #2009-012 for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility
At 8:03 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the continuation of the public hearing on Application #2009-012. The public hearing commenced on June 3, 2009, and was previously continued to July 1, 2009. Chairman Huxley read the notice for the public hearing continuation.
Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 3A – Revised map entitled, “Zoning Location Survey” dated January 22, 2009, revised to July 15, 2009, with hand drawn revisions prepared by Robert Hartman, owner of record.
Exhibit 3B – Three sheets of information on the light shielding installed at the property.
Exhibit 3C - Letter from Melissa and Tom Lambrecht of 96 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 15, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Jason Hartmann, No objection to the usage of the shared driveway and parking on the north side of the house and paddock.
Exhibit 3D – Letter from Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 10, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Special Exception to operate boarding stable and training facility, activities excessive for this site as seen during July 9, 2009 site visit.
Exhibit 3E – Email from Paul Holmes, DOT, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated July 20, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Driveway apron.
Chairman Huxley stated the Commission made a site visit on July 8, 2009.
Present for this application representing the applicant (Jason Hartmann, also present), was Attorney Dominic Caciopoli of Branford. Attorney Caciopoli addressed the concerns of Mrs. Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, as stated in letters prepared by Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Mrs. Lewis. Attorney Caciopoli reviewed the discussions he had with Dominic Iannotti, Barn Manager for Double H Farm, pertaining to the amount of traffic flow generated from the boarders of the Double H Farm, and discussion with Lance Wetmore of 120 Litchfield Turnpike, previous owner of a larger boarding stable and training facility in Bethany, pertaining to the size of the operation at Double H Farm. Attorney Caciopoli stated Mr. Hartmann has revised the parking area to address Mrs. Lewis’ concerns and the Commission’s concerns in a map revised to July 15, 2009, Mr. Hartmann reviewed the revised plan dated July 15, 2009, with the Commission members pertaining to the parking situation and the lighting on the barn.
Some Commission Members had a question or concern pertaining to the following:
· Parking
· Trespass lighting from the barn
· Traffic safety on Route 69
· Proposed stockade fencing
Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. The following members of the public commented:
a) Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Ms. Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike – Attorney Cooper stated the revised plan covers some of the problems with the Double H Farm. Attorney Cooper reviewed the parking situation, the trespass lighting onto Mrs. Lewis’ property and the screening concerns.
There being no further comments, at 8:38 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.
· 265 Beacon Road-Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion
At 8:40 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing on Application #2009-020. The call for the public hearing was read. Chairman Huxley reviewed the complete contents of the application file.
Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated July 22, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application to construct a pavilion, more information needed to complete review.
Exhibit 1B – Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated August 5, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application to construct pavilion, comments from completion of review of application.
Nicholas Poulmas of 70 Tuttle Court was representing the Town on this application. Mr. Poulmas reviewed the proposed plans for the pavilion for the Town of Bethany and the proposed use of the pavilion.
Chairman Huxley was concerned that the Commission did not receive a letter from the Fire Marshal concerning the single driveway and emergency access.
Derrylyn Gorski, First Selectman, entered the meeting at approximately 9:05 p.m. First Selectman Gorski addressed the parking situation, the portable toilets staying at the beach, and the proposed concession type kitchen in the pavilion.
Some Commission Members had a question or concern pertaining to the following:
· Capacity of parking for Lodge and Lake when events are taking place at both locations.
· Location of well
· Emergency access
Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. There were none.
At 9:17 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.
At 9:17 p.m., Chairman Huxley recessed the regular meeting and reconvened at 9:26 p.m.
1. 241 Fairwood Road, Apt. B, Application #2009-021 submitted by Jeremy Gould for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business – Present for this application was Jeremy Gould, applicant. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated July 29, 2009. Mr. Gould briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-021:
Whereas, Janet Brinton, owner of 241 Fairwood Road, gave authorization for Jeremy Gould to apply for this Home Occupation Permit in a letter dated July 6, 2009;
Whereas, Jeremy Gould of 241 Fairwood Road, Apartment B, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009 indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009, indicating his approval.
Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority submitted a letter dated July 29, 2009, in which he states the proposed use does not appear to involve any significant impact to the public water supply.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-021 submitted by Jeremy Gould for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business, as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following conditions of approval:
1) There shall be no outside storage of any kind.
2) As represented in the Statement of Use dated July 7, 2009, there will be no employees and no client contact on the premises.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
2. 369 Bethmour Road, Application #2009-022 submitted by Margaret Duke for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several buildings – Present for this application was Margaret Duke, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file. Ms Duke briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shea and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-022:
Whereas, Margaret Duke owner of 369 Bethmour Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several businesses;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on August 3, 2009, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-022 submitted by Margaret Duke for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several businesses in her home as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following conditions of approval:
There shall be no recording studio on premises.
As represented in the Statement of Use dated July 23, 2009, there will be no employees and no client contact on the premises.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
3. 190 Sperry Road, Application #2009-023 submitted by Yvette Wall (Wall Associates, CPA) for a Professional Office/Accounting Business – Present for this application was Yvette Wall, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated August 4, 2009. Ms. Wall briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-023:
Whereas, Yvette Wall owner of 190 Sperry Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit for a professional office to operate an accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) at 190 Sperry Road;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this professional office application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009, indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 31, 2009, indicating his approval.
The Commission received a letter dated August 4, 2009, from Ronald Walters of the SCC Regional Water Authority, in which he states that they have no comments to offer.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Yvette Wall for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a professional office/accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) in her home as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following condition of approval:
1) As outlined in the Statement of Use dated July 30, 2009, there shall be only one part-time employee.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
4. 234 Amity Road, Application #2009-024 submitted by Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center (Kathy Consoli) for a Change of Use from Sunroom Showroom to Day Care Center – Present for this application was Kathy Consoli, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated August 3, 2009. Ms. Consoli briefly reviewed the proposed change of use. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-024:
Whereas, Kathy Consoli, owner of 234 Amity Road, applied on August 5, 2009, to the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission for a Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known as 234 Amity Road (as shown on the floor plan submitted July 24, 2009);
Whereas, the Commission, at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the application information, Statement of Use, testimony and other pertinent information relating to a request for the Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known as 234 Amity Road (as shown on the floor plan submitted July 24, 2009);
Whereas, the Commission finds the subject application in essential compliance with the applicable regulations;
Now Therefore the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1) The Commission received a letter dated August 5, 2009, from Lynn Fox and Leslie Balch of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, in which it states that the sub surface sewage disposal system has been approved and can accommodate a maximum of 65 children and 15 staff members.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating his approval.
3) Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority submitted a letter dated August 3, 2009, in which he stated the proposed use does not appear to represent any significant risk to the public drinking water supply.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 5.5.A of the Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-024 submitted by Kathy Consoli for a Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known at 234 Amity Road (as shown on floor plan dated July 24, 2009, prepared by the applicant), as presented in the application, Statement of Use and testimony and with the following conditions:
1) A building permit for an interior fit up must be approved by the Building Official prior to any renovations to or occupancy of the building.
2) The Fire Marshal must sign off prior to a certificate of occupancy.
3) Per the letter dated August 3, 2009 from Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority, the dumpster shall be set on an impervious surface.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
5. 190 Sperry Road, Application #2009-025 submitted by Yvette Wall for a 2’ by 2’ Sign Permit – Present for this application was Yvette Wall, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file. Ms. Wall briefly reviewed the proposed sign. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Shea to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-025:
Whereas, Yvette Wall owner of 190 Sperry Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a 2’ by 2’ sign permit to advertise for a professional office/Wall Associates CPA at 190 Sperry Road;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this sign permit application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 6 of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-025 submitted by Yvette Wall for a Sign Permit to place a 2’ by 2’ sign to advertise for a professional office/accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) in her home and with the following condition of approval:
1) The sign shall not be illuminated.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
1. 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Application #2009-012 submitted by Jason R. Hartmann (Double H Farm) for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-012:
Whereas, Robert D. Hartmann, owner of 80 Litchfield Turnpike, authorized Jason Hartmann to act on his behalf to obtain a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable and training facility at 80 Litchfield Turnpike;
Whereas, Jason Hartmann applied for a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable (maximum 12 horses) and training facility at 80 Litchfield Turnpike on May 1, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission opened a public hearing on this application on June 3, 2009, and continued the public hearing twice until July 1, 2009, and then August 5, 2009. Said hearing was closed at the conclusion of testimony on August 5, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting also held on August 5, 2009, considered the maps, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to a request for a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable and training facility application at 80 Litchfield Turnpike;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding the application:
1) Alexis Rinaldi, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on April 7, 2009, indicating her approval.
2) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence dated May 4, 2009, from the Inland Wetlands Commission stating that no Inland Wetlands Commission action is required for the proposed activity.
3) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence from Ronald Walters of the SCC Regional Water Authority dated May 11, 2009 stating that, “The storage of manure should conform to Section 19-13-B21(b) and 19-13-B32 of the Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut. The Commission received a subsequent letter dated June 4, 2009, clarifying that the application was for a boarding stable and training facility.
4) Michael Katzmark, Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Representative, signed off on the back of the application form and commented that this may require a visit from the Fire Marshal.
5) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on May 1, 2009, indicating his approval.
6) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence submitted May 28, 2009. It is an unsigned letter referencing Application #2009-012 stating the intentions of the Hartmann Family with regard to a commercial stable, hours of operation, employees and parking.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.1.A of the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Bethany, amended to August 27, 2008, the Commission hereby approves Application #2009-012 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility located 80 Litchfield Turnpike, located in the R-130 Zone and in accordance with the following submitted plan prepared by Robert Hartmann and with hand drawn revisions:
· “Zoning Location Survey, Lot 1, 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Bethany, Connecticut”, dated January 22, 2009, revised to July 15, 2009.
and with the following conditions:
1) The maximum number of horses on this property shall be 12 (twelve).
2) No additional lighting shall be installed.
3) The training operation shall cease at dusk.
4) Riding lessons shall be limited to the indicated riding arena which is adjacent to the barn.
5) There shall be no competitions on the premises.
6) All manure shall be stored in a covered dumpster and shall be removed as needed. There shall be no stockpiling of manure.
7) The Commission has declined at this time that additional stockade fencing, as shown on the plan, is not required; however, it reserves the right to look back at the issue in 9 (nine) months from the date of approval to determine whether any additional screening is required at that time.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
2. 80 Litchfield Turnpike (Double H Farm), Application #2009-019 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Sign Permit – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-019:
Whereas, the maximum allowable square footage for signage for this property is 4 square feet;
Whereas, this application is for a 2’ by 2’ sign;
Whereas, this application meets the zoning requirement for signage;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 6 of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-019 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Sign Permit to place a 2’ by 2’ sign located at 80 Litchfield Turnpike and with the following condition of approval:
1) The sign shall be located on the north side of the driveway and shall be placed so that it does not block the site line onto Route 69.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
3. 265 Beacon Road – Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-020:
Whereas, the Town of Bethany applied on July 1, 2009, to the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at Veteran’s Memorial Park at 265 Beacon Road;
Whereas, the Commission opened a public hearing on August 5, 2009, for this Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at 265 Beacon Road;
Whereas, the public hearing was closed at the conclusion of testimony on August 5, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission also at its meeting of August 5, 2009, considered testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at 265 Beacon Road;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Inland Wetlands Permit #593-M-6 has been issued for this site development.
2) Refer to the letter dated August 5, 2009 from Quinnipiack Valley Health District and take note of the fact it limits the number of attendees under different conditions.
3) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form indicating his approval on July 30, 2009.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 4.4.A of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at Veteran’s Memorial Park at 265 Beacon Road based on the following plans prepared by Nafis & Young, Northford, Connecticut:
A. “Proposed Pavilion”, dated July 13, 2009, with no revisions.
B. “Floor Plan”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
C. “Elevations”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
D. “Plumbing and Electrical”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
E. “Details”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
and with the following condition:
1) The Commission requests confirmation from the Fire Marshal and the Fire Department regarding sufficiency of the emergency access consistent with their respective jurisdictions.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
4. Bethany Volunteer Fire Department revised Water Source Specifications – The ZEO will contact Mike Katzmark, Representative for the BVFD. Tabled.
5. Zoning Regulation Amendment for Windmill, Towers, and Energy Producing Wind Devices – Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, handed out copies of a booklet “Wind Power Today” and spoke briefly pertaining to the height of Windmills. Tabled.
6. Town Plan Revision – Discussion and possible action – Tabled.
7. Discuss Architectural Reviews – Draft forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Tabled.
8. Proposed Town of Bethany Noise Control Ordinance – Draft forwarded to the Town Attorney. Tabled.
9. Proposed Ordinance Establishing Citation Procedures and Fines for Zoning Violations – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated that the proposed ordinance is scheduled to go to a Town Meeting. Tabled.
10. Update on Halter Estates – Tabled.
It was moved by Shea and seconded by Shurtleff to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:05 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia Marek, Clerk
For the Planning and Zoning Commission
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Commission members were present:
Sharon Huxley, Chairman
John Ford, Member
Mary Shurtleff, Member
Patricia Winer, Member
Nelly Rabinowitz, Alternate Member
Donald Shea Jr., Alternate Member, seated as a Regular Member
The following Commission members were excused or absent:
Melissa Spear, Vice-Chairman
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
1. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Winer to table the minutes of the July 1, 2009, Regular Meeting, until the next regular meeting of September 2, 2009, so the Clerk can review the record for a discrepancy.
Voting for: Huxley, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Ford to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the July 8, 2009, Special Meeting.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer.
Unanimous approval.
1. Letter from Melissa and Tom Lambrecht of 96 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 15, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Jason Hartmann, No objection to the usage of the shared driveway and parking on the north side of the house and the paddock.
2. Letter from Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 10, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Special Exception to operate boarding stable and training facility, activities excessive for this site as seen during July 9, 2009 site visit.
3. Email from Paul Holmes, DOT, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated July 20, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Driveway apron.
4. Letter from QVHD, dated July 22, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Construction of a pavilion, comments from review of application.
5. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated July 29, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-021, 241 Fairwood Road, Apt. B.
6. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated August 4, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-023 and #2009-025, 190 Sperry Road.
7. Letter from SCC Regional Water Authority, dated August 3, 2009, Re: Review comments for Application #2009-024, 234 Amity Road.
8. Letter from Nafis & Young, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated June 27, 2009, Re: Comments from site walk on July 23, 2009, at 83 Beacon Road.
9. Letter from SCC Regional Planning Commission, dated July 10, 2009, Re: Town of Hamden: Proposed amendments to the 2004 Plan of Conservation and Development.
10. Letter from SCC Regional Planning Commission, dated July 10, 2009, Re: Town of Prospect: Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendments and definition of Open Space.
1. Basic Training for Land Use Commissioners, Fall 2009.
1. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis) for services rendered for July 2009, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Ford to approve the payment of $95.00 to John McLeod for recording services at the meeting of July 1, 2009 (523 Carrington Road, 80 Litchfield Turnpike).
Unanimous approval.
3. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Ford to approve the payment of $95.00 to John McLeod for recording services at the meeting of August 5, 2009 (80 Litchfield Turnpike, 265 Beacon Road).
Unanimous approval.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, reported on the following:
· 185 Beacon Road, Daniel Cusano, pertaining to Cease and Desist Order issued June 23, 2009 – Town Attorney moving forward with court proceeding.
· 80 Litchfield Turnpike (Double H Farm), Application #2009-012 for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility
At 8:03 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the continuation of the public hearing on Application #2009-012. The public hearing commenced on June 3, 2009, and was previously continued to July 1, 2009. Chairman Huxley read the notice for the public hearing continuation.
Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 3A – Revised map entitled, “Zoning Location Survey” dated January 22, 2009, revised to July 15, 2009, with hand drawn revisions prepared by Robert Hartman, owner of record.
Exhibit 3B – Three sheets of information on the light shielding installed at the property.
Exhibit 3C - Letter from Melissa and Tom Lambrecht of 96 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 15, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Jason Hartmann, No objection to the usage of the shared driveway and parking on the north side of the house and paddock.
Exhibit 3D – Letter from Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, dated July 10, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Special Exception to operate boarding stable and training facility, activities excessive for this site as seen during July 9, 2009 site visit.
Exhibit 3E – Email from Paul Holmes, DOT, to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated July 20, 2009, Re: 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Driveway apron.
Chairman Huxley stated the Commission made a site visit on July 8, 2009.
Present for this application representing the applicant (Jason Hartmann, also present), was Attorney Dominic Caciopoli of Branford. Attorney Caciopoli addressed the concerns of Mrs. Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike, as stated in letters prepared by Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Mrs. Lewis. Attorney Caciopoli reviewed the discussions he had with Dominic Iannotti, Barn Manager for Double H Farm, pertaining to the amount of traffic flow generated from the boarders of the Double H Farm, and discussion with Lance Wetmore of 120 Litchfield Turnpike, previous owner of a larger boarding stable and training facility in Bethany, pertaining to the size of the operation at Double H Farm. Attorney Caciopoli stated Mr. Hartmann has revised the parking area to address Mrs. Lewis’ concerns and the Commission’s concerns in a map revised to July 15, 2009, Mr. Hartmann reviewed the revised plan dated July 15, 2009, with the Commission members pertaining to the parking situation and the lighting on the barn.
Some Commission Members had a question or concern pertaining to the following:
· Parking
· Trespass lighting from the barn
· Traffic safety on Route 69
· Proposed stockade fencing
Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. The following members of the public commented:
a) Attorney Peter Cooper, representing Ms. Nancy Lewis of 76 Litchfield Turnpike – Attorney Cooper stated the revised plan covers some of the problems with the Double H Farm. Attorney Cooper reviewed the parking situation, the trespass lighting onto Mrs. Lewis’ property and the screening concerns.
There being no further comments, at 8:38 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.
· 265 Beacon Road-Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion
At 8:40 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing on Application #2009-020. The call for the public hearing was read. Chairman Huxley reviewed the complete contents of the application file.
Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated July 22, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application to construct a pavilion, more information needed to complete review.
Exhibit 1B – Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated August 5, 2009, Re: 265 Beacon Road, Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application to construct pavilion, comments from completion of review of application.
Nicholas Poulmas of 70 Tuttle Court was representing the Town on this application. Mr. Poulmas reviewed the proposed plans for the pavilion for the Town of Bethany and the proposed use of the pavilion.
Chairman Huxley was concerned that the Commission did not receive a letter from the Fire Marshal concerning the single driveway and emergency access.
Derrylyn Gorski, First Selectman, entered the meeting at approximately 9:05 p.m. First Selectman Gorski addressed the parking situation, the portable toilets staying at the beach, and the proposed concession type kitchen in the pavilion.
Some Commission Members had a question or concern pertaining to the following:
· Capacity of parking for Lodge and Lake when events are taking place at both locations.
· Location of well
· Emergency access
Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. There were none.
At 9:17 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.
At 9:17 p.m., Chairman Huxley recessed the regular meeting and reconvened at 9:26 p.m.
1. 241 Fairwood Road, Apt. B, Application #2009-021 submitted by Jeremy Gould for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business – Present for this application was Jeremy Gould, applicant. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated July 29, 2009. Mr. Gould briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-021:
Whereas, Janet Brinton, owner of 241 Fairwood Road, gave authorization for Jeremy Gould to apply for this Home Occupation Permit in a letter dated July 6, 2009;
Whereas, Jeremy Gould of 241 Fairwood Road, Apartment B, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009 indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009, indicating his approval.
Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority submitted a letter dated July 29, 2009, in which he states the proposed use does not appear to involve any significant impact to the public water supply.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-021 submitted by Jeremy Gould for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for a home improvement business, as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following conditions of approval:
1) There shall be no outside storage of any kind.
2) As represented in the Statement of Use dated July 7, 2009, there will be no employees and no client contact on the premises.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
2. 369 Bethmour Road, Application #2009-022 submitted by Margaret Duke for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several buildings – Present for this application was Margaret Duke, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file. Ms Duke briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shea and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-022:
Whereas, Margaret Duke owner of 369 Bethmour Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several businesses;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on August 3, 2009, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-022 submitted by Margaret Duke for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a home office for several businesses in her home as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following conditions of approval:
There shall be no recording studio on premises.
As represented in the Statement of Use dated July 23, 2009, there will be no employees and no client contact on the premises.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
3. 190 Sperry Road, Application #2009-023 submitted by Yvette Wall (Wall Associates, CPA) for a Professional Office/Accounting Business – Present for this application was Yvette Wall, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated August 4, 2009. Ms. Wall briefly reviewed the proposed business. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-023:
Whereas, Yvette Wall owner of 190 Sperry Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Home Occupation Permit for a professional office to operate an accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) at 190 Sperry Road;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the Statement of Use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this professional office application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 27, 2009, indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 31, 2009, indicating his approval.
The Commission received a letter dated August 4, 2009, from Ronald Walters of the SCC Regional Water Authority, in which he states that they have no comments to offer.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.(b) of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Yvette Wall for a Home Occupation Permit to operate a professional office/accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) in her home as outlined in the Statement of Use and with the following condition of approval:
1) As outlined in the Statement of Use dated July 30, 2009, there shall be only one part-time employee.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
4. 234 Amity Road, Application #2009-024 submitted by Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center (Kathy Consoli) for a Change of Use from Sunroom Showroom to Day Care Center – Present for this application was Kathy Consoli, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file and read the letter received from the SCC Regional Water Authority dated August 3, 2009. Ms. Consoli briefly reviewed the proposed change of use. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-024:
Whereas, Kathy Consoli, owner of 234 Amity Road, applied on August 5, 2009, to the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission for a Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known as 234 Amity Road (as shown on the floor plan submitted July 24, 2009);
Whereas, the Commission, at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered the application information, Statement of Use, testimony and other pertinent information relating to a request for the Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known as 234 Amity Road (as shown on the floor plan submitted July 24, 2009);
Whereas, the Commission finds the subject application in essential compliance with the applicable regulations;
Now Therefore the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1) The Commission received a letter dated August 5, 2009, from Lynn Fox and Leslie Balch of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, in which it states that the sub surface sewage disposal system has been approved and can accommodate a maximum of 65 children and 15 staff members.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating his approval.
3) Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority submitted a letter dated August 3, 2009, in which he stated the proposed use does not appear to represent any significant risk to the public drinking water supply.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 5.5.A of the Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-024 submitted by Kathy Consoli for a Change of Use Permit to expand the existing Surreybrook Preschool and Child Development Center, LLC into other portions of the building known at 234 Amity Road (as shown on floor plan dated July 24, 2009, prepared by the applicant), as presented in the application, Statement of Use and testimony and with the following conditions:
1) A building permit for an interior fit up must be approved by the Building Official prior to any renovations to or occupancy of the building.
2) The Fire Marshal must sign off prior to a certificate of occupancy.
3) Per the letter dated August 3, 2009 from Michael Guaglianone of the SCC Regional Water Authority, the dumpster shall be set on an impervious surface.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
5. 190 Sperry Road, Application #2009-025 submitted by Yvette Wall for a 2’ by 2’ Sign Permit – Present for this application was Yvette Wall, applicant and owner of record. The Commission received the application. Chairman Huxley reviewed the contents of the application file. Ms. Wall briefly reviewed the proposed sign. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Shea to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-025:
Whereas, Yvette Wall owner of 190 Sperry Road, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a 2’ by 2’ sign permit to advertise for a professional office/Wall Associates CPA at 190 Sperry Road;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of August 5, 2009, considered testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this sign permit application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
Lynn Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating her approval.
Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on July 30, 2009 indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 6 of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-025 submitted by Yvette Wall for a Sign Permit to place a 2’ by 2’ sign to advertise for a professional office/accounting business (Wall Associates, CPA) in her home and with the following condition of approval:
1) The sign shall not be illuminated.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
1. 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Application #2009-012 submitted by Jason R. Hartmann (Double H Farm) for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-012:
Whereas, Robert D. Hartmann, owner of 80 Litchfield Turnpike, authorized Jason Hartmann to act on his behalf to obtain a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable and training facility at 80 Litchfield Turnpike;
Whereas, Jason Hartmann applied for a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable (maximum 12 horses) and training facility at 80 Litchfield Turnpike on May 1, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission opened a public hearing on this application on June 3, 2009, and continued the public hearing twice until July 1, 2009, and then August 5, 2009. Said hearing was closed at the conclusion of testimony on August 5, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting also held on August 5, 2009, considered the maps, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to a request for a Special Exception Permit for a boarding stable and training facility application at 80 Litchfield Turnpike;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding the application:
1) Alexis Rinaldi, Quinnipiack Valley Health District Representative, signed off on the back of the application form on April 7, 2009, indicating her approval.
2) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence dated May 4, 2009, from the Inland Wetlands Commission stating that no Inland Wetlands Commission action is required for the proposed activity.
3) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence from Ronald Walters of the SCC Regional Water Authority dated May 11, 2009 stating that, “The storage of manure should conform to Section 19-13-B21(b) and 19-13-B32 of the Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut. The Commission received a subsequent letter dated June 4, 2009, clarifying that the application was for a boarding stable and training facility.
4) Michael Katzmark, Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Representative, signed off on the back of the application form and commented that this may require a visit from the Fire Marshal.
5) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on May 1, 2009, indicating his approval.
6) The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence submitted May 28, 2009. It is an unsigned letter referencing Application #2009-012 stating the intentions of the Hartmann Family with regard to a commercial stable, hours of operation, employees and parking.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.1.A of the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Bethany, amended to August 27, 2008, the Commission hereby approves Application #2009-012 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Special Exception Permit to operate a boarding stable and training facility located 80 Litchfield Turnpike, located in the R-130 Zone and in accordance with the following submitted plan prepared by Robert Hartmann and with hand drawn revisions:
· “Zoning Location Survey, Lot 1, 80 Litchfield Turnpike, Bethany, Connecticut”, dated January 22, 2009, revised to July 15, 2009.
and with the following conditions:
1) The maximum number of horses on this property shall be 12 (twelve).
2) No additional lighting shall be installed.
3) The training operation shall cease at dusk.
4) Riding lessons shall be limited to the indicated riding arena which is adjacent to the barn.
5) There shall be no competitions on the premises.
6) All manure shall be stored in a covered dumpster and shall be removed as needed. There shall be no stockpiling of manure.
7) The Commission has declined at this time that additional stockade fencing, as shown on the plan, is not required; however, it reserves the right to look back at the issue in 9 (nine) months from the date of approval to determine whether any additional screening is required at that time.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
2. 80 Litchfield Turnpike (Double H Farm), Application #2009-019 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Sign Permit – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-019:
Whereas, the maximum allowable square footage for signage for this property is 4 square feet;
Whereas, this application is for a 2’ by 2’ sign;
Whereas, this application meets the zoning requirement for signage;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 6 of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-019 submitted by Jason Hartmann for a Sign Permit to place a 2’ by 2’ sign located at 80 Litchfield Turnpike and with the following condition of approval:
1) The sign shall be located on the north side of the driveway and shall be placed so that it does not block the site line onto Route 69.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
3. 265 Beacon Road – Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, prepared a draft resolution. Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Ford and seconded by Winer to approve the following resolution for Application #2009-020:
Whereas, the Town of Bethany applied on July 1, 2009, to the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at Veteran’s Memorial Park at 265 Beacon Road;
Whereas, the Commission opened a public hearing on August 5, 2009, for this Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at 265 Beacon Road;
Whereas, the public hearing was closed at the conclusion of testimony on August 5, 2009;
Whereas, the Commission also at its meeting of August 5, 2009, considered testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at 265 Beacon Road;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Inland Wetlands Permit #593-M-6 has been issued for this site development.
2) Refer to the letter dated August 5, 2009 from Quinnipiack Valley Health District and take note of the fact it limits the number of attendees under different conditions.
3) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form indicating his approval on July 30, 2009.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 4.4.A of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to August 27, 2008, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves Application #2009-020 submitted by the Town of Bethany for a Special Exception Permit to construct a pavilion at Veteran’s Memorial Park at 265 Beacon Road based on the following plans prepared by Nafis & Young, Northford, Connecticut:
A. “Proposed Pavilion”, dated July 13, 2009, with no revisions.
B. “Floor Plan”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
C. “Elevations”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
D. “Plumbing and Electrical”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
E. “Details”, dated June 5, 2009, with no revisions.
and with the following condition:
1) The Commission requests confirmation from the Fire Marshal and the Fire Department regarding sufficiency of the emergency access consistent with their respective jurisdictions.
Vote 5 to 0.
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Ford, Winer, Shea.
Opposed: No one.
Abstained: No one.
Unanimous approval.
4. Bethany Volunteer Fire Department revised Water Source Specifications – The ZEO will contact Mike Katzmark, Representative for the BVFD. Tabled.
5. Zoning Regulation Amendment for Windmill, Towers, and Energy Producing Wind Devices – Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, handed out copies of a booklet “Wind Power Today” and spoke briefly pertaining to the height of Windmills. Tabled.
6. Town Plan Revision – Discussion and possible action – Tabled.
7. Discuss Architectural Reviews – Draft forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Tabled.
8. Proposed Town of Bethany Noise Control Ordinance – Draft forwarded to the Town Attorney. Tabled.
9. Proposed Ordinance Establishing Citation Procedures and Fines for Zoning Violations – Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated that the proposed ordinance is scheduled to go to a Town Meeting. Tabled.
10. Update on Halter Estates – Tabled.
It was moved by Shea and seconded by Shurtleff to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:05 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia Marek, Clerk
For the Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, August 10, 2009
The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
John Kane, Member
Jon Painter, Member
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a regular member.
Brian Smith, Alternate Member
The following members of the Commission were absent:
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman
Jack Ellison, Member
Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant
1. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan that the Inland Wetlands Commission elects Patricia McGregor as the Commission Chairman for the term of July 2009 to June 2010. Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan that the Inland Wetlands Commission elects Alexandra Breslin as Commission Vice-Chairman for the term of July 2009 to June 2010. Unanimous approval.
3. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to reaffirm that being consistent with Section 22a-44 of the General Statutes and with Section 14.3 of the IW Regulations, the Inland Wetlands Commission has the authority to authorize its agent, Isabel Kearns, to take actions or investigations necessary to the enforcement of these Regulations, as per Section 3.F of the Inland Wetlands Bylaws. Unanimous approval.
4. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter that in the absence of the Inland Wetlands Agent, Isabel Kearns, the Inland Wetlands Commission designates Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant, to take actions or investigations necessary to the enforcement of the Inland Wetlands Regulations, as per Section 3.F of the Inland Wetlands Bylaws. Unanimous approval.
1. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2009, Regular Meeting with the following correction:
· Page 3, #4, Second Sentence – Reads “Present for this application were Meghan and Frank Carbone, applicants and owners or record.” Change to “Present for this application were Meghan and Frank Carbone, applicant and owners of record.”
Voting for: McGregor, Kane, Painter, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the June 29, 2009, Special Meeting.
Voting for: McGregor, Kane, Painter, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.
1. Letter from QVHD, dated July 22, 2009, Re: Review comments from Application #1130, 265 Beacon Road, Construction of a pavilion.
2. Letter from Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Agent, to Mrs. Mary Ellen Unger of 82 Russell Road, dated June 24, 2009, Re: 82 Russell Road, corrected Notice of Violation.
3. Letter from Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Agent, to Mr. Daniel Cusano of 185 Beacon Road, dated July 20, 2009, Re: Cease & Desist Order at 185 Beacon Road.
4. Letter from RWA to Isabel Kearns, dated July 13, 2009, Re: RWA selected contractor for new bridge at Old Mill Road.
1. Email from John Rozum of CT NEMO Director to Isabel Kearns, dated July 22, 2009, Re: Basic Training for Land Use Commissioners, Fall 2009.
2. Connecticut Federation of Lakes News, July 2009.
3. The Habitat, Spring 2009. (Newsletter of the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions, Inc.)
1. 265 Beacon Road – Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #1130 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an IW Permit to construct a pavilion – Present for this application was Nick Poulmas, member of the Park and Recreation Commission, representing the Town. The Commission received the application. Mr. Poulmas reviewed with the Commission the proposed project and stated the Town would like to start this project as soon as possible. Mr. Poulmas also stated the septic system was installed last year and the construction portion is out to bid. Tabled.
2. 82 Russell Road (Mary Ellen Unger), Corrected Letter of Violation dated June 24, 2009, ATV Trail created within conservation area – Present were Mark and Mary Ellen Unger, owners of record. Chairman McGregor stated the initial letter of violation issued May 5, 2009, was incorrect and the IWEO prepared a new letter, issued June 24, 2009. The Commission explained to the owners that the ATV riding in the wetlands needs to stop and the area disturbed needs to be restored. Mr. and Mrs. Unger agreed to cease the ATV riding in the wetlands area and to restore the area. The Commission asked Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to return to the subject property in the fall to inspect the restoration.
3. 185 Beacon Road (Daniel Cusano), Cease and Restore Letter dated July 20, 2009, Reapply for an after-the-fact barn, manure deposited in regulated area – No one was present for the Show Cause Hearing. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to affirm the Cease and Restore Order issued July 20, 2009, relative to the after-the-fact barn and deposition of fill in a “regulated” wetland area. Unanimous approval.
1. 421 Fairwood Road, Application #1129, submitted by Meghan and Frank Carbone for an Inland Wetlands Permit to restore their backyard due to water runoff from the road – Present for this application was Frank Carbone, applicant and owner of record. Isabel Kearns, IWEO, reiterated the problem with the water runoff from the road to the subject property and stated the curbing has not been completed by the Public Works Department at this time. Ms. Kearns will contact Al Green, Public Works Director and investigate other options to handle runoff that are environmentally friendly. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter to approve Application #1129 submitted by Meghan and Frank Carbone for an Inland Wetlands Permit to restore their backyard due to water runoff from the road in accordance with the submitted plan, untitled, hand drawn prepared by the applicant, submitted June 17, 2009, and with the following conditions in addition to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803:
A. Use only environmentally friendly products on lawn so there is no adverse impact on the wetlands and the Bethany bog.
B. The applicant is not to start the restoration until the Public Works Department has installed the curbing. Also, the applicant stated he will place hay bales to deflect any water runoff in the area where grass will be planted.
Unanimous approval.
2. 268 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hitchcock of 268 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – No one present. Isabel Kearns, IW Agent, stated the driveway drainage has been completed. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued October 5, 2007, relative to the water runoff and subsequent erosion and sedimentation that were occurring from your driveway and the common driveway. Unanimous approval.
3. 270 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to William Palmieri and Kathryn Sylvester of 270 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – No one present. Isabel Kearns, IW Agent, stated the driveway drainage has been completed. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued October 5, 2007, relative to the water runoff and subsequent erosion and sedimentation that were occurring from your driveway and the common driveway. Unanimous approval.
4. 185 Fairwood Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease & Restore Order Issued to William Grieger, dated May 1, 2007 – No one was present. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kane to affirm the Cease and Restore Order issued May 1, 2007, relative to the stockpiling of earth material in a regulated area.
Abstained: Sullivan, Smith
Voting were: McGregor, Kane, Painter
Unanimous approval.
5. 185 Beacon Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Restore Order Issued to Daniel Cusano, dated June 20, 2006 – No one was present. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued June 20, 2006, relative to the depositing of fill in the wetlands. Unanimous approval.
6. Continue review and adoption process for the new Inland Wetlands Regulations – It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to schedule a public hearing at the regular meeting scheduled for September 28, 2009, at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.
The following sites were inspected to determine whether IWC action is required for the proposed activities:
1) 110/120 Hatfield Hill Road No IWC Action Required.
2) 70 Bear Hill Road No IWC Action Required
3) 534 Amity Road IWC Action Required
4) 295 Bear Hill Road No IWC Action Required
5) 56 Brookwood Road No IWC Action Required
The following sites were inspected relative to current applications:
1) 274 Amity Road Re-Inspection Required
The following sites were inspected for permit compliance during construction:
1) 161 Falls Road Re-Inspection Required
1) 268/270 Wooding Hill Road Recommend Rescind Order
2) 184 Sperry Road Referred to Public Works
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:42 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission
The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
John Kane, Member
Jon Painter, Member
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a regular member.
Brian Smith, Alternate Member
The following members of the Commission were absent:
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman
Jack Ellison, Member
Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant
1. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan that the Inland Wetlands Commission elects Patricia McGregor as the Commission Chairman for the term of July 2009 to June 2010. Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan that the Inland Wetlands Commission elects Alexandra Breslin as Commission Vice-Chairman for the term of July 2009 to June 2010. Unanimous approval.
3. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to reaffirm that being consistent with Section 22a-44 of the General Statutes and with Section 14.3 of the IW Regulations, the Inland Wetlands Commission has the authority to authorize its agent, Isabel Kearns, to take actions or investigations necessary to the enforcement of these Regulations, as per Section 3.F of the Inland Wetlands Bylaws. Unanimous approval.
4. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter that in the absence of the Inland Wetlands Agent, Isabel Kearns, the Inland Wetlands Commission designates Karen Walton, Land Use Assistant, to take actions or investigations necessary to the enforcement of the Inland Wetlands Regulations, as per Section 3.F of the Inland Wetlands Bylaws. Unanimous approval.
1. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2009, Regular Meeting with the following correction:
· Page 3, #4, Second Sentence – Reads “Present for this application were Meghan and Frank Carbone, applicants and owners or record.” Change to “Present for this application were Meghan and Frank Carbone, applicant and owners of record.”
Voting for: McGregor, Kane, Painter, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the June 29, 2009, Special Meeting.
Voting for: McGregor, Kane, Painter, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.
1. Letter from QVHD, dated July 22, 2009, Re: Review comments from Application #1130, 265 Beacon Road, Construction of a pavilion.
2. Letter from Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Agent, to Mrs. Mary Ellen Unger of 82 Russell Road, dated June 24, 2009, Re: 82 Russell Road, corrected Notice of Violation.
3. Letter from Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Agent, to Mr. Daniel Cusano of 185 Beacon Road, dated July 20, 2009, Re: Cease & Desist Order at 185 Beacon Road.
4. Letter from RWA to Isabel Kearns, dated July 13, 2009, Re: RWA selected contractor for new bridge at Old Mill Road.
1. Email from John Rozum of CT NEMO Director to Isabel Kearns, dated July 22, 2009, Re: Basic Training for Land Use Commissioners, Fall 2009.
2. Connecticut Federation of Lakes News, July 2009.
3. The Habitat, Spring 2009. (Newsletter of the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions, Inc.)
1. 265 Beacon Road – Veteran’s Memorial Park, Application #1130 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an IW Permit to construct a pavilion – Present for this application was Nick Poulmas, member of the Park and Recreation Commission, representing the Town. The Commission received the application. Mr. Poulmas reviewed with the Commission the proposed project and stated the Town would like to start this project as soon as possible. Mr. Poulmas also stated the septic system was installed last year and the construction portion is out to bid. Tabled.
2. 82 Russell Road (Mary Ellen Unger), Corrected Letter of Violation dated June 24, 2009, ATV Trail created within conservation area – Present were Mark and Mary Ellen Unger, owners of record. Chairman McGregor stated the initial letter of violation issued May 5, 2009, was incorrect and the IWEO prepared a new letter, issued June 24, 2009. The Commission explained to the owners that the ATV riding in the wetlands needs to stop and the area disturbed needs to be restored. Mr. and Mrs. Unger agreed to cease the ATV riding in the wetlands area and to restore the area. The Commission asked Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to return to the subject property in the fall to inspect the restoration.
3. 185 Beacon Road (Daniel Cusano), Cease and Restore Letter dated July 20, 2009, Reapply for an after-the-fact barn, manure deposited in regulated area – No one was present for the Show Cause Hearing. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to affirm the Cease and Restore Order issued July 20, 2009, relative to the after-the-fact barn and deposition of fill in a “regulated” wetland area. Unanimous approval.
1. 421 Fairwood Road, Application #1129, submitted by Meghan and Frank Carbone for an Inland Wetlands Permit to restore their backyard due to water runoff from the road – Present for this application was Frank Carbone, applicant and owner of record. Isabel Kearns, IWEO, reiterated the problem with the water runoff from the road to the subject property and stated the curbing has not been completed by the Public Works Department at this time. Ms. Kearns will contact Al Green, Public Works Director and investigate other options to handle runoff that are environmentally friendly. The Commission discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter to approve Application #1129 submitted by Meghan and Frank Carbone for an Inland Wetlands Permit to restore their backyard due to water runoff from the road in accordance with the submitted plan, untitled, hand drawn prepared by the applicant, submitted June 17, 2009, and with the following conditions in addition to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803:
A. Use only environmentally friendly products on lawn so there is no adverse impact on the wetlands and the Bethany bog.
B. The applicant is not to start the restoration until the Public Works Department has installed the curbing. Also, the applicant stated he will place hay bales to deflect any water runoff in the area where grass will be planted.
Unanimous approval.
2. 268 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hitchcock of 268 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – No one present. Isabel Kearns, IW Agent, stated the driveway drainage has been completed. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Painter to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued October 5, 2007, relative to the water runoff and subsequent erosion and sedimentation that were occurring from your driveway and the common driveway. Unanimous approval.
3. 270 Wooding Hill Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Desist Order issued to William Palmieri and Kathryn Sylvester of 270 Wooding Hill Road, dated October 5, 2007 – No one present. Isabel Kearns, IW Agent, stated the driveway drainage has been completed. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued October 5, 2007, relative to the water runoff and subsequent erosion and sedimentation that were occurring from your driveway and the common driveway. Unanimous approval.
4. 185 Fairwood Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease & Restore Order Issued to William Grieger, dated May 1, 2007 – No one was present. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kane to affirm the Cease and Restore Order issued May 1, 2007, relative to the stockpiling of earth material in a regulated area.
Abstained: Sullivan, Smith
Voting were: McGregor, Kane, Painter
Unanimous approval.
5. 185 Beacon Road, Reconvene “Show Cause” Hearing pertaining to the Cease and Restore Order Issued to Daniel Cusano, dated June 20, 2006 – No one was present. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to rescind the Cease and Desist Order issued June 20, 2006, relative to the depositing of fill in the wetlands. Unanimous approval.
6. Continue review and adoption process for the new Inland Wetlands Regulations – It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to schedule a public hearing at the regular meeting scheduled for September 28, 2009, at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.
The following sites were inspected to determine whether IWC action is required for the proposed activities:
1) 110/120 Hatfield Hill Road No IWC Action Required.
2) 70 Bear Hill Road No IWC Action Required
3) 534 Amity Road IWC Action Required
4) 295 Bear Hill Road No IWC Action Required
5) 56 Brookwood Road No IWC Action Required
The following sites were inspected relative to current applications:
1) 274 Amity Road Re-Inspection Required
The following sites were inspected for permit compliance during construction:
1) 161 Falls Road Re-Inspection Required
1) 268/270 Wooding Hill Road Recommend Rescind Order
2) 184 Sperry Road Referred to Public Works
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:42 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission
JUNE 29, 2009
Page 1 of 1
Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Walter Briggs
Visitors: Attorney Joseph McQuade, Attorney Kevin McSherry,
First Selectwoman Gorski called the special meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
At 7:32 p.m. Selectman Briggs moved a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue. First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous. At 7:35 Selectman Briggs moved to exit the executive session. Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. There were no votes taken during the executive session. Selectman Briggs then moved to accept the settlement as negotiated by Attorney McQuade, on behalf of the Town of Bethany, for the case of Jacqueline Joyce Saslafsky vs. the Town of Bethany, as brought by Jacqueline Joyce Saslafsky to the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities . The settlement amount as reached was $6,250. First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Briggs moved the following resolution:
RESOLVED: That the Town of Bethany approves the submittal of a grant application to the Office of Policy and Management in the amount of $8,000 for Park enhancement and that Derrylyn Gorski is authorized to sign grant application this 29th day of June, 2009.
First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 7:38 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by First Selectwoman Gorski. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
JUNE 29, 2009
Page 1 of 1
Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Walter Briggs
Visitors: Attorney Joseph McQuade, Attorney Kevin McSherry,
First Selectwoman Gorski called the special meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
At 7:32 p.m. Selectman Briggs moved a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue. First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous. At 7:35 Selectman Briggs moved to exit the executive session. Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. There were no votes taken during the executive session. Selectman Briggs then moved to accept the settlement as negotiated by Attorney McQuade, on behalf of the Town of Bethany, for the case of Jacqueline Joyce Saslafsky vs. the Town of Bethany, as brought by Jacqueline Joyce Saslafsky to the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities . The settlement amount as reached was $6,250. First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Briggs moved the following resolution:
RESOLVED: That the Town of Bethany approves the submittal of a grant application to the Office of Policy and Management in the amount of $8,000 for Park enhancement and that Derrylyn Gorski is authorized to sign grant application this 29th day of June, 2009.
First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 7:38 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Briggs and seconded by First Selectwoman Gorski. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
July 6, 2009
Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Steven Thornquist, Selectman Donald Shea
Visitors: Attorney Kevin McSherry, Alan Green, Nancy McCarthy, Brian Smith
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was check signing. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cemetery deeds for Carrington Cemetery were signed by the Selectmen and witnessed by Attorney McSherry and Nancy McCarthy, Town Clerk.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Mario Panogrosso as Assessor for the Town of Bethany for a period of two years. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved a motion to appoint Jeffrey Purcell as Fire Inspector. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea move a motion to appoint Roderick White as Emergency Management Director for the Town of Bethany. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
First Selectwoman Gorski appointed Thomas Cavaliere, Mary-Michelle Hirchoff, Elizabeth Appel, Carol Cagiano and Brian Fournier to a five year term on the Economic Development Commission.
First Selectwoman Gorski re-appointed Bruce Loomis and Audrey Eisenstadt to a three year term on the Conservation Commission.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Michael Sullivan as the Town of Bethany’s representative to the EMS Council. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved a motion to appoint Thomas Hunt, Chris D’Ambrose and Thomas Hicks, and Lester Warner as Fire Police. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea moved to appoint Andy Liveten as Horse Commissioner. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint John Ellison, John Kane and Alexandra Breslin, and Kristine Sullivan as full members of the Inland Wetlands Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Brian Smith as an alternate to the Inland Wetlands Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Salvatore LaPaglia, Jennifer Shatney, Marcia Royster, Paul Roth, Bradford Buchta, and Chelsea Marko to the Park and Recreation Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Joel Nesson, Pamela Rosenbloom, Alan Mannelli, Roderick White and Alan Green to a newly formed Long Range Facilities Committee. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Attorney Kevin McSherry as Town Counsel for a two year
Selectman Shea moved to appoint Raymond Pantalone as Tree Warden for the Town of Bethany. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
The Selectmen opened bids for road paving for fiscal year 2009-10. Bids were received from Sal War, Tilcon and Mesa Excavating and Paving. After a comparison of the bids it was determined that Sal War was the low bidder. Following discussion Selectman Thornquist moved to award the bid for road paving to Sal War for fiscal year 2009-10. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 8:07 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
July 6, 2009
Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Steven Thornquist, Selectman Donald Shea
Visitors: Attorney Kevin McSherry, Alan Green, Nancy McCarthy, Brian Smith
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was check signing. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cemetery deeds for Carrington Cemetery were signed by the Selectmen and witnessed by Attorney McSherry and Nancy McCarthy, Town Clerk.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Mario Panogrosso as Assessor for the Town of Bethany for a period of two years. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved a motion to appoint Jeffrey Purcell as Fire Inspector. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea move a motion to appoint Roderick White as Emergency Management Director for the Town of Bethany. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
First Selectwoman Gorski appointed Thomas Cavaliere, Mary-Michelle Hirchoff, Elizabeth Appel, Carol Cagiano and Brian Fournier to a five year term on the Economic Development Commission.
First Selectwoman Gorski re-appointed Bruce Loomis and Audrey Eisenstadt to a three year term on the Conservation Commission.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Michael Sullivan as the Town of Bethany’s representative to the EMS Council. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved a motion to appoint Thomas Hunt, Chris D’Ambrose and Thomas Hicks, and Lester Warner as Fire Police. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea moved to appoint Andy Liveten as Horse Commissioner. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint John Ellison, John Kane and Alexandra Breslin, and Kristine Sullivan as full members of the Inland Wetlands Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Brian Smith as an alternate to the Inland Wetlands Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Salvatore LaPaglia, Jennifer Shatney, Marcia Royster, Paul Roth, Bradford Buchta, and Chelsea Marko to the Park and Recreation Commission. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Joel Nesson, Pamela Rosenbloom, Alan Mannelli, Roderick White and Alan Green to a newly formed Long Range Facilities Committee. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Thornquist moved to appoint Attorney Kevin McSherry as Town Counsel for a two year
Selectman Shea moved to appoint Raymond Pantalone as Tree Warden for the Town of Bethany. Selectman Thornquist seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
The Selectmen opened bids for road paving for fiscal year 2009-10. Bids were received from Sal War, Tilcon and Mesa Excavating and Paving. After a comparison of the bids it was determined that Sal War was the low bidder. Following discussion Selectman Thornquist moved to award the bid for road paving to Sal War for fiscal year 2009-10. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 8:07 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen
Monday, August 3, 2009
Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting July 9, 2009
Present: Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Absent: James Zeoli
Staff: Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Margie Schenk
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:31 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public Participation: Bridget Albert (one of the AARFettes) announced that AARF is having it's annual wine tasting/auction fundraiser on 9/24/2009. Lipson thanked Dray for putting Max in the paper. He was adopted as a result.
5) Review and approval of June 11, 2009 meeting. Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to accept minutes. All in favor.
6) Census – Fred Dray: Out take was 24. Ten animals were redeemed, 12 sold as pets, 0 animals DOA, 2 euthanized (problem pits). One hundred and fourteen calls were investigated. No bites, no infractions.
7) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: Neidmann was not present. Laubstein asked if overtime was still high. Also asked if the staggered hours were still in effect. Hellauer explained that the on July 4th there was an animal in Woodbridge that kept escaping. OT is not as low as desired. Staggered hours (7:00AM – 3:00PM and 12:00PM – 8:00PM) are not in effect at this time because the work load demands two ACO's are needed during the morning. Dray also reminded the board that OT is not predictable. Blaskey will get a schedule from Neidmann.
8) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $32,023.80. Money Market account has $1,747.03. Total $33,770.83. Hellauer explained that the checking account was much larger than usual this month because an insurance payment of $11,700.00 is due. In addition 2 more payroll checks need to be cut. Dray volunteered to look into the possibility of combining the phone bills for better rate. Laubstein/Dray made a motion to accept treasurer's report. Unanimous approval.
9) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey:
· Blaskey handed out an employee evaluation form for comments and approval by board. Hellauer will assist Blaskey in evaluation of Lead ACO. Laubstein suggested that evaluations be done every 6 months. All agreed.
· Signs at the facility need to be changed to reflect new hours. Prospect needs to be taken off the sign and vehicles.
· Front screen door and back door need replacing.
· All but 2 feral cats have been inoculated, which was paid for by AARF. AARF also donated 1500 pounds of food to DAC and residents in the communities, a cat perch and a cart to transfer items into the facility.
· Discussion about setting up a fund for donations to DAC that do not have to go into a general fund. Hellauer will check with Town Attorney about where to put donations. AARF feels that DAC should set up account. It should not be set up by AARF for DAC's purposes.
· Educational programs. Department of Agriculture will have a program for public to learn how DAC serves the three towns and their responsibility to the state.
· Calendar of meetings for the next fiscal year were handed out. Next meeting is August 13, 2009 in Woodbridge Town Hall meeting room.
· Survey of licensed dogs in not mandated by the state, but the state needs the information. If ramification of not completing the survey is not serious, then consider not doing it. Blaskey will find out what the ramifications are.
· Blaskey wanted to acknowledge Melanie for the great job she does with the animals as well as the public.
· Policy book needs updating.
· Lipson wanted to know what is the appropriate response time for a resident who leaves a message for a non emergency. Culmo, stated that the phones have a tiny light indicating that there is a message and not easily noticed, so it would be difficult to be specific about a response time on the outgoing message.
10) Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM. All in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Unapproved July 9, 2009
Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting July 9, 2009
Present: Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Absent: James Zeoli
Staff: Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Margie Schenk
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:31 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public Participation: Bridget Albert (one of the AARFettes) announced that AARF is having it's annual wine tasting/auction fundraiser on 9/24/2009. Lipson thanked Dray for putting Max in the paper. He was adopted as a result.
5) Review and approval of June 11, 2009 meeting. Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to accept minutes. All in favor.
6) Census – Fred Dray: Out take was 24. Ten animals were redeemed, 12 sold as pets, 0 animals DOA, 2 euthanized (problem pits). One hundred and fourteen calls were investigated. No bites, no infractions.
7) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: Neidmann was not present. Laubstein asked if overtime was still high. Also asked if the staggered hours were still in effect. Hellauer explained that the on July 4th there was an animal in Woodbridge that kept escaping. OT is not as low as desired. Staggered hours (7:00AM – 3:00PM and 12:00PM – 8:00PM) are not in effect at this time because the work load demands two ACO's are needed during the morning. Dray also reminded the board that OT is not predictable. Blaskey will get a schedule from Neidmann.
8) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $32,023.80. Money Market account has $1,747.03. Total $33,770.83. Hellauer explained that the checking account was much larger than usual this month because an insurance payment of $11,700.00 is due. In addition 2 more payroll checks need to be cut. Dray volunteered to look into the possibility of combining the phone bills for better rate. Laubstein/Dray made a motion to accept treasurer's report. Unanimous approval.
9) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey:
· Blaskey handed out an employee evaluation form for comments and approval by board. Hellauer will assist Blaskey in evaluation of Lead ACO. Laubstein suggested that evaluations be done every 6 months. All agreed.
· Signs at the facility need to be changed to reflect new hours. Prospect needs to be taken off the sign and vehicles.
· Front screen door and back door need replacing.
· All but 2 feral cats have been inoculated, which was paid for by AARF. AARF also donated 1500 pounds of food to DAC and residents in the communities, a cat perch and a cart to transfer items into the facility.
· Discussion about setting up a fund for donations to DAC that do not have to go into a general fund. Hellauer will check with Town Attorney about where to put donations. AARF feels that DAC should set up account. It should not be set up by AARF for DAC's purposes.
· Educational programs. Department of Agriculture will have a program for public to learn how DAC serves the three towns and their responsibility to the state.
· Calendar of meetings for the next fiscal year were handed out. Next meeting is August 13, 2009 in Woodbridge Town Hall meeting room.
· Survey of licensed dogs in not mandated by the state, but the state needs the information. If ramification of not completing the survey is not serious, then consider not doing it. Blaskey will find out what the ramifications are.
· Blaskey wanted to acknowledge Melanie for the great job she does with the animals as well as the public.
· Policy book needs updating.
· Lipson wanted to know what is the appropriate response time for a resident who leaves a message for a non emergency. Culmo, stated that the phones have a tiny light indicating that there is a message and not easily noticed, so it would be difficult to be specific about a response time on the outgoing message.
10) Hellauer/Lipson made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM. All in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Unapproved July 9, 2009
Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting June 11, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Margie Schenk, Derry Gorski
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:35 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public Participation: Jeannine Russo stated that the Woodbridge website updated to include
5) As Chairperson, Blaskey's objective is to improve DAC image through education and better communication to the public.
6) Review and approval of May 14, 2009 meeting. Lipson/Hellauer made a motion to accept minutes. All in favor.
7) Census – Paul Neidmann: Total intake, 11 animals includes 1 carried over from May. Four redeemed, 5 sold as pets, 1 euthanized. One animal carried over to June.
8) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: There were 2 dog bites last month. Neidmann was bitten. Neidmann suggested getting surveillance camera at shelter to try and catch people dumping animals at the shelter.
9) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $4,990.31. Money Market account has $9,142.33. Total $14132.64. One more payroll check to cut for June. Bedan will be sending out bills to the 3 towns for the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year. Woodbridge check will be cut on July 2, 2009. Next month $14K will be paid out for insurance. Blaskey, Hellauer, Bedan, and Neidmann attended a meeting with the state. APCP Animal Population Control Program. State has not been paid for animals redeemed for at least 2 years. Bedan has been sending a check to the towns instead of state. Lipson will look into setting up a fund to for donations to DAC to present to towns at Board of Finance meeting. Motion by Lipson/Laubstein to accept treasurer's report. Five in favor, 1 abstained.
10) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey:
· Blaskey wrote up a letter releasing Pat Rubin from any liability regarding donation of canoe.
· Blaskey and Niedmann went over employee evaluation form. Final form will be reviewed for approval next month.
· Blaskey wrote letters to the area vets introducing herself as new chairperson of DAC.
· Barbara Goodejohn is willing to provide education to the board, but only during regular business hours. Board members are not interested in education during the day due to their full time jobs. Not opposed to other avenues for education.
· Feral Cats – offer to pay for inoculations.
· Paul will pursue use of Tazer with Hellauer.
· Next meeting will be July 9, 2009.
11) Lipson thanked Zeoli for donating flowers that were planted at DAC.
12) Letter was drafted by Neidmann to send to town residents who receive frequent tickets.
13) Discussion about putting animals on and having a liaison to match pets with possible new owners.
14) Motion Lipson/Dray to go into executive session at 8:40PM to discuss policies that may need to be amended. Neidmann, Culmo, Bedan and Gorski invited into session. All approved.
15) Hellauer/ Dray made motion to return to regular session at 9:05 PM. No motions made and no actions taken during executive session.
16) Hellauer/Dray made a motion to adjourn at 9:06 PM. All in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Approved June 11,
Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting June 11, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Margie Schenk, Derry Gorski
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:35 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public Participation: Jeannine Russo stated that the Woodbridge website updated to include
5) As Chairperson, Blaskey's objective is to improve DAC image through education and better communication to the public.
6) Review and approval of May 14, 2009 meeting. Lipson/Hellauer made a motion to accept minutes. All in favor.
7) Census – Paul Neidmann: Total intake, 11 animals includes 1 carried over from May. Four redeemed, 5 sold as pets, 1 euthanized. One animal carried over to June.
8) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: There were 2 dog bites last month. Neidmann was bitten. Neidmann suggested getting surveillance camera at shelter to try and catch people dumping animals at the shelter.
9) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $4,990.31. Money Market account has $9,142.33. Total $14132.64. One more payroll check to cut for June. Bedan will be sending out bills to the 3 towns for the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year. Woodbridge check will be cut on July 2, 2009. Next month $14K will be paid out for insurance. Blaskey, Hellauer, Bedan, and Neidmann attended a meeting with the state. APCP Animal Population Control Program. State has not been paid for animals redeemed for at least 2 years. Bedan has been sending a check to the towns instead of state. Lipson will look into setting up a fund to for donations to DAC to present to towns at Board of Finance meeting. Motion by Lipson/Laubstein to accept treasurer's report. Five in favor, 1 abstained.
10) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey:
· Blaskey wrote up a letter releasing Pat Rubin from any liability regarding donation of canoe.
· Blaskey and Niedmann went over employee evaluation form. Final form will be reviewed for approval next month.
· Blaskey wrote letters to the area vets introducing herself as new chairperson of DAC.
· Barbara Goodejohn is willing to provide education to the board, but only during regular business hours. Board members are not interested in education during the day due to their full time jobs. Not opposed to other avenues for education.
· Feral Cats – offer to pay for inoculations.
· Paul will pursue use of Tazer with Hellauer.
· Next meeting will be July 9, 2009.
11) Lipson thanked Zeoli for donating flowers that were planted at DAC.
12) Letter was drafted by Neidmann to send to town residents who receive frequent tickets.
13) Discussion about putting animals on and having a liaison to match pets with possible new owners.
14) Motion Lipson/Dray to go into executive session at 8:40PM to discuss policies that may need to be amended. Neidmann, Culmo, Bedan and Gorski invited into session. All approved.
15) Hellauer/ Dray made motion to return to regular session at 9:05 PM. No motions made and no actions taken during executive session.
16) Hellauer/Dray made a motion to adjourn at 9:06 PM. All in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Approved June 11,
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