Monday, August 3, 2009

Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991

135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting June 11, 2009
Present: James Zeoli, Fred Dray, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Joan Blaskey, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Mary Culmo, Dottie Bedan
Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Margie Schenk, Derry Gorski

1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:35 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public Participation: Jeannine Russo stated that the Woodbridge website updated to include
5) As Chairperson, Blaskey's objective is to improve DAC image through education and better communication to the public.
6) Review and approval of May 14, 2009 meeting. Lipson/Hellauer made a motion to accept minutes. All in favor.
7) Census – Paul Neidmann: Total intake, 11 animals includes 1 carried over from May. Four redeemed, 5 sold as pets, 1 euthanized. One animal carried over to June.
8) Lead ACO report – Paul Neidmann: There were 2 dog bites last month. Neidmann was bitten. Neidmann suggested getting surveillance camera at shelter to try and catch people dumping animals at the shelter.
9) Treasurer's Report – Joe Hellauer: Checking account has $4,990.31. Money Market account has $9,142.33. Total $14132.64. One more payroll check to cut for June. Bedan will be sending out bills to the 3 towns for the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year. Woodbridge check will be cut on July 2, 2009. Next month $14K will be paid out for insurance. Blaskey, Hellauer, Bedan, and Neidmann attended a meeting with the state. APCP Animal Population Control Program. State has not been paid for animals redeemed for at least 2 years. Bedan has been sending a check to the towns instead of state. Lipson will look into setting up a fund to for donations to DAC to present to towns at Board of Finance meeting. Motion by Lipson/Laubstein to accept treasurer's report. Five in favor, 1 abstained.
10) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey:
· Blaskey wrote up a letter releasing Pat Rubin from any liability regarding donation of canoe.
· Blaskey and Niedmann went over employee evaluation form. Final form will be reviewed for approval next month.
· Blaskey wrote letters to the area vets introducing herself as new chairperson of DAC.
· Barbara Goodejohn is willing to provide education to the board, but only during regular business hours. Board members are not interested in education during the day due to their full time jobs. Not opposed to other avenues for education.
· Feral Cats – offer to pay for inoculations.
· Paul will pursue use of Tazer with Hellauer.
· Next meeting will be July 9, 2009.
11) Lipson thanked Zeoli for donating flowers that were planted at DAC.
12) Letter was drafted by Neidmann to send to town residents who receive frequent tickets.
13) Discussion about putting animals on and having a liaison to match pets with possible new owners.
14) Motion Lipson/Dray to go into executive session at 8:40PM to discuss policies that may need to be amended. Neidmann, Culmo, Bedan and Gorski invited into session. All approved.
15) Hellauer/ Dray made motion to return to regular session at 9:05 PM. No motions made and no actions taken during executive session.
16) Hellauer/Dray made a motion to adjourn at 9:06 PM. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Approved June 11,