Bethany Conservation Commission
January 14, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 8:06 PM by Chairman Ken Martin. Also present were members Audrey Eisenstadt, Will Brinton and Bruce Loomis. Guest in attendance was Cathy Rives of Sabrina Drive to observe the meeting to see if she would like her name submitted as a candidate for membership.
The minutes of the December 9, 2009 meeting were read and discussed. Ken moved to accept the minutes and Bruce seconded. The motion passed and the minutes were accepted.
Ken announced that the Land Trust wanted to jointly meet with the Conservation Commission to discuss the open space proposal for the Woodward subdivision off Mesa Drive.
Woodward subdivision: The applicant has stated they intend to develop the property in phases and would like to transfer the open space in 3 phases rather than all at one time. It was the unanimous feeling of the CC that if the application for approval was for the full 13 lot subdivision, then upon approval by P&Z the developer should make the contribution of the complete approved open space area. This would not cause any additional expense for the developer as there is no infrastructure involved in the open space plan portions that the developer wants to make phases 2 & 3.
The Board of Finance has requested the annual budget proposal, and a brief discussion was held. The Conservation Commission will not increase its’ operating budget request, and we will ask for a $100,000 transfer of funds to the Land Acquisition Fund (probably from the General Fund).
The commission went into Executive Session at 8:40 PM to discuss a potential land acquisition. Executive Session ended at 8:46 PM.
Ken moved that the meeting be adjourned and Audrey seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Loomis
Secretary Pro-tempore