Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:33 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman, arrived at 7:58 p.m.
John Kane, Member
Brian Smith, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.

The following members of the Commission were absent or excused:
Jack Ellison, Member
Jon Painter, Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer


1. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Breslin to approve, as submitted, the minutes of February 20, 2010, Special Meeting/Site Visit.
Voting for: McGregor, Breslin, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.

2. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by McGregor to approve, as submitted, the minutes of February 22, 2010, Regular Meeting.
Voting for: McGregor, Sullivan, Breslin.
Unanimous approval.


1. It was moved by Kane and seconded by Breslin to approve the payment of a bill for $95.00, dated March 22, 2010, from Anne Sohon (Court Stenographer) for recording services for a public hearing (437 and 443 Fairwood Road).
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated February 11, 2010, Re: Comments from review of 437 and 443 Fairwood Road.
2. Letter from Erik Scott, Life Scout, Troop 59, dated February 21, 2010, Re: Eagle Project placing two benches in Veterans Memorial Park.
3. Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated March 22, 2010, Re: Review comments for Town Department of Public Works Applications #1136, #1137, #1139 and #1140.
4. Letter from Alan Shepard, P.E. of NOK, dated February 23, 2010, Re: Withdrawing request concerning revision to the approved conservation easement area.
5. Letter from Clerk from Planning and Zoning Commission, dated March 10, 2010, Re: Notification of public hearing on revised draft of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development.
6. Letter from State of Connecticut, Department of Consumer Protection, dated March 1, 2010, Re: Statement concerning Geographic Information System (GIS).
7. Letter from State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, dated March 3, 2010, Re: 2009 Legislation and Regulations Advisory (An Act Concerning Extending the Time of Expiration of Certain Land Use Permits).
8. Letter from Connecticut Farm Bureau Association, Connecticut Forest & Park Association, Connecticut Professional Timber Products Association, and Society of American Foresters, dated March 15, 2010, Re: Notification of Timber Harvest.
9. Letter from King’s Mark Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc., dated March 2010, Re: Environmental Review Team Program.


1. Soil and Water, Spring 2010 Newsletter.
2. Connecticut State of Birds, 2010, from Connecticut Audubon Society.


· 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, Application 1134 submitted by EMG Properties to construct a new industrial building, septic system, well, driveway, parking and stormwater management system -

At 8:15 p.m., Chairman McGregor called to order the public hearing on the revised regulations. The legal notice for the public hearing was read.

Chairman McGregor noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – “Site Stormwater Management Plan for EMG Properties LLC, 443 & 437 Fairwood Road, Bethany, Connecticut”, dated January 21, 2010, revised March 8, 2010, prepared by Bill Walters P.E., L.S., Bethany, Connecticut.

Exhibit 1B – Set of Plans prepared by John Paul Garcia & Associates, Bethany, Connecticut entitled as follows:
§ “Existing Conditions Plan”, dated December 16, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-1.
§ “Lot Line Revision Plan”, dated December 12, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-2.
§ “Site Development Plan”, dated December 16, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-3.
§ “Site Development Plan”, dated December 16, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-4.
§ “Typical Details”, dated December 16, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-6.
§ “Typical Details”, dated December 16, 2009, revised to February 17, 2010, Drawing No. C-7.
§ “Typical Details”, dated February 3, 2010, with no revisions, Drawing No. C-8.
Exhibit 1C – Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated November 2, 2009, Re: Comments from review of 443 Fairwood Road, ZBA application for automotive repair.
Exhibit 1D – Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated February 17, 2010, Re: Comments from review of plans for 437 Fairwood Road, Development of industrial building.
Exhibit 1E – Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Review of application materials for 443 and 437 Fairwood Road, Site Plan Review.
Exhibit 1F – Letter from AKRF Environmental and Planning Consultants, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Proposal for Inland Wetlands Application Review of 437 and 443 Fairwood Road.
Exhibit 1G – Wetlands/Watercourses and Soil Report prepared by Soil Science and Environmental Services, Inc., dated December 29, 2008, for property located at 443 Fairwood Road.
Exhibit 1H – Memo from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, dated February 11, 2010, Re: Review of 437 and 443 Fairwood Road.

Present to speak on behalf of this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the owner of record who was also present, William Grieger.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· This application is to locate a commercial garage.
· Reviewed the changes in the revised plans.
· Will be changing property from four lots to three lots by a land swap.
· Reviewed comments from Diversified Technology Consultants (Exhibit 1E) and the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer (Exhibit 1H) and addressed concerns.
· There will be no washing of vehicles.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
Will there be outside storage of oil? (Mr. Garcia commented there will be no outside storage of oil and that the oil will be contained in the building.)
Need a maintenance schedule for the detention basin.
Need a bond estimate on the work to be conducted in accordance to the plans.
Revised plans and revised stormwater plan needs to be reviewed by Diversified Technology Consultants and comments be submitted to Commission before next public hearing date.

Chairman McGregor asked if there were any comments from the public. The following public member commented:
a) Frank Carbone of 421 Fairwood Road – Mr. Carbone expressed his concern with the detention basin being close to his property and the overflow going onto his property and contaminating his well.

At 9:10 p.m., Chairman McGregor recessed the public hearing and continued it to the next regular meeting on Monday, April 26, 2010, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.


1. Discussion with Erik Scott, Life Scout, Troop 59, Eagle Project at Veterans Memorial Park, placing of two benches –

Present for this discussion was Erik Scott. Mr. Scott submitted a packet entitled “Project Description” and handed packet out to each Commission member. Mr. Scott stated he would be placing two benches along the path leading from the parking lot to the beach at the Veterans Memorial Park and would like to level the ground and extend the path slightly to the side as shown on the plan submitted. Chairman stated this is a regulated activity within the setback. It was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Scott will need an Inland Wetlands Permit and the Commission recommended that Mr. Scott locate the silt fence on the plan. Mr. Scott will submit an application for the next regular meeting on April 26, 2010.

2. 63 Downs Road, Application #1022-M-1 submitted by Roger and Mary Ellen Simon to modify the existing permit to construct a septic system –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S. representing the owners of record, Roger and Mary Ellen Simon, who where also present.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Received Quinnipiack Valley Health District signoff dated January 11, 2010.
· This site has not contributed to the drainage issues on Downs Road.

Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated the PZC visited the site and Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, prepared an email, dated February 20, 2010, which states Mr. Peck did not see any evidence of drainage or stormwater scour from the subject property.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
This modification is to add the septic system for the proposed barn.

There being no further discussion, Commission members proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Kane and seconded by Sullivan to accept and approve Application #1022-M-2, submitted by Roger and Mary Ellen Simon to modify the existing Inland Wetlands Permit to construct a septic system in accordance with the following submitted plans prepared by John Paul Garcia & Associates, Bethany, Connecticut, and with the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and 803:
“Proposed Site Plan”, dated January 13, 2005, revised to November 29, 2005, Drawing No. C-1.
“Proposed Site Plan”, dated November 29, 2005, with no revisions, Drawing No. C-2.
Unanimous approval.

3. 187 Beacon Road, Application #1051-M-1 submitted by Robert and Beth Gaetano to modify the existing permit to plant trees and place mulch –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Robert Gaetano, applicant and owner of record.

Mr. Gaetano reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Would like to add six to ten more trees to the west of my property.
· Will be adding mulch to keep soil moist for the trees to grow.

There being no further discussion, Commission members proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Kane to accept and approve Application #1051-M-1, submitted by Robert and Beth Gaetano to modify the existing Inland Wetlands Permit to add an additional row of trees as shown on the plan, untitled, with hand drawn revisions prepared by the applicant, submitted March 10, 2010, and with the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and 803.
Unanimous approval.

4. 95 Mesa Drive, Application #1141 submitted by Mesa Excavation and Paving, Inc. for grading and stabilization of lot –

Present to speak on behalf of the application was Paul Crotta, applicant and owner of record.

Mr. Crotta reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Proposing to spread topsoil and plant grass to stabilize the lot.
· No house being built at this time.
· There are wetlands on the property.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
· This lot is subject to an Inland Wetlands Permit when constructing the house and the septic not for the spreading of topsoil and seed.
· No work is to commence until silt fence is placed and inspected by the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to return the application fees and no work is to commence until the erosion controls are placed and inspected by the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer and then the applicant is allowed to spread the top soil and seed to stabilize the lot. The Commission determined that this application is not necessary for the grading and seeding of the lot but an Inland Wetlands Permit is required when the site is developed for a residence. Unanimous approval.

5. 99 Mesa Drive, Application #1142 submitted by Mesa Excavation and Paving Inc. for Site Plan Review, grading and stabilization of lot –

Present to speak on behalf of the application was Paul Crotta, applicant and owner of record.

Mr. Crotta reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Proposing to spread topsoil and plant grass to stabilize the lot.
· No house being built at this time.
· Drainage Easement on this lot.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
· Concerned with slope and top soil being placed on steep slope.
· IWEO to supervise the installation of the silt fence to keep under control for any potential erosion.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to return the application fees and no work is to commence until the erosion controls are placed and inspected by the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer and then the applicant is allowed to spread the top soil and seed to stabilize the lot. The Commission determined that this application is not necessary for the grading and seeding of the lot but an Inland Wetlands Permit is required when the site is developed for a residence. Unanimous approval.

6. 100 Mesa Drive, Application #1143 submitted by Mesa Excavation and Paving Inc. for Site Plan Review, grading and stabilization of lot –

Present to speak on behalf of the application was Paul Crotta, applicant and owner of record.

Mr. Crotta reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Proposing to spread topsoil and plant grass to stabilize the lot.
· No house being built at this time.
· No wetlands on the property.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to return the application fees and no work is to commence until the erosion controls are placed and inspected by the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer and then the applicant is allowed to spread the top soil and seed to stabilize the lot. The Commission determined that this application is not necessary for the grading and seeding of the lot but an Inland Wetlands Permit is required when the site is developed for a residence. Unanimous approval.

7. 860 Carrington Road, Discussion for new use –

Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer stated an application will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a change of use permit and the applicant will need an Inland Wetlands signoff. Marc D’Andrea is considering purchasing the property to use for outside storage for his turf/landscaping business. Mr. D’Andrea stated there will be no storing of pesticides and no truck maintenance. It was the consensus of the Commission that there are no wetlands on the property and there will be no impact to the adjoining wetlands. Mr. D’Andrea to forward a narrative of the proposed change of use to the IWEO. Chairman McGregor asked the IWEO to create a communication to the Planning and Zoning Commission that there is no further action to be taken by the Inland Wetlands Commission and include narrative.

8. 5 Hatfield Hill Road, Application #1133-M-1 submitted by Elizabeth Garcia to modify the existing permit to construct a deck –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., agent, representing the applicant, Elizabeth Garcia.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Reducing the size of the deck in the back and adding a deck on the side with stairs.

Mr. Garcia revised the plan to show the change in the stair location and dated the plan March 22, 2010.

There being no further discussion, the Commission proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded Smith to accept and approve Application #1133-M-1 submitted by Elizabeth Garcia to modify the existing Inland Wetlands Permit to show the reduced size of the deck at the back of the house and the new deck and stairs on the easterly side of the house as shown on the plan revised on March 22, 2010, by John Paul Garcia and with the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and 803.
Unanimous approval.

9. 11 Split Rock Road, Application #1144 submitted by John M. Lightfoot to construct an Addition 3 Season Room –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Lightfoot, applicant, representing the owners of record, Linda and Chris Maude.

Mr. Lightfoot reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Proposing an addition of 14’ by 14’ screened in porch to be built on concrete peers.
· Using a Techno Post System which requires minimal disturbance of the land.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, April 26, 2010. Tabled.


1. 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, Application #1134 submitted by EMG Properties, William Grieger for an Inland Wetlands Permit #1134 for the construction of a new building, septic, well, driveway, parking and drainage system – Hearing continued to Monday, April 26, 2010.

2. 190 Russell Road, Application #1135 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.

3. Between 265 and 270 Wooding Hill Road, Application #1136 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 100 feet of new drainage on east side – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.

4. 30 Gaylord Mountain Road, Application #1137 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.

5. 205 Bear Hill Road, Application #1138 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.

6. Between 94 and 108 Schaffer Road, Application #1139 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 200 feet upgrade pipe and catch basin – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.

7. Carrington Road, south of Schilf, Application #1140 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 400 feet replacement pipe – Alan Green, Public Works Director, was not available to attend the meeting. Commission members would like to discuss this application with him. Tabled.


Isabel Kearns, IWEO, reported on the following:

Verab Property – 93 Peck Road – Clear cutting trees, planting trees and putting in driveway off Bethmour Road - Neighbors in uproar with fill being used. The fill being used is under DEP guidelines.
Cusano – 185 Beacon Road – Hired an attorney, David Babbitz. Mr. Babbitz came in to get copy of files.

It was moved by Kane and seconded by Breslin to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:04 p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission

Thursday, March 25, 2010

MARCH 23, 2010
Page 1 of 2Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Robert Brinton Jr., First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Visitors: David Foreman

Chairman Brunwin called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

Chairman Brunwin moved a motion of approval for the minutes of the special meeting of March 16, 2010. Robert Brinton Jr. seconded her motion. He then moved to amend the minutes regarding reduction of budget for the Board of Education to read the Board of Finance feels that a $100,000 reduction is realistic. The amended minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote of the members present.

David Foreman was present to discuss with the Board of Finance his Process Suspense Report. David has a list of automobiles with delinquent taxes owed to the Town by Choice Auto Rental and ABC Leasing LLC. Both companies owned by the same person have gone out of business. David would like the Board of Finance to accept this suspense list totaling $28,566.85 to be removed from the available tax collections. Following discussion Sally Huyser moved to accept the suspense list of the Tax Collector. Chip Spear seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous

David is again asking the Board of Finance to give him permission to write off debit balances under $5.00 and credit balances $2.00 and under. Discussion followed. Since this item was not on the agenda the decision was tabled until the next meeting.

BUDGET 2010-11
Since Stephen Squinto was absent from the meeting he sent a communication to Chairman Brunwin suggesting that the Board of Finance take a second look at the budget request of the Library and to also discuss administrative costs for the Elementary School. Chairman Brunwin met with Superintendent Connellan about reductions to their budget. There was no indication from him what cuts could be made. The Board of Finance determined at this meeting that a reduction of $75,000 could be made as there is the possibility of the retirement of an administrator who would not be replaced for $54,000, and some possible savings in health insurance.

The Solid Waste budget may still need some adjustments as First Selectwoman Gorski is still negotiating disposal fees for recyclables .

The Library budget was discussed. Board members determined that a cut should be made to this budget. The recommended budget was reduced to $101,000 a cut of $8,235.

Chip Spear had met with Alan Green regarding the sign replacement program. In going over formulas from the book given to Chip by Alan, he estimates that total replacement of all road signs will cost $52,000. The amount submitted by Alan for next year’s budget , to replace signs over a six year period seems correct to Chip.

It was determined at this time that the collection rate for taxes could be set at 99%. If $100,000 was to be transferred from the General Fund, and small modifications in other budgets, the mill rate calculation could be approximately 27.52 mills with a 1.9% increase in budget over this fiscal year. The General Fund balance would remain at 12.1% of expenditures which is within a desirable range. The balance of the Capital Reserve Fund is however extremely low.

Adjournment was called at 9:15 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

MARCH 22, 2010
Page 1 of 2
Attendance: First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Steven Thornquist

Visitors: Attorney Kevin McSherry

First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. The first order of business was signing of account payable checks. First Selectwoman Gorski asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting of March 8, 2010. The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote was called. The minutes were accepted on a unanimous vote without change.

Selectman Thornquist moved to refund to Kimberly Stevens the sum of $46.95 for overpayment of taxes. Selectman Shea seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.

First Selectwoman Gorski informed the Board of Selectmen of her appointment of Cathy Rives as a member of the Conservation Commission.

The Town Treasurer will be away for a week and has asked the Board of Selectmen to appoint an Assistant Town Treasurer in his absence. The motion of appointment was moved by Selectman Shea to appoint Brad Buchta to the position of Assistant Town Treasurer. The motion was seconded by Selectman Thornquist. The vote taken was unanimous.

The Greater New Haven Transit District is asking for a Memorandum of Understanding from the Town of Bethany. The motion to authorize First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski to sign the Maintenance of Effort Certification and the Greater New Haven Transit District-Regional Rides Service agreement was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The motion was called. The vote taken was unanimous.

First Selectwoman Gorski presented the Five Year Local Capital Improvement to the Board of Selectmen. The plan is as follows:

2008-09 Porter Hill Road, Hilldale Road, Wooding Hill Road, Luke Hill Road
Hop Brook Road, Hinman Road

2009-10 Perkins Road, Hunters Trail, Wooding Hill Road, Crestwood Road

2010-11 Falcon Road, Miller Road, Schaffer Road, Clay Road

2011-12 Knollwood Road, Bethmour Road, Valley Road

2012-13 Tawney drive, Collins Road, Russell Road

The motion to accept the Five Year Local Capital Improvement plan was moved by Selectman Thornquist and seconded by Selectman Shea. The vote was called. The vote was unanimous.

Selectman Shea inquired as to what progress had been made on the inquiry at the previous meeting regarding the Conservation Easement for the Clement property. There was nothing to report to date.

Selectman Shea asked if the stumps would be ground on the trees being removed by the Town of Bethany. First Selectwoman Gorski will check with the Highway Foreman.

Adjournment was called at 8:05 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Thornquist. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Secretary, Board of Selectmen

Monday, March 22, 2010

MARCH 16, 2010
Page 1 of 2

Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Stephen Squinto, John Grabowski, Chip Spear, Robert Brinton Jr., Sally Huyser joined the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Visitors: Buff Bachenheimer, Roderick White, Alan Green, Robert McSherry, David Merriam

Chairman Brunwin called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting of March 9, 2010. The motion of approval was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by Chip Spear. The minutes were then approved without change on a vote of four yes and one abstention from Stephen Squinto as he was absent from that meeting.

Buff Bachenheimer, member of the Bethany Library Board was present to discuss with the Board of Finance the budget of the Library. Buff explained that the endowment funds started in 1936, and used to offset expenditures for the Library, are slowly disappearing as interest rates drop. The question of insurance coverage is also an issue as it was assumed that they were covered under the Town policy. It is only recently that this coverage was questioned and the company advises that they should get their own coverage since the building does not belong to the town of Bethany. This also will put an added burden on their operation costs. The Library Board of Directors will meet tonight to discuss how much longer they can remain an independent association due to operating costs.

The budget request of the Fire Marshal has increased 13% over last year’s request. The extra expenditure request is for repairs to the car driven by the Fire Marshal. Chairman Brunwin asked the Fire Marshal to update the Board of Finance on his multi-job assignments as EMS Chairman, Fire Marshal and Building Maintenance Manager. Roderick gave a report.

Alan Green presented the budget for Public Works. Alan indicated that the two line items increased in his budget over last year were Street Signs and Snow and Ice. The Federal Traffic Sign Standards are now requiring towns and cities to replace all street and traffic signs by 2018 to meet the minimum retro-reflective requirements. An allocation would have to be made each year to meet the deadline. Board members questioned total cost of replacement. That figure was not available. The Board questioned the total cost for complete road repair throughout the town to see if bonding for this purpose would be feasible. This figure will have to be formulated.

There is a $103,700 balance in the Major Road account. The overall Public Works budget will be monitored closely. If all over expended accounts are covered and a balance still exists, then the Major Road account will be spent for further road repairs.

Chief Robert McSherry discussed with the Board of Finance the budget for the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association. The department submitted the same budget as last year of $187,750. The department received a grant from the Town for fiscal year 2009-10 of $180,000 a reduction of $7,750 less than their request toward their operations. Chief McSherry is requesting no cuts this year as he finds it very hard to meet all necessary requirement i.e. hose testing and necessary mandates. They are making no Capital Expenditure requests for fiscal year2010-11

The budget of the Resident Trooper/Constable has increased only slightly due to the allocation for the Resource Office at Amity. All other line items remain the same.

The Board reviewed the spread sheet listing the Capital expenditures from 2009 to the present. Several of the items listed are complete. Following discussion Chairman Brunwin moved to close out completed Capital items as listed on spread sheet and transfer unexpended balances to the undesignated Fund Balance. The motion was seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.

Chairman Brunwin discussed with Superintendent Connellan the suggestions made by the Board of Finance for reduction to their budget. The Board of Finance feels that a $150,000 reduction is realistic.

At 9:05 p.m. Sally Huyser moved a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel and contract issues. Chip Spear seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous. At 9:25 p.m. Sally Huyser moved to exit the executive session. Chip Spear seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
There were no motion made after exiting the executive session pertaining to personnel and contract issues.

Adjournment was called at 9:27 p.m. after a motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance

The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following Board Members were present:
Carol Goldberg, Chair
Ruth Beardsley, Vice Chair
Steven Massey, Member
James Gugliotti, Member
Bradford Buchta, Alternate Member, seated for 892 Amity Road, public hearing
Michael Hendrick, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.

The following Board Member was absent or excused:
Ben Rosenbloom, Alternate Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer


It was moved by Beardsley and seconded by Hendrick to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2010, Regular Meeting with the following correction:
· Page 2, Fifth Paragraph, Third Sentence: Reads “Also present representing the applicant was Attorney Nick Triana.” Change to “Also present representing the applicant was Attorney Nicholas Troiano.”
Abstained: Goldberg
Voting for: Beardsley, Massey, Gugliotti, Hendrick.
Unanimous approval.

1) Bill for $95.00 from John McLeod, Stenographer, for recording services of the ZBA Regular Meeting of March 8, 2010. It was moved by Beardsley and seconded by Hendrick to remove this bill from communications on the agenda due to cancellation of public hearing. Unanimous approval.
2) Letter from South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated February 1, 2010, Re: 892 Amity Road not on RWA public water supply watersheds.
3) Letter from Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies, submitted February 16, 2010, Re: Nominations for Length of Service Awards/Lifetime Achievement Awards.

4) Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies, 62nd Annual Conference, Thursday, March 18, 2010, Aqua Turf Country Club, Plantsville, CT.
5) Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Quarterly Newsletter, Winter 2010.
6) Letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission, dated March 5, 2010, Re: Public hearing scheduled for revised draft of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development.


The public hearing was not opened. The applicant, Nadia Fainstein, submitted an email to Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer, dated March 8, 2010, withdrawing her application and requesting a refund of any applicable fees.


Chair Goldberg recused herself.

Vice-Chair Beardsley opened the continuation of the public hearing at 8:02 p.m.

Vice-Chair Beardsley read the legal notice pertaining to the continuation of the public hearing for the application submitted by Joseph Kyc for property located at 892 Amity Road for a variance of relief from Zoning Enforcement Officer letter dated December 23, 2009, pertaining to “Portions of the driveways with grades exceeding 10 percent shall be paved” as stated in subdivision approval dated June 6, 2007.

Vice-Chair Beardsley noted that the Board received the following item relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
a) Exhibit 2A – Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Joseph Kyc owner of 892 Amity Road dated March 8, 2010, releasing the order in the letter dated December 23, 2009, regarding any portions of the driveway serving 892 Amity Road that exceed a 10 percent grade must be paved with asphalt.

The Zoning Enforcement Officer withdrew her order, dated December 23, 2009, making this issue moot. However, if order reestablished, the applicant can proceed to the Zoning Board of Appeals without prejudice.

There being no further discussion, at 8:10 p.m. Acting-Chair Beardsley closed the public hearing on the subject application.


It was moved by Gugliotti and seconded by Beardsley to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:11 p.m. Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
For the Zoning Board of Appeals

Monday, March 15, 2010


The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following Commission members were present:
Sharon Huxley, Chairman
Melissa Spear, Vice-Chairman
John Ford IV, Member
Mary Shurtleff, Member
Patricia Winer, Member
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Donald Shea Jr., Alternate Member, seated as member as needed.
Nellie Rabinowitz, Alternate Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Enforcement Officer
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant


1. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Shea to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 3, 2010, Regular Meeting.
Voting for: Huxley, Spear, Shurtleff, Winer and Shea.
Unanimous approval.

2. It was moved by Shea and seconded by Winer to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 20, 2010, Special Meeting/Site Visit.
Abstained: Spear
Voting for: Huxley, Shurtleff, Winer and Shea.
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from Joan Jackson and Marian Doering of Downs Road, dated February 4, 2010, Re: Comments concerning 63 Downs Road, water runoff.
2. Letter from South Central CT Regional Planning Commission, dated February 12, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to add Section 5A – Small Wind Energy Systems.
3. Letter from Valley Council of Governments Regional Planning Commission, dated January 27, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to add Section 5A – Small Wind Energy Systems.

4. Letter from Valley Council of Governments Regional Planning Commission, dated January 29, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to Sections 8.3.B.3; 14.1.B.5.e; 14.3.C.
5. Copy of letter to Town of Prospect from Bethany PZC clerk, dated February 11, 2010, Re: Notification of public hearing on proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to Sections 8.3.B.3; 14.1.B.5.e; 14.3.C.
6. Letter from Bethany Land Trust, dated February 2, 2010, Re: Comments from review of Woodward Subdivision set aside.
7. Letter from Bethany Land Trust, dated February 18, 2010, Re: Follow-up comments after public hearing on February 3, 2010 for Woodward Subdivision set aside.
8. Letter from Al Shepard of NOK dated February 11, 2010, Re: Comments from review of letter dated January 28, 2010, by David Nafis, P.E. for Woodward Estates.
9. Letter from David Nafis, P.E., dated February 12, 2010, Re: Comments from review of excavation plans for Woodward Estates Subdivision.
10. Letter from Jun Zhai of 78 Mesa Drive, submitted March 2, 2010, Re: Comments in opposition of the proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
11. Letter from Judith Smith of 34 Tawney Drive, dated March 1, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
12. Letter from Marc Adelberg of 29 Mesa Drive, dated March 1, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
13. Letter from State of CT, DEP to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated January 11, 2010, Re: Comprehensive review of Bethany’s Floodplain Management Regulations.
14. Letter from AZEO to Ryker’s of 2 Clay Road, dated February 8, 2010, Re: Second Notice of Violation on 2 Clay Road.
15. Letter from Ryker’s of 2 Clay Road to ZEO, dated February 19, 2010, Re: Response to Violation Notices dated December 7, 2009, and February 12, 2010, for 2 Clay Road.
16. Letter from John Paul Garcia, dated February 26, 2010, Re: Application for Special Exception Permit and Use Permit, 443 Fairwood Road.
17. Letter from ZEO dated February 11, 2010, Re: Review comments for 437 and 443 Fairwood Road.
18. Letter from QVHD, dated February 17, 2010, Re: Review comments for 437 Fairwood Road, proposed development of industrial building.
19. Letter from ZEO to William Grieger owner of 10 Hamilton Drive, dated February 8, 2010, Re: Notice of Violation at 10 Hamilton Drive.
20. Letter from ZEO to John and William Ciola owners of 5 Amity Road and 10 Round Hill Road, dated February 8, 2010, Re: Notice of Violation at 5 Amity Road and 10 Round Hill Road.
21. Letter from ZEO to Daniel Cusano owner of 185 Beacon Road, dated February 9, 2010, Re: Second Notice of Violation at 185 Beacon Road.
22. Letter from Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies, submitted February 16, 2010, Re: Nominations for Length of Service Awards/Lifetime Achievement Awards.


1. Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies, 62nd Annual Conference, Thursday, March 18, 2010, Aqua Turf Country Club, Plantsville, CT.
2. Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Quarterly Newsletter, Winter 2010.


1. It was moved by Spear and seconded by Ford to approve the payment of $90.00 for Membership Dues Through March 31, 2011, to the Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies.
Unanimous approval.

2. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Winer to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis), for services rendered for January 2010, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Unanimous approval.

3. It was moved by Winer and seconded by Spear to approve the payment of a bill for $95.00, dated February 3, 2010, from John McLeod (Court Stenographer) for recording services for the public hearing (63 Downs Road, 26 and 46 Mesa Drive and proposed amendments to Zoning Regulations).
Unanimous approval.


Isabel Kearns, ZEO, reported on the following:

10 Hamilton Drive – W. Grieger – Issued Notice of Violation dated February 8, 2010, storing equipment outside.

5 Amity Road and 10 Round Hill Road – Ciola – Issued Notice of Violation dated February 8, 2010, operating a business that includes the stockpiling of logs and mulch without a zoning permit.

185 Beacon Road – D. Cusano – The Cusano’s do not want anyone on their property. The Inland Wetlands Commission is ready to have our soil scientist test soils on the property. The Cusano’s retained an attorney. ZEO to report back at next regular meeting.


1. Discussion with ZEO regarding proposed amendments to the Floodplain Management Regulations – Present to speak regarding the proposed amendments to the Floodplain Management Regulations was Isabel Kearns, ZEO. Ms. Kearns passed out to Commission members a copy of the proposed amendments. Commission members to review and will discuss at the next regular meeting on April 7, 2010. Tabled.

2. Discussion with Assistant ZEO regarding Second Violation Notice to Ryker of 2 Clay Road – Present to speak on the violation notice to the Ryker’s on 2 Clay Road was Karen Walton, Assistant ZEO. Karen stated she has sent two letters of violation, dated December 7, 2010, and February 8, 2010, to the Ryker’s of 2 Clay Road and received an email from the Ryker’s on February 19, 2010, in which they state they are making an effort to remove the lawnmowers but due to health issues and the weather there has been a delay. Karen asked the Commission how they would like her to proceed. The Commission suggested asking the property owner for a list of the inventory and a schedule for removal and also take some photographs of the subject property.

3. Discussion with ZEO regarding Signage at Airport – Present to speak regarding the Signage at the Airport was Isabel Kearns, ZEO. Ms. Kearns stated the Bethany Lions Club would like to purchase a sign to post Town run functions. The Commission would like a member of the Lions Club to attend the next regular meeting and discuss exactly what type of sign the Lions Club would like to purchase and install at the Airport Property. Tabled.

4. 443 Fairwood Road, Application #2010-005 submitted by EMG Properties, LLC for a Special Exception Permit to locate a Commercial Auto Repair Facility –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicant.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Would like to move Nino’s Garage on Amity Road to this location.
· Received a variance from ZBA to allow a repair facility at this location.

Mr. Garcia submitted an application for a Special Exception Permit for temporary outside storage. The Commission formally received the application.

The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

5. 443 Fairwood Road, Application #2010-006 submitted by EMG Properties, LLC for a Site Plan for Commercial Auto Repair Facility and Sign –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicant.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· Would like to move Nino’s Garage on Amity Road to this location.
· Received a variance from ZBA to allow a repair facility at this location.

Mr. Garcia submitted an application for a Special Exception Permit for temporary outside storage. The Commission formally received the application.

The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.


· 63 Downs Road, Application #2010-003 submitted by Roger and Mary Ellen Simon for a Site Plan Modification -

At 7:33 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing on the subject application. The call for the public hearing was read. Chairman Huxley reviewed the complete contents of the application file.

Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – The following maps prepared by John Paul Garcia & Associates, Bethany, Connecticut, entitled as follows:
1) “Proposed Site Plan”, Drawing C-1, dated January 13, 2005, revised to November 29, 2005.
2) “Proposed Site Plan”, Drawing C-2, dated November 29, 2005, with no revisions.
Exhibit 1B - Letter from Joan Jackson and Marian Doering of Downs Road, dated February 4, 2010, Re: Comments concerning 63 Downs Road, water runoff.
Exhibit 1C – Email from Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, dated February 20, 2010, Re: Comments from site walk of February 20, 2010, for 63 Downs Road.

Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated the applicant needs to submit an application to the Inland Wetlands Commission to modify the Inland Wetlands Permit due to the septic being added.

Mr. Peck, Planning Consultant, reviewed his comments in Exhibit C pertaining to the drainage on Downs Road.

Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicants, Roger and Mary Ellen Simon, who were also present. Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
· The applicants have an approval from the Inland Wetlands Commission for the barn but not for septic system.
· The applicants have an approval from Quinnipiack Valley Health District.
· The basin on Downs Road is not functioning. The water flow is not from the subject property (63 Downs Road).
· The applicants are not proposing any more clearing other than what was seen at the site walk.
· There will be no human occupation in the proposed barn.

Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. There were no comments.

At 7:52, Chairman Huxley recessed the public hearing and continued it to the next regular meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

· Proposed to the Bethany Zoning Regulations to add Section 5A – Permitting, Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Abandonment of Small Wind Energy Systems

At 7:53 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing on the proposed amendments. The call for the public hearing was read. Chairman Huxley reviewed the complete contents of the application file.

Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 1A – Letter from South Central CT Regional Planning Commission, dated February 12, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to add Section 5A – Small Wind Energy Systems.
Exhibit 1B - Letter from Valley Council of Governments Regional Planning Commission, dated January 27, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to add Section 5A – Small Wind Energy Systems.

Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, presented a brief summary of the proposed regulation.

Commission members noted:
· Need separation distance on site for protection of a fall. Consider putting in regulation a minimum size for the parcel of property.
· Research into Audubon information pertaining to bird paths.
· Concerned with the noise produced from the tower and its effect on human life.
· Concerned with light flutter and its effect on neighbors.

Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. The following public members spoke:

1) Bruce Loomis, Member of the Conservation Commission – Mr. Loomis stated the Conservation Commission reviewed the proposed regulation and recommended that notice to neighbors before construction starts should be included in the regulation. If the tower is 65 feet or less, than notice to abutting property owners but if tower is over 65 feet, then notice to property owners within a quarter mile radiance.

At 8:19 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.

· Proposed amendments to the Bethany Zoning Regulations in Section 8 – Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading under Section 8.3.B.3 – Notice to Abutting Property Owners and Section 14 – Zoning Board of Appeals under Section 14.1.B.5.e – Zoning Variances and Section 14.3 – Public Hearings

At 8:20 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the continuation of the public hearing on the proposed amendments. The call for the public hearing was read.

Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
Exhibit 2A – Letter from Valley Council of Governments Regional Planning Commission, dated January 29, 2010, Re: Comments from review of proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to Sections 8.3.B.3; 14.1.B.5.e; 14.3.C.
Exhibit 2B - Copy of letter to Town of Prospect from Bethany PZC clerk, dated February 11, 2010, Re: Notification of public hearing on proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment to Sections 8.3.B.3; 14.1.B.5.e; 14.3.C.

Isabel Kearns, ZEO, commented on Section 14.1.B.5.e, the sentence that reads “Failure to comply with the filing and recording conditions shall cause the approved variance to become null and void.” should be removed. Chairman Huxley would like the ZEO to check with the Town Attorney on this change.

Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. The following public members spoke:

1) Bruce Loomis, Member of the Conservation Commission – The Conservation Commission would like clarification on the difference between the certificate of mailing and certified mail and the reason for the change. Isabel Kearns, ZEO, clarified for Mr. Loomis, and stated this enables the ZBA to function better.
2) John Paul Garcia of 190 Fairwood Road – Mr. Garcia stated he has no objection to the mailing requirement but the fact that some people that are notified do not pick up their mail and the green return receipt cards do not come back in time for the public hearing. Mr. Garcia would like the Board to accept the white certified mail receipt slip for proof of mailing.

The Commission suggested a standardized form provided by the Board with all the information pertaining to the public hearing and give a blank copy to the applicant to complete and mail out for notification to the neighbors.

At 8:34, Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject application.

· 26 and 46 Mesa Drive, Application #2009-026 for a Special Exception Permit for Two (2) Rear Lots, Application #2009-027 for a Thirteen Lot Subdivision (Woodward Estates), Application #2009-028 for a Special Exception Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading Permit submitted by Alan Shepard P.E. for James W. Woodward Jr.

At 8:36 p.m., Chairman Huxley called to order the public hearing continuation on Applications #2009-026, #2009-027 and #2009-028. The call for the public hearing continuation was read. The hearing was opened on January 6, 2010, site visit on January 17, 2010, continued to February 3, 2010 and then March 3, 2010.

Marc Adelberg, Alternate member, recused himself.
John Ford stated he listened to the recording of the February 3, 2010, public hearing and walked the site alone.

Chairman Huxley then noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
A. Exhibit 3A – Revised set of plans prepared by Nowakowski, O’Bymachow, Kane & Associates, Shelton, Connecticut:
1) “Record Subdivision Map (1 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
2) “Record Subdivision Map (2 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.

3) “Record Subdivision Map (3 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
4) “Record Subdivision Map (4 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
5) “Record Subdivision Map (5 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
6) “Overall Site Plan (200 Scale) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
7) “Overall Site Plan (100 Scale) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
8) “Site Development Plan (1 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
9) “Site Development Plan (2 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
10) “Site Development Plan (3 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates” dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
11) “Site Development Plan (4 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
12) “Site Development Plan (5 of 5) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
13) “Plan & Profile – Clifford Drive prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
14) “Plan & Profile – Silsby Road (1 of 2) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
15) “Plan & Profile – Silsby Road (2 of 2) prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
16) “Detention Basin Detail for Basin A prepared for Woodward Estates” dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
17) “Construction Details prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
18) “Fire Hydrant Plan prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to January 5, 2009.
19) “Road Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan – Phase 2 prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 11, 2010.
20) “Road Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan – Phase 3 prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated January 4, 2008, revised to February 2, 2010.
B. Exhibit 3B – Letter from Debbie Valentine and Ken Scott, dated March 2, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to 13-lot subdivision off of Mesa Drive.
C. Exhibit 3C – Letter from Nafis & Young, dated March 3, 2010, Re: Review comments pertaining to the revised plans dated February 11, 2010.
D. Exhibit 3D - Letter from Bethany Land Trust, dated February 2, 2010, Re: Comments from review of Woodward Subdivision set aside.

E. Exhibit 3E – Letter from Bethany Land Trust, dated February 18, 2010, Re: Follow-up comments after public hearing on February 3, 2010 for Woodward Subdivision set aside.
F. Exhibit 3F – Letter from Al Shepard of NOK dated February 11, 2010, Re: Comments from review of letter dated January 28, 2010, by David Nafis, P.E. for Woodward Estates.
G. Exhibit 3G - Letter from David Nafis, P.E., dated February 12, 2010, Re: Comments from review of excavation plans for Woodward Estates Subdivision.
H. Exhibit 3H - Letter from Jun Zhai of 78 Mesa Drive, submitted March 2, 2010, Re: Comments in opposition of the proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
I. Exhibit 3I – Letter from Judith Smith of 34 Tawney Drive, dated March 1, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
J. Exhibit 3J – Letter from Marc Adelberg of 29 Mesa Drive, dated March 1, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
K. Exhibit 3K – Letter from Yucheng Zhan of 19 Mesa Drive, dated March 2, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
L. Exhibit 3L – Letter from Frank Xu of 71 Mesa Drive, dated March 3, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
M. Exhibit 3M – Letter from Todd Green of 64 Mesa Drive, received March 3, 2010, Re: Concerns pertaining to proposed Woodward Subdivision off Mesa Drive.
N. Exhibit 3N – Submitted of Al Shepard of NOK, mailing notifications to residents for the public hearing.

Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Shepard, P.E., and partner with the firm Nowakowski, O’Bymachow and Kane, Shelton, CT, representing the owner of record, Mr. James W. Woodward, Jr. who was also present.

Mr. Shepard reviewed the revised plans, the proposed phasing of the subdivision, and the comments from Nafis and Young.

Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated the Mr. Shepard had addressed in the revised plans her comments from her letter (Exhibit 2A) dated January 22, 2010.

Chairman Huxley then asked if there were any comments from the public. The following public members spoke:

1) Todd Green of 64 Mesa Drive – Mr. Green read his letter, Exhibit 3M.
2) Don Murphy of 67 Tawney Drive – Mr. Murphy stated his main concern is the access to Beacon Falls property through Bethany.
3) Clifford Skolnick of 60 Tawney Drive – Mr. Skolnick stated he is concerned with the traffic the will be created from the proposal and also stated Mesa Excavation is still operating the gravel business on Mesa Drive.

4) Carol Reed of 70 Tawney Drive – Ms. Reed stated that when she first moved in it was a peaceful neighborhood and now with truck traffic, the road is muddy and falling apart. Ms. Reed stated she is against this development
5) Mark Cullen of 69 Tawney Drive – Mr. Cullen is concerned with the water on his property and would like the Commission to make the proposed roads permanent and not accessible to Beacon Falls.
6) Yucheng Zhan of 19 Mesa Drive – Mr. Zhan commented on the beautiful views seen from his home and the fact that if the subdivision is approved these views will be gone.
7) Camille Serchuk of 312 Falls Road – Ms. Serchuk commented on the gravel operation on Mesa Drive, the smell that enters her home from truck exhaust and the terrible condition of the roads.
8) Dorothy Bedan of 15 Tawney Drive – Ms. Bedan expressed her concern regarding the blasting and traffic.

Bruce Loomis, Member of the Conservation Commission, stated the Conservation Commission would like to review the revised plans. Mr. Loomis also stated his concern with the traffic and that the Commission should keep the Beacon Falls traffic out of Bethany. Mr. Loomis stated the Conservation Commission is opposed to the phasing of the 13-lot subdivision.

At 10:13 p.m., Chairman Huxley closed the public hearing on the subject applications.


1. 26 and 46 Mesa Drive, Application #2009-026, submitted by Al Shepard, P.E. For J. Woodward for a Special Exception Permit for Two Rear Lots – Public hearing closed. Tabled.

2. 26 and 46 Mesa Drive, Application #2009-027, submitted by Al Shepard, P.E. For J. Woodward for a Thirteen-Lot Subdivision – Public hearing closed. Tabled.

3. 26 and 46 Mesa Drive, Application #2009-026, submitted by Al Shepard, P.E. For J. Woodward for a Special Exception Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading Permit – Public hearing closed. Tabled.

4. Proposed amendments to the Bethany Zoning Regulations in Section 8 – Earth Removal, Excavation, Filling, Stockpiling and Grading under Section 8.3.B.3 – Notice to Abutting Property Owners and Section 14 – Zoning Board of Appeals under Section 14.1.B.5.e – Zoning Variances and Section 14.3 – Public Hearings – Public hearing closed. Tabled.

5. Discuss increasing application fees – Tabled.

6. Bethany Volunteer Fire Department revised Water Source Specifications – Tabled.

7. Zoning Regulation Amendment for Windmill, Towers, and Energy Producing Wind Devices – Public hearing closed. Tabled.

8. Town Plan Revision – Discussion and possible action – Public hearing date for the draft Town Plan of Conservation and Development is Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Tabled.

9. Discuss Architectural Reviews – Draft forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Tabled.

10. Proposed Town of Bethany Noise Control Ordinance – Draft forwarded to the Town Attorney. Tabled.

11. Update on Halter Estates – Tabled.

It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Spear to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:31 p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bethany Conservation Commission

February 16, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:07 by Ken Martin. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis, and Will Brinton.

The minutes of January 14, 2010 were read. Ken moved and Will seconded to accept the minutes.

There was a discussion of the changes to the proposed Woodward Subdivision. Two points were brought out; 1) The new easement on lot #9 is not what was initially asked for by the Inland Wetlands Commission. It was the opinion of the BCC that the easement should encompass the entire area asked for by the IWC. 2) The new easement on lot #4 has a maintenance road passing through it. Ken agreed to draft a memo to the IWC on those items and Brian agreed to attend the IWC meeting to answer any questions.

Ken passed out copies of the Draft Zoning Regulation for Small Wind Energy Systems. On review the BCC was of the opinion that there should be some additional language added to the regulations about the notification of adjacent and nearby property owners if a system is to be built. This could be a tiered system with one level of notification for systems less than 65 feet in height and a larger radius of notification when systems greater than 65 feet in height are constructed.

Bruce stated that he would try to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting discussing the above two items.

At 9:15 Ken moved to adjourn and Bruce seconded.

Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore

Monday, March 8, 2010


The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:43 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
Jack Ellison, Member
Jon Painter, Member
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.

The following members of the Commission were absent or excused:
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman
John Kane, Member
Brian Smith, Alternate Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer


1. It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Painter to approve, as submitted, the minutes of January 25, 2010, Regular Meeting.
Voting for: McGregor, Painter, Sullivan.
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated February 17, 2010, Re: Comments from review of 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, develop an industrial building.
2. Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Comments from review of materials for 443 and 437 Fairwood Road.
3. Letter from Martin Brogie, Environmental and Planning Consultants, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Inland Wetlands Application Review, 437 and 443 Fairwood Road.
4. Memo from Bethany Conservation Commission, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Woodward Estates – Conservation Easements.
5. Letter from Marian Doering and Joan Jackson of 72 Downs Road, Re: Concerning 63 Downs Road, barn and driveway.
6. Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ryker of 2 Clay Road, dated February 8, 2010, Re: Correction Enforcement Notice for 2 Clay Road, conducting “regulated activity” within a wetland and its upland review area.


1. Connecticut Wildlife, January/February 2010.
2. 2010 Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Ellison to add Item #8 – Discussion with Al Shepard of Nowakowski, O’Bymachow and Kane pertaining to Woodward Estates, Conservation Easements to the NEW BUSINESS section of the agenda.


1. Discussion with Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer regarding 63 Downs Road – Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated that she had John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing Roger and Mary Ellen Simon of 63 Downs Road, submit an application for a modification to their IW Permit #1022 for the January 25, 2010, regular meeting due to the addition of the septic system on the site plan for the proposed barn. Mr. Garcia stated the application was for an extension of the permit only at the January 25, 2010, regular meeting. Chairman McGregor directed the IWEO to notify the PZC that the PZC cannot act on the application in front of them for 63 Downs Road until the applicants submit an application for a modification to the IWC and the IWC acts on the application.

2. 190 Russell Road, Application #1135 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

3. Between 265 and 270 Wooding Hill Road, Application #1136 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 100 feet of new drainage on east side – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

4. 30 Gaylord Mountain Road, Application #1137 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

5. 205 Bear Hill Road, Application #1138 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

6. Between 94 and 108 Schaffer Road, Application #1139 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 200 feet upgrade pipe and catch basin – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

7. Carrington Road, south of Schilf, Application #1140 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 400 feet replacement pipe – The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

8. Discussion with Al Shepard from Nowakowski, O’Bymachow and Kane pertaining to Woodward Estates, Conservation Easements – Present to speak for this discussion was Mr. Al Shepard of NOK representing the owner of record, Mr. James Woodward. Mr. Shepard submitted a plan entitled “Proposed Conservation Easement Map prepared for Woodward Estates”, dated February 22, 2010, with no revisions prepared by NOK and also submitted a letter from JMM Wetland Consulting Services, LLC, dated February 11, 2010, Re: Reserve area septic system for Lots 6 and 7, Woodward Estates, Mesa Drive, Bethany, CT. Mr. Shepard reviewed these materials with the Commission.

Mr. Shepard noted the following:
Proposed reserve septic systems would have a good travel system before getting to vernal pool located on Lot #9.
Proposed septic system possibly may never be used.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
Proposed septic systems not necessary; plans for Lots #6 and #7 already contain approved primary and reserve septic areas.
Vernal pool on Lot #9 very productive and should be protected.

Brian Eitzer, Member of the Conservation Commission submitted a letter from the Conservation Commission dated February 22, 2010, containing their observations and concerns on the proposals. Mr. Eitzer stated the Conservation Commission is not in favor of the proposed Conservation Easements.

Mr. Shepard stated he would be withdrawing his request for the changes.


1. 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, Application #1134 submitted by EMG Properties, William Grieger for an Inland Wetlands Permit #1134 for the construction of a new building, septic, well, driveway, parking and drainage system -

Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the owners, EMG Properties.

The Commission conducted a site walk on Saturday, February 20, 2010.

The Commission received a letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District dated February 17, 2010, a letter from Diversified Technology Consultants dated February 22, 2010, and a letter from AKRF Environmental and Planning Consultants dated February 22, 2010.

In discussion, Commission members noted:
· There is very distinct drainage where proposing to cross the wetlands.
· DTC letter notes that an alternative driveway on the east side of the site might be possible.
· The Commission would like to conduct a public hearing due to direct wetlands crossing.
· Mr. Garcia will contact abutting property owners, Yale University.

The Commission scheduled a public hearing date of Monday, March 22, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. Tabled.


Isabel Kearns, IWEO, reported on the following:

Ms. Kearns spoke with Erik Scott of 49 Tuttle Court, who will be completing his Eagle Project which involves placing two benches at the Veterans Memorial Park. The Commission would like Mr. Scott to attend the next regular meeting on March 22, 2010, and present his Eagle Project to the Commission.
Clement of 290 Amity Road - The request for voluntary compliance, dated December 9, 2009 and notice of violation dated January 21, 2010, from the IWEO has been forwarded to the Town Attorney.
Cusano of 185 Beacon Road – Ms. Kearns communicated with the property owner that she would be visiting the site and the property owner stated she would be contacting her lawyer. Town Attorney stated the IWEO can visit the site.
Ryker of 2 Clay Road – Ms. Kearns stated the property owner is complying with correction enforcement notice dated December 7, 2009 and February 8, 2010 byt removing tractors.

It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Ellison to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:05 p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission

Commission members Pat McGregor, Sandy Breslin, Kris Sullivan (alternate) and Isabel Kearns, IWEO, met at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010, at the following property and proceeded to visit the site:

437 and 443 Fairwood Road, Application #1134 submitted by EMG Properties (William Grieger) for an IW Permit to construct a new building, septic, well, driveway, parking and drainage system.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia Marek, Clerk
For the Inland Wetlands Commission

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 8:04 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following Board Members were present:
Ruth Beardsley, Vice Chair, who was acting as Chair
Steven Massey, Member
James Gugliotti, Member
Bradford Buchta, Alternate Member, who was seated as a voting member
Michael Hendrick, Alternate Member, who was seated as a voting member
Ben Rosenbloom, Alternate Member

The following Board Member was absent:
Carol Goldberg, Chair

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer


It was moved by Gugliotti and seconded by Buchta to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the December 14, 2009, regular meeting.
Voting for: Beardsley, Massey, Gugliotti, Buchta, Hendrick
Unanimous approval.


It was moved by Buchta and seconded by Hendrick to approve the payment of a bill for $95.00, dated February 8, 2010, from Anne Sohon (Court Stenographer) for recording services for the public hearing (892 Amity Road).
Voting for: Beardsley, Massey, Gugliotti, Buchta, Hendrick
Unanimous approval.


Acting Chair Beardsley opened the public hearing at 8:06 p.m.

Acting Chair Beardsley read the legal notice pertaining to the public hearing for the application submitted by Joseph Kyc for property located at 892 Amity Road for a variance of relief from Zoning Enforcement Officer letter dated December 23, 2009, pertaining to “Portions of the driveways with grades exceeding 10 percent shall be paved” as stated in subdivision approval dated June 6, 2007.

Acting Chair Beardsley reviewed the procedure that would be followed to conduct the public hearing.

Member Jim Gugliotti, who is a member of the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department, stated he had no conflict.

Acting Chair Beardsley stated that the Zoning Regulations (Section 14.3.C) state that certified notification is required to the surrounding property owners within 100 feet of the application and that the applicant needs to provide evidence at the time of the public hearing by submitting an affidavit of mailing and the green return receipt cards and/or returned letters to the commission as part of the record.

Acting Chair Beardsley noted that the Board received the following items relative to the subject application. Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:
a) Exhibit 1A – Submitted by Mr. Garcia, the Affidavit of Mailing, dated February 2, 2010, to the neighbors within 100 feet of the subject property and a letter attached that was sent out in the mailing to the neighbors.
b) Exhibit 1B – Submitted by Mr. Garcia, eight Green Return Receipt Cards each attached with the U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt White Slips, two returned unclaimed letters, and one U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt White Slip (missing green return receipt card to Suraci, 52 Doolittle Drive).
c) Exhibit 1C – Submitted by Mr. Garcia, five photographs of driveway located at 892 Amity Road:
Exhibit 1C(1) – photograph
Exhibit 1C(2) – photograph
Exhibit 1C(3) – photograph
Exhibit 1C(4) – photograph
Exhibit 1C(5) – photograph
Exhibit 1C(6) – Map with colored markings entitled, “Proposed Site Plan”, dated September 10, 2007, revised to December 19, 2007.

Present to speak on behalf of the application was Mr. John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S. representing Mr. Joseph Kyc, applicant and owner of record. Mr. Garcia discussed the application to appeal the Zoning Enforcement letter dated December 23, 2009, with the Board members. Also present representing the applicant was Attorney Nick Triana.

Acting Chair Beardsley asked if there were any public members who would like to speak in favor of the application. There were none.

Acting Chair Beardsley asked if there were any public members who would like to speak in opposition of this application. There were none.

There being no further discussion, at 9:10 p.m. Acting Chair Beardsley continued the public hearing on the subject application to the next regular meeting on Monday, March 8, 2010.


It was moved by Gugliotti and seconded by Buchta to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:11 p.m. Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
For the Zoning Board of Appeals

The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at ______ p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.

The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
John Kane, Member
Jack Ellison, Member
Jon Painter, Member, arrived at
Kristine Sullivan, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.

The following members of the Commission were absent or excused:
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman
Brian Smith, Alternate Member

Also present were:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Karen Walton, Assistant Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer


1. It was moved by _______ and seconded by __________ to approve, as submitted, the minutes of January 25, 2010, Regular Meeting.
Voting for:
Unanimous approval.


1. Letter from QVHD, dated February 17, 2010, Re: Comments from review of 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, develop an industrial building.
2. Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Comments from review of materials for 443 and 437 Fairwood Road.
3. Memo from Bethany Conservation Commission, dated February 22, 2010, Re: Woodward Estates – Conservation Easements.
4. Letter from Marian Doering and Joan Jackson of 72 Downs Road, Re: Concerning 63 Downs Road, barn and driveway.
5. Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ryker of 2 Clay Road, dated February 8, 2010, Re: Correction Enforcement Notice for 2 Clay Road, conducting “regulated activity” within a wetland and its upland review area.


1. Connecticut Wildlife, January/February 2010.


1. Discussion with Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer regarding 63 Downs Road –

2. 190 Russell Road, Application #1135 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

3. Between 265 and 270 Wooding Hill Road, Application #1136 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 100 feet of new drainage on east side –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

4. 30 Gaylord Mountain Road, Application #1137 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

5. 205 Bear Hill Road, Application #1138 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for a cross pipe replacement –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

6. Between 94 and 108 Schaffer Road, Application #1139 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 200 feet upgrage pipe and catch basin –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.

7. Carrington Road, south of Schilf, Application #1140 submitted by the Town of Bethany, D.P.W. for 400 feet replacement pipe –

The Commission formally received the application. Present to speak on behalf of the application was Alan Green, Public Works Director.

Mr. Green reviewed the proposed project noting:

In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, March 22, 2010. Tabled.


1. 437 and 443 Fairwood Road, Application #1134 submitted by EMG Properties, William Greiger for an Inland Wetlands Permit #1134 for the construction of a new building, septic, well, driveway and parking -

Present to speak on behalf of the application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the owners, EMG Properties. Mr. Garcia modified the application to include 443 Fairwood Road for the creation of an integrated stormwater system and paving.

Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:
In discussion, Commission members noted:

Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, February 22, 2010. Tabled.


It was moved by _______ and seconded by _________ to adjourn the regular meeting at ______ p.m.
Unanimous approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission
Board of Finance
March 2, 2010
Page 1 of 2

Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Stephen Squinto, Robert Brinton Jr., Chip Spear, Sally Huyser, John Grabowski, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Guests: Timothy Cannellan, Janet Finneran, Laura Adair, Maura Harrigan, Brian Fournier, Domonick Reis, Christopher Pittenger all members of the Bethany Board of Education. There were 15 parents of students at the Bethany Elementary School present.
Chairman Brunwin called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was help in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Robert Brinton Jr. Robert moved to amend the minutes regarding the salary of the Tax Collector. He amended as follows: (step 2 from job study). Chairman Brunwin amended the minutes regarding Capital Expenditures as follows: Capital and other emergency repairs. The minutes were then approved as amended on a unanimous vote.

Brian Fournier began the presentation for the Elementary School budget. Brian commented “ to have everything in the budget as they had last year would have caused the budget to increase 8.5%". Adjustments have been made to reduce the budget. Loss of Federal and State funding, increases in salaries to meet contractual obligations and health care increases have made it impossible to maintain a zero based budget. The Board asked the teachers to re-open their contract to reduce cost. The teachers refused the offer. One teacher is retiring and another is not returning after a maternity leave. These positions will not be filled as enrollment is down from 549 last year to 515 students this year. Special Education costs are up due to a student placement out of district. The budget submitted, eliminating 2.5 positions, has increased $151,034 over last year’s budget, or a 2.43% increase over all.

Capital Expenditure requests were reviewed. The science lab equipment and technology infrastructure requests were addressed by Chip Spear and Stephen Squinto. Both made suggestions to ask industry in the area to donate recycled lab and computer equipment. Other schools in the area have made such requests and have received excellent equipment donations.

Brian Laubstein spoke regarding increases in the Board of Education budget. Brian indicated that the increases each year are “tough on taxpayers”. Private industry is not receiving increases such as the teachers are. He is glad to hear that the extra dollars not spent for necessities were returned to the General Fund last fiscal year.

Lisa Gaw also echoed the sentiments of Brian Laubstein. She feels that the teachers should again be asked to give concessions as the general public is being forced to do in industry. Both she and her husband have taken pay cuts recently not increases. They have also been asked to co-pay on benefits for the first time.

Bob Thomas also spoke in support of keeping the budget of the Board of Education under control. He owns a computer business and would be willing to donate computers to the school.

Matt Fletcher also agreed with the other comments about keeping control on budgets in this economy.

Robert Brinton Jr. would like to see budget reduced by possibly eliminating one headmaster as enrollment is dropping.

John Grabowski felt that there was a lot of play with the number of interns being used. Are we sure how many are actually being used? Is there six, nine, or twelve? That is never made clear at the Board of Education meetings he has attended.

Sally Huyser would like a full explanation on whether administration can be cut back. She also questioned the extra salary given to the headmasters when they work in the summer months.

Chip Spear would also like more information on the administrative needs. With dropping enrollment he would like to see a plan on the restructuring of class size.

Stephen Squinto felt more information regarding the reduction of general education by -1.75% and the increase in administration by 3.83% would be helpful.

Adjournment was called at 9:40 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance