Bethany Conservation Commission
February 16, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 8:07 by Ken Martin. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis, and Will Brinton.
The minutes of January 14, 2010 were read. Ken moved and Will seconded to accept the minutes.
There was a discussion of the changes to the proposed Woodward Subdivision. Two points were brought out; 1) The new easement on lot #9 is not what was initially asked for by the Inland Wetlands Commission. It was the opinion of the BCC that the easement should encompass the entire area asked for by the IWC. 2) The new easement on lot #4 has a maintenance road passing through it. Ken agreed to draft a memo to the IWC on those items and Brian agreed to attend the IWC meeting to answer any questions.
Ken passed out copies of the Draft Zoning Regulation for Small Wind Energy Systems. On review the BCC was of the opinion that there should be some additional language added to the regulations about the notification of adjacent and nearby property owners if a system is to be built. This could be a tiered system with one level of notification for systems less than 65 feet in height and a larger radius of notification when systems greater than 65 feet in height are constructed.
Bruce stated that he would try to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting discussing the above two items.
At 9:15 Ken moved to adjourn and Bruce seconded.
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore