Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting June 10, 2010
Present: Joan Blaskey, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Fred Dray, Brian Laubstein, DVM, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Absent: James Zeoli
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Dottie Bedan
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:38 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public: No public present.
5) Review and approval of May 13, 2010 meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Lipson/Hellauer. Four approved, one abstained.
6) Census – Paul Niedmann: Out take: 6 redeemed, 6 sold as pets, 1 euthanized. One hundred-two calls, 87 calls investigated, resulting in 2infractions issued. Lipson inquired as to how many calls were for wildlife. Niedmann responded that the number of calls varies each month. Blaskey reminded Niedmann that she needs a monthly report.
7) Lead ACO report – Paul Niedmann: One misdemeanor was issued for a 2 month old dog that was left in a car for 40 minutes. New toilet was installed at the facility. There are 6 animals at the facility, 1 quarantined, 2 dogs and 5 cats. Waiting for an estimate to have the freezer installed. Memorial donations have been received to update dog runs. An Eagle Scouts' dad is a contractor who is willing to do whatever is needed. Nextel cell phones don't work well in the area, Verizon phones work better. We might be able to get out of contract because the phones are used for business and don't work. Laubstein reminded the board that Zeoli was supposed to look into getting a bundle package. Laubstein offered to look into this. Hellauer would look into getting a newer computer for the facility.
8) Treasurer's Report – Joseph Hellauer: Checking account has $6,952.58. Money Market has $1,477.10. Total is $8,429.68. The town of Orange was sent a corrected invoice and paid fee of $4,563.00. Accounting firm fee for audit is $5,000. Toilet was purchased with Town of Woodbridge Funds. Dottie will cut check for town. Motion to accept treasurers report by Dray/Laubstein. All approved.
9) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey: No Chairman's report.
10) Motion to go into executive session by Hellauer/Laubstein at 8:05 PM to discuss personnel issues No motions made, no actions taken during executive session. Returned to regular session at 9:56 PM.
11) Meeting adjourned at 10:03 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson