Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting July 8, 2010
Present: Joan Blaskey, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Fred Dray, Brian Laubstein, DVM, James Zeoli (8:35PM) Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Gail Evanko, Dave Dorsa, Melanie Oakley, Dottie Bedan
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:38 PM.
2) Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Public: Bridget Albert, Jeanine Russo, Pat Rubin. Margie Schenk
5) Review and approval of June 10, 2010 meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Hellauer/Dray. All approved.
6) Census – Paul Niedmann: Out take: 10 redeemed, 2 sold as pets, 1 euthanized. One hundred-ten calls, 80 calls investigated.
7) Lead ACO report – Paul Niedmann: Niedmann read thank you letter from a resident who recently adopted a pet from DAC
8) Treasurer's Report – Joseph Hellauer: Checking account has $36,286.26. Money Market has $1,478.06. Total is $37,764.32. On June 28, 2010, Hellauer received a call from Mary Culmo stating that she quit. Blaskey and Hellauer met with Jen Wiffenbacker who covered for Culmo as an on call employee.
9) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey: Orange Ale House advertised in the paper that they were hosting a fundraiser for DAC. Another idea for a fundraiser is to have T-shirts made up. Cost would be $5.00 each minimum order is 36. DAC could sell them for $10.00. Evanko stated that the logo on the DAC vehicles is faded and blends in with the color of the vehicle. Hellauer will call Bob McSherry and find out about redoing the lettering on the vehicles. Blaskey thanked AARF for helping the dog that needed extensive mouth surgery. Blaskey called the Orange PD and found they get about 50 OT calls per year. Has a call in to Bethany to find out how many calls for OT. Hellauer called Woodbridge, they didn't have a count, but will track it for the future. Niedmann stated that the facility could use a refrigerator. Deceased animals should be kept in a freezer for 7 days. Laubstein will look into cremation services for deceased animals. Also looked into a bundle for land, internet and cell phones, but no bundle exists. Evanko suggested that instead of getting new phones that DAC reimburse employees a portion of the monthly service for their personal phones. They all have Verizon, which offers the best service, and all the PD's have their personal phone numbers already. Hellauer/Dray made a motion to supplement employee personal phones at $35 per month on a temporary basis. Work on canceling Nextel service. All approved. Dorsa suggested posting pictures of found pets. Add pages to petfinder. Evanko suggested that all dogs be vaccinated for rabies when they come in. Zeoli made a motion to vaccinate age appropriate animals within 7-14 days after intake. All approved. Discussion involving SNAP tests tabled. Hellauer passed out a copy of the lease agreement to all board members.
10) Motion to adjourn by Hellauer/Laubstein at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson