Friday, October 22, 2010

Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991

135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Approved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting September 13, 2010

Present: Joan Blaskey, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Fred Dray, James Zeoli, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Absent: Brian Laubstein, DVM
Guest: Attorney Weiner
Staff: Paul Niedmann, Dottie Bedan

1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:02 PM.
2) Guest speaker Attorney Weiner, Town Council for the Town of Woodbridge, discussed the lease of the DAC building. Blaskey will talk to First Selectperson Gorski regarding lease. A suggestion was made to have the First Selectpeople of Bethany, Orange and Woodbridge, along with each towns' Town Council, meet to discuss the lease and decide if any changes should be made. Some board members asked if DAC could get reimbursement for training, inoculations, etc. from former DAC employees. Attorney Weiner informed the Board that requesting reimbursement was not good labor practice.
3) Review and approval of August 12, 2010 meeting. Blaskey stated that she did not make any motions at the August meeting. Zeoli/Dray made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. All approved.
4) Census – Paul Niedmann: Twelve animals were redeemed, 4 sold as pets, 1 DOA, 3 carried over. One hundred-ten calls, 87 calls investigated.
5) Treasurer's Report – Joseph Hellauer: Checking account has $60,556.18. Money Market has $1,458.76. Total is $62,014.94. Payment of $1402.00 for insurance was paid. Motion to accept treasurer's report by Dray/Lipson. Unanimous approval. Lipson questioned reimbursement to DAC employee Dorso for $278.00 for Verizon phone bill. Also questioned if $35.00 a month still appropriate reimbursement for personal phones. Hellauer tried to cancel Sprint/Nextel contract and was told DAC would still have to pay. He will continue to work on it. Neidmann mentioned that the DAC computer died. Lipson asked Zeoli if the Town of Orange had any computers to donate to DAC. Zeoli will look into it.
6) Chairman's Report – Joan Blaskey: Neidmann is going to a seminar at Mohegan Sun. DAC should receive a packet listing recipients of the Feral Grant. DAC needs to find ways to save money on vet bills. ACO's should get estimates for procedures before the procedure is performed. Zeoli commented that animals should not be taken to Laubstein for rabies shots. It is a conflict of interest because of his position on the board. For regular vet care, a vet in Bethany, Orange or Woodbridge should be used. ACO's needs to report to Neidmann and Neidmann needs to report to Chairman Blaskey.
7) Motion to adjourn by Hellauer/Dray at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela Andreson