The special meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 6:34 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Patricia McGregor, Chairman
Alexandra Breslin, Vice-Chairman, who arrived at 6:44 p.m.
Kristine Sullivan, Member
Brian Smith, Alternate Member
The following members of the Commission were absent or excused:
John Kane, Member
Jack Ellison, Member
Also present was:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
· Discussion and possible action pertaining to Application #887-M-3 submitted by Chris Stoyer for a modification of the Inland Wetlands Permit to amend the resubdivision plans last approved on June 16, 2003, for the property located at 100 Miller Road (Hopp Brook Resubdivision).
Present to speak on behalf of this application was Attorney Michael Alexander, representing the applicant, Christopher Stoyer, who was also present.
The Commission received a letter from Martin Brogie, Inc. Environmental Services, to Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer, dated June 3, 2011, Re: Lot 2 Inland Wetlands Delineation Evaluation, Proposed 3-Lot Subdivision – Miller Road.
Attorney Alexander also received the letter from Martin Brogie dated June 3, 2011.
Chairman McGregor stated that the letter addressed the Commission’s concerns pertaining to the wetland delineation.
Commission members proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to approve Application #887-M-3 submitted by Chris Stoyer for a modification of the Inland Wetlands Permit to revise the map of record for the Inland Wetland Permit to now be a set of drawings prepared by Kratzert, Jones & Associates, Inc., Milldale, Connecticut entitled as follows:
“Property Map for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated March 1, 2003 (second application PZC), revised to March 22, 2011, Drawing No. B-1.
“Plan of Abandoned Road for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated March 1, 2003 (second application PZC), revised to February 3, 2011, Drawing No. B-2.
“Resubdivision Map for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated March 1, 2003 (second application PZC), revised to May 13, 2011, Drawing No. S-1.
“Grading and Erosion Control Plan for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated March 1, 2003 (second application PZC), revised to May 17, 2011, Drawing No. G-1.
“Grading and Erosion Control Plan for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated May 17, 2011, with no revisions, Drawing No. G-2.
“Driveway Plan & Profile for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated May 17, 2011, with no revisions, Drawing No. P-1.
“Detail Sheet for Hopp Brook Resubdivision”, dated March 1, 2003 (second application PZC), revised to February 3, 2011, Drawing No. D-1.
This permit is also subject to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803. This permit shall retain the current expiration date of June 16, 2012.
The Commission’s decision was based on the submission of evidence to show that even though some questions were raised regarding wetlands flagging, there has been confirmation that the flagging as shown on the plan is accurate.
Voting were: McGregor, Sullivan, Smith.
Vote 3 to 0.
Unanimous approval.
· Discussion and possible action pertaining to Application #1088-M-1 submitted by Kevin Murphy for a modification of the Inland Wetlands Permit to construct an in-ground pool at the property located at 38 Farm View Road.
Present to speak on behalf of this application was Kevin Murphy, of Pools by Murphy, Agent for Varsha Mehta, applicant and owner of record, who was also present.
In discussion, Commission members noted:
· That the map that was submitted shows a knoll that does not exist at the site.
· That all materials will be removed off site.
Commission members proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to approve Application #1088-M-1 submitted by Kevin Murphy of Pools by Murphy for a modification to the Inland Wetlands Permit to construct a 20-foot by 45-foot in-ground pool in accordance with the submitted plan untitled, prepared by the applicant, Kevin Murphy, which was modified on June 6, 2011, with red hand-drawn markings showing a double row of stacked haybales and is subject to the following conditions including the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803:
· That with the understanding of the applicant in the field, the access drive will be as shown on the plan coming in from the north side of the house.
The Commission’s decision was based on the fact that with the double row of stacked haybales, which shall remain in place until the site is permanently stabilized, there should not be any erosion into the wetlands below.
Voting were: McGregor, Breslin, Sullivan, Smith.
Vote 4 to 0.
Unanimous approval.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to adjourn the special meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia Marek, Clerk
For the Inland Wetlands Commission