Bethany Conservation Commission
February 9, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 8:12 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Lisa Tavolacci and Cathy Rives.
Cathy moved to accept the minutes and Bruce seconded with the recommendation that the date be corrected to January 12, 2012. The minutes were accepted as corrected.
The minutes of the January 23rd Inland Wetlands meeting were discussed with regards to the Woodward property. The Conservation Commission won't be affected too much. The minutes of a special meeting held on January 30 were not available.
The minutes of the Planning & Zoning meeting were discussed. They have approved the necessary applications for a gas station to be built on Sargent Drive. A new owner has made an application for a feed/tack/power equipment business at 770 Amity Road (site of the old 'Seymour Lumber' business). Application for "The Hitching Post" has been made but not yet approved.
Bruce shared information about a five day accreditation course for land care professionals, hosted by the New England Organic Farming Association. He also shared a call for nominations for environmental champions by The Aquarian Water Company. Nominations must be made by May 1st.
The subject of Earth Day celebrations and having a table present was brought up. Due to lack of staff, we will not have one this year.
The committee went into Executive Session at 8:27 to discuss possible nominations for the Conservationist of the Year. The committee left Executive Session at 8:30.
Bruce moved to adjourn, Lisa seconded and the motion passed unanimously and the Commission adjourned at 8:32.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives
Secretary pro-tempore