MARCH 6, 2012
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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Robert Brinton Jr., Aileen Magda
First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Guests: Sarah Shepherd, Patricia Martin, James Foley, Debra Demander, Elizabeth Scott, Buff Bachenheimer, John Pellicano, Alan Green, Audrey Eisenstadt
Chairman Brunwin called the March 6, 2012 meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion of approval was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by Sally Huyser. Chairman Brunwin corrected the spelling of Mary Sofair’s name. Robert Brinton Jr. wanted the question he had asked of the school superintendent “to provide the number of out of district students to the Board of Finance” added to the minutes. The amended minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote of the Board of Finance.
The Bethany Library presented their budget to the Board of Finance. Spokesman for the group was James Foley. James explained that the present librarian has resigned because the job of the librarian provides no retirement plan. Since grant money and endowment interest is are less in recent years, the Clark Memorial Library is compelled to rely more and more on the principal of the endowment fund to meet expenses. Many improvements are needed to bring the Clark Memorial Library up to the standards maintained by area small towns. The Board of Finance will review their budget and see if some sort of increase could be made available to them after all the budgets are in.
The Highway Department budget was presented by Alan Green. Alan explained the need for increasing Contracted Services to complete tree work from storm damage. He is requesting additional personnel for the Highway Department. Green explained that he is requesting one full time additional employee for the road crew and a clerical person for twenty hours a week for the office. He outlined road work and drainage that he wishes to accomplish during fiscal year 2012-13. The Board reviewed with Alan his Capital Expenditure requests for a dump truck and highway foreman’s pickup truck. Alan explained that he would like to refurbish the body of the 2000 Freightliner dump truck as it is quite rusted. He will do this only with Board permission if his budget is under expended this fiscal year.
The Board reviewed with Alan Green the budget of the Fire Department. The budget as submitted has an increase of $30,000 over last year. The department is requesting $25,000 extra for a person to do clerical work at the fire house. They also increased the budget for building maintenance. Future improvements and changes needed to the communication system were discussed. This would be a Capital Expenditure request within the next two years.
In the absence of the Fire Marshal, First Selectwoman Gorski explained increases to the budget of the Fire Marshal. The Code Red System contract cost had been shared with the Board of Education the past two years. The Board of Education will no longer participate in the program. The Town will assume the total cost of the program for emergency calls and public announcements.
First Selectwoman Gorski explained changes to the budget of the Resident Trooper. Changes were made within the budget from line to line, however there will be no increase to the overall budget.
First Selectwoman Gorski to date has made no Capital Expenditure requests, however she is looking into roof replacement for the kitchen and foyer on the Town Hall, as both need replacing in the near future. An architect is evaluating the kitchen and foyer roofs as they relates to the gym roof , which was already approved for replacement last fiscal year.
Board members felt that careful consideration should be given to the Clark Memorial Library and its basic needs. The Town of Bethany would not like to assume full operation of the library, and closing it would have a negative effect on the town and property values.
Adjournment was called at 9:25 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance