Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bethany Conservation Commission

April 11, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8:08 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, Lisa Tavolacci and Shaukat Kahn.

Bruce shared correspondence from Aquarion regarding their seeking candidates for an environmental award.

Kathy moved to accept the minutes of the Dec. 13, 2012 meeting and Shaukat seconded. The minutes passed unanimously.

Minutes of the January meeting were tabled as printed copies were not available.

Bruce moved to accept the minutes of the March 14, 2013 meeting and Brian seconded. The minutes passed unanimously

There was a discussion of the Green Haven Proposal and the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing about that proposal. Bruce and Brian shared their thoughts on what they learned at the hearing. After the discussion the following resolution was put forth by Bruce and seconded by Lisa:

The Conservation Commission would like to revise its previous statement on the proposed Open Space District to limit our support at this time to approval of Open Space Housing only in approved High Occupation Density districts. Furthermore, we would ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider alternate zoning regulations that could lead to senior housing or alternatives to single family residential lots.

The motion passed.

The committee went into executive session at 8:48 to discuss the Conservationist of the Year award. The executive session closed at 9:00.

Brian moved and Lisa seconded a proposal that the Conservation Commission will donate $50 to a Bethany Non-Profit Organization on behalf of the conservationist of the year; with the Conservationist of the Year selecting the organization.

Brian moved to adjourn at 9:05, Shaukat seconded and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Eitzer

Secretary pro-tempore