Friday, April 12, 2013


APRIL 2, 2013

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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Robert Brinton Jr., Aileen Magda, John Grabowski, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski

Visitors: John Barile, members of the Clark Memorial Library Board, Bethany Elementary School staff and parents, Alan Green

Chairman Brunwin called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.

Chairman Brunwin called for approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 26, 2013. The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Airleen Magda. The minutes were then amended by Robert Brinto Jr. to read the entire Selectmen’s budget was not approved. The line item for accountant was approved, however the title of the position was not. The minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote

BUDGET 2013-14


John Barile, Superintendent of Bethany Elementary School, discussed with the Board of Finance members Capital Expenditure requests for the school. The school ‘s request for furniture was discussed. Photos of the furniture presently in use were shown. John explained the three quotations he had received for security cameras and the two types that are available for both outside and inside surveillance cameras. He indicated that if the school maintenance staff were to run the wiring the cost could be reduced. This would also apply to the wireless infrastructure for the computers. He also shared information regarding its installation and costs related to its installation. Quotations for both the wireless connect and the cameras were shared with Board members. The cleaning of the duct work in the rotunda was also discussed.


Chairman Brunwin asked if there were any more questions regarding the Board of Education’s operating budget. Aileen Magda asked if there were any reductions Superintendent Barile could recommend for the Board of Education’s budget. Superintendent Barile indicated that it was the Board of Education’s budget and that any changes would require a vote of that Board.


First Selectwoman Gorski explained that the request for the roof replacement on the north side of Town Hall had been submitted as a Capital Expenditure for fiscal year 2013-14, however in looking over the situation Rod White felt that the request could be put off for one more year. The replacement cost is $75,000. A discussion followed whether to replace the roof in fiscal year 2013-14 or to withdraw it. Aileen Magda felt under Roberts Rules it could not be withdrawn. Robert Brinton Jr. agreed. The Chairman then called a vote on recommending this expenditure. There were two no votes that of Chairman Brunwin and Chip Spear. There were three yes votes that of John Grabowski, Aileen Magda and Robert Brinton Jr. There was one abstention that of Sally Huyser. The request for the replacement of the kitchen/foyer roof passed. The Board then voted to approve the requests for foyer/kitchen roof replacement $120,000, gym ceiling $20,000, safety lighting gym ceiling $10,000 and fire alarm replacement for $15,000.


The Board approved $35,000 for the second year for the revaluation appropriation on a unanimous vote.


Members of the Bethany Library Board were present to discuss the budget request of the Library. The on line consortium with Biblimotion was discussed in detail. Board members feel if the Library is to serve the community better this system of getting books on line is very important. The Capital Expenditure request for drainage repair and building repair caused by the storm water was discussed. Alan Green indicated that some of that request could be reduced by the Town crew doing the drainage work. The only request would then be for the building repair. Following discussion the Board of Finance voted unanimously to recommend a Capital Expenditure of $10,000f for this repair.


The Board discussed the rate of increase for the salary accounts for budget fiscal year 2013-14. Chairman Brunwin indicated that she felt that 3% was a fair increase in this economy. In checking with other indicators this seemed fair. Robert Brinton Jr. and Aileen Magda felt this rate of increase was too high. Board members questioned the dollar increase a 3% increase would make to this budget. Chairman Brunwin indicated it would be approximately $7,000. The vote was called. The vote was five yes votes for a 3% increase and one no vote that of Robert Brinton Jr.

The Board voted to approve and recommend to the Budget Hearing the Selectmen’s section of the budget for a total of $211,556, the Town Hall Computers for a total of $37,597, Veterans Memorial Park at $44,533, Registrar of voters $13,580, Board of Finance $2,629, Town Audit $28,840, Assessor $75,706, Board of Assessment Appeals $500, Tax Collector $76,887, Town Treasurer $3,559, Town Counsel Retainer $37,200, Town Counsel Legal $25,000, Claims & Judgment $1, Town Clerk $143,166, Land Use $189,588, Operation Town Hall $175,743, Zoning Board of Appeals $3,461, Economic Development $500, Judge of Probate $1,000, Conservation $500, Cost $825, Regional Growth Partnership $1669, COG $1,785, Fire Department Gas & Diesel $11,110, Board of Education Gas & Diesel $36,000, CCM $3,272,

The Board voted to approve and recommend to the Budget Hearing the Public Safety portion of the budget as follows: Fire Protection & Equipment $212,550, CMed $15,371, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management $60,000, Police Constables $199,009, Dog Damage $1, District Animal Control $43,000, Fire Hydrant $2,500.

The Board voted to approve and recommend to the Budget Hearing the Public Works budget as follows: Road Foreman & Labor $429,525, Major Road Resurfacing Debt Service $300,000, Snow & Ice $195,000, Road Materials $100,000, Snow & Ice $195,000, Road Materials $100,000, Garage Expense $51,700, Repairs & Supplies $128,555, Street Lights $12,500, Contracted Services $28,000, Road Signs $8,000, Consulting Engineer $10,000.

The Board voted to approve and recommend to the Budget Hearing the Health portion of the budget as follows: Solid Waste $390,266, Vital Statistics $100, Bethany Summer League $3,500, Park & Recreation $235,366, Domestic Violence $500, Team $5,000, Regional Mental Health $275, QVHD $29,214, EMS Council $488.

The Human Services section of the budget was approved for recommendation to the Budget Hearing at $92,251.

The Community Services section of the budget was recommended to the Budget Hearing as follows: Airport $1,400, Care of Cemeteries $8,000, Contingency Fund $50,000, Capital Reserve $550,000, Youth Services $13,631. The Library was recommended at $172,000. A vote was called there were 4 yes votes and 2 no votes that of Aileen Magda and Robert Brinton Jr.

Fixed Charges were recommended as follows for the Budget Hearing. Payroll Taxes $108,291, General Insurance $220,500, Employees Medical $482,632, Town Employees Investment $108,475, Fire Department Retirement $40,000, Debt Service $694,824,

Regional High School budget is listed on the budget at $8,714,313.

The Board recommends to the Budget Hearing a budget of $6,559,417 for the Bethany Elementary School.  A vote was called there were 5 yes votes to recommend and 1 no vote that of Robert Brinton Jr.

The overall increase for this recommended budget is $2.9%. It is the recommendation of the Board that $200,000 to be taken from the General Fund to further reduce the mill rate for next year to 29.16.. The vote was 5 yes votes and 1 no vote that of Robert Brinton Jr. to take $200,000 from the General Fund.


Adjournment was called at 10:00 pm after a motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by John Grabowski. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley

Clerk, Board of Finance