MAY 20, 2013
First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski called the Annual Town Meeting & Annual Budget Meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. There were approximately 150 in attendance.
The meeting was then opened with the First Selectwoman asking everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The First Selectwoman asked the Chairman of the Conservation Commission, Bruce Loomis, to come forward to present their Conservationist of the Year Award. This year the award was given to Peter and Diana Cooper who have spent their adult lives pursuing conservation and environmental advancement. The Coopers granted a Conservation Easement on 18 acres of their land in Bethany this past year and 29 acres in Woodbridge the year before – totaling 47 acres of contiguous protected land to the Bethany Land Trust. Peter Cooper is an attorney, past chairman of the CT Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, a former director of the Woodbridge Land Trust and a past member of the New England Advisory Council of the Trust for Public Land. Diana Cooper was the first female graduate of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. She is a writer whose work lead to land preservation supporting ecology of the Branford Supply Ponds Preserve.
The First Selectwoman called for nominations from the floor for a Moderator. There was a motion by Dave Forman, seconded by Carol Goldberg to nominate Charles Oman. A second motion was made by Aileen Magda, duly seconded to nominate Paul Manger. The registrars were called on to take a hand count. Oman - 73; Manger - 77. Manger was nominated.
**First Selectwoman Gorski stated that there is a typographical error on Item #20 that will be amended. Selectman Shea requested that this amendment be voted on first. The Moderator stated that it could be voted on out of sequence. Selectman Shea then made a motion, duly seconded by Aileen Magda to amend the wording from “on behalf of” to “with the approval of”… Town Counsel McSherry stated that the wording will be amended to say with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and on behalf of the Town of Bethany rather than on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and on behalf of the Town of Bethany. The Moderator commented that this is so the First Selectwoman can sign contracts on behalf of the Town.
Aileen Magda, 28 Deerfield La - Why is the Bethany Bulletin version of the call different from the online version? The First Selectwoman said it is because it is edited by a volunteer and an error was made.
Will Brinton, 168 Sperry Rd – Why is there a need for this resolution? It hasn’t been done in the past.
Town Counsel McSherry stated that there has become more of a need for this resolution to allow the First Selectwoman to sign contracts on behalf of the Town. For example, a contract with AT&T which requires additional language and this takes care of that. In case law, if you don’t take those steps the contracts are not binding and can be voidable. This is for the protection of the Town and those who want to contract with the Town.
Steven Thornquist, 25 Oak Ridge Dr - It is not an unusual request to allow the First Selectwoman to be that person. They are reviewed when they come up before the Board of Selectmen.
A. Magda -The way the resolution is written is very broad. The Selectmen have cell phones if there is an emergency contract. But without approval of the Board, the First Selectwoman is solely making the decision.
Audrey Eisenstadt, 35 Rainbow Rd – the resolution says with the approval of the Board. How much more simple can it be?
There were no further comments. The vote taken was unanimous to approve amended Resolution #20. Approved.
Item (1) on call – RESOLVED: That the recommendations of the Board of Finance upon the Budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 amounting to $21,882,854 be, and hereby are accepted and approved. Motion made by Pittenger, duly seconded.
Marsha Sawdon, 164 Hilldale Rd - why is this year’s budget going up almost 14 %? The year before was 6% and the year before that was 1%. I think this is a huge increase. Asked if all Selectmen get a salary – yes; First Selectwoman for the upcoming fiscal year will be paid $73,784. The two Selectmen receive stipends of $1,758 each.
Chairman Brunwin said that the salary increase is 3%. Sawdon - I think the increase is out of line. The line item increase this year is $26,000. Last year it was $11,000. Brunwin stated that this line item includes salary, as well as expenses.
Chairman Brunwin began her presentation for the budget by first introducing the Board of Finance. For 2012, we have a $343,000 surplus due to revenue items coming in better than budgeted and expenditures coming in less than budgeted. Prior year tax collections and FEMA storm reimbursement, building permits are some of the items that contributed. Public works spent more than expected due to the storms. Bd. of Ed. came in a little over due to an accounting issue. We are spending more mainly due to storm expenses. All of the reimbursements will cover the expenditures. The Amity budget for the Town of Bethany was reduced to .9% from 1.4% from the original proposal. There is an increase in spending on roads from $117,000 to $600,000 excluding debt service. This can be budgeted down as the townspeople feel comfortable with; an additional $100,000 from the General Fund to balance the budget (total of $300,000). The total budget increase is 5.0%. The Board of Finance felt very strongly that the Town needs a professional accountant. It is necessary so that during the year we have all the information we need to make the best decisions we can. The budgeted cost is $24,000. Bethany Bulletin is now used to reach residents with information – cost of $11,460. Some budgets have been decreased to help pay for the Bulletin. The library has requested an additional $24,000 in part to help fund a technology upgrade including participation in an online library consortium. The large item on the budget is road repairs. A study was done on the roads and was presented at the Budget Hearing. 35% of our roads need major work. Based on the study, to keep the current rating of 63 for the town, we would have to spend $330,000 per year. To improve slightly, a rating of 64, we would have to spend $600,000. The rating of 63 is typical for a town our size – small, rural and in the Northeast. The average range is 55 – 68. The roads need to be safe and passable but not perfect. The town needs a maintenance program that will keep them in good shape over time. In the budget, we went for the high end - $600,000 for major road repairs – a big increase to the budget with a mill rate increase of 3.70%. Two proposals were offered -Proposal A, being more conservative at $330,000, a 2.7% increase to budget and $200 estimated tax increase. Proposal B, $600,000, a 5% increase to budget and a $286 estimated tax increase.
Jaime Stirling, 20 Miller Rd – Would the increase for a part time accountant be included in the selectmen salary & expenses? Yes.
Heather Chometa, 54 Gaylord Mtn Rd – We need to vote on the budget now. These items have already been discussed at the hearing.
Allene Kelly, 208 Schaffer Rd – Either last year or year before we received a $750,000 grant towards remodeling the airport recreation center? Why is it not on the budget? First Selectwoman Gorski - We do not have the money yet but the promise of the money. We will be moving forward with that shortly.
Bruce Hescock, 160 Humiston Dr – What will the $750,000 cover? Derry - $200,000 for demolition of existing hangar; $500,000 to erect the shell and then we will apply for an additional $500,000 for interior work.
There were no further comments. Overwhelming Yeas. Approved.
Item (2) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $210,000 for the lease purchase of a dump truck, the first of three payments to be $72,053 to be made in fiscal year 2013-14 by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. Duly moved and seconded.
Sue Corrone, 35 Russell Rd – No dump truck is worth that much money. Foreman Alan Green stated that the new ten wheeler, with a plow came to $210,000.
Lisa Amadeo, 25 Amadeo Dr – if it’s already been approved why is there discussion? Foreman Green - It is to vote on the payment. The Highway department already has the vehicle. The resolutions for payment were approved. The Moderator indicated that the residents could still vote no.
A. Kelley – Are the two new dump trucks replacing the two old dumps trucks? Foreman Green stated that we will have the same amount of trucks as before. Two were replaced and four are being refurbished.
A. Magda – how much money do you get for the old trucks? About $1,000.
There were no further comments. Overwhelming yeas. Approved.
Item (3) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $65,683 for the second of three payments of a lease purchase for a 5 yard dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. A motion was made and duly seconded.
There were no comments. Overwhelming yeas. Approved.
Chris Pittenger, Farm View Rd – could we take the school portion of the budget out of order so young children can go home? The Moderator agreed to do the school items at this time.
David Forman, 329 Downs Rd - Tax Collector – Point of order. Bus for Park & Recreation – Resolution #14 should also be done at this time.
Item (4) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $46,678 for the second of three payments of a lease purchase for a back hoe by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. A motion was made and duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (5) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $12,000 for the refurbishment of a body on the 2005 Sterling Dump Truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. A motion was made by Thornquist, duly seconded by Spagnolo.
Russ von Beren, 134 Wooding Hill Rd – Most of these items are maintenance items that should be in the regular budget. What exactly are you going to do to the truck for $12,000? Foreman Green answered that the dump body will be repaired and undercoated, as well as sand blasted and rust proofed. We are hoping to get another ten years out of the truck. The Moderator also stated that they should be considered capitol reserve.
There were no further comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (6) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $8,000 for the refurbishment of the 2003 Ford F550 mason dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
R von Beren – What will be done to this truck? Foreman Green answered the body is deteriorated. We are trying to extend the life. Von Beren reiterated that maintenance items should be in the regular budget. It is up to the Board of Finance.
A. Kelly – repairs add up to $26,000. Who is handling the repairs? First Selectman Gorski - We go out to bid for any item over $5,000. The appropriations must be approved to go out to bid. Foreman Green received quotes from Universal Welding, W. H. Rose and O & G Industries. Green will also get a quote from Eagle Auto Body.
There were no further comments. Overwhelming yeas, two Nays. Approved.
Item (7) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $6,000 for the refurbishment of the 1994 544G John Deere pay loader by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Majority yeas, one nay. Approved.
Item (8) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $75,000 for the replacement of the north side roof on the Bethany Town Hall by the Board of Selectmen. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (9) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $120,000 for the replacement of the kitchen/foyer roof and front entrance on the Bethany Town Hall by the Board of Selectmen. The motion was moved by Thonrquist, duly seconded by Eisenstadt.
Dennis. Finneran, 28 Ralph Rd – For Items (8) & (9) why are they not put together and get roof done all at once instead of separately? It should all be done at the same time.
Rod White, 24 Peck Rd – Building Maintenance - I was asked to put it in the 5-year plan. We had estimates on both parts of the roof. The Board of Finance opted to put both out to bid now. In effect we would like to do them at the same time. They happened to fall into two separate line items.
There were no further comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item 10) on call – RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $20,000 for the replacement of the gym ceiling in the Bethany Town Hall by the Board of Selectmen. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (11) on call - RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $10,000 for the replacement of safety light fixtures in the gym of the Bethany Town Hall by the Board of Selectmen. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (12) on call - RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $15,000 for the replacement of the fire alarm system in the Bethany Town Hall by the Board of Selectmen. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (13) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $10,000 to repair water damage at the Clark Memorial Library. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
Barbara Murphy-Finneran, 28 Ralph Rd – I think it’s great that the Public Works is going to work on this. I want to be sure it is being done the right way so that we don’t have additional problems with water damage and especially mold remediation. I think it is really important.
There were no further comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (14) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $15,000 for the purchase of a small school bus/van for the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was duly moved and seconded.
A. Kelley – At first glance I believed the purchase of the school bus/van was a good idea. I did further investigation. Facts - cost of school bus is $350. After calling area towns to inquire about the same, Cheshire – we do not provide buses for any reason. Parents take care of all transportation; Orange – we have 3 separate camps and rent from B & B for $12,000 per year. Woodbridge - 300 students in summer program and spend about $8,000 on buses. Beacon Falls – 75 students and we spend $800 on buses. I called B & B to inquire about prices - $350 for their 65 passenger bus based on long trips. It’s a Bethany company and give a discount to the Bethany Recreation Dept. They charge $40.00 per hour for all trips within the town. After breaking it down, for the P & R programs (delightful and entertaining as they may be) – 29 – maximum that they pay is 3 hours per bus trip - $120 per trip. Problems with a second hand bus/van – it’s a state law that you cannot carry school children in a 15 passenger van; drivers on vans with school children must have a commercial license, be vetted, have a physical. There would have to be a Rider to the town insurance for $5,000,000. The Town will be responsible for any accidents. No mention has been made of the cost of running a bus/van. None of the other towns have found it cost effective to own a vehicle. I applaud the program but think it is a big mistake to buy a bus/van.
Janice Howard, 15 Dayton Rd – P & R Director. There is a one-time fee for the license. This year to date we have spent $6,075. We go to a variety of places – horse barn, bowling, golfing and to the park every Thursday. We are charged between $40 & $50 and an additional hour for driver to arrive and leave. In addition, we go on field trips. We do not typically fill a bus and it would be next to impossible for the parents to pay the additional fee for empty seats. We are trying to provide a service to the Town. In addition to that, there are ways we are trying to bring in more money such as local field trips which the parents would pay for and help to alleviate some of the costs. We try to alleviate some of the financial burden. I believe our department gave back $47,000 last year. We feel it would still cost less and that is why we are asking for it.
D. Finneran, 28 Ralph Rd - $15,000 is not the problem. The liability and insurance is the major issue. We already have a local bus company that provides good service and we should continue that way.
Lisa Amadeo, 25 Amadeo Dr – B & B does not charge to come back and forth to the Town Hall. He does his best to keep the cost down because he appreciates the town’s business. He has the insurance - $10,000,000. P & R does a tremendous job and they do right by the kids but they are not a bus company. A license takes 13 weeks, fingerprinting, 10 weeks, license updated every year and training at least every other year. I don’t think the town should take on the expense, maintenance and liability.
A. Magda – asked the First Selectwoman about the coverage. At the Board of Finance meeting you made it clear that there would be no additional cost to the town, that it would be covered under the town’s insurance. First Selectwoman said it would be covered under the town’s insurance policy. There would be an additional $850 charge per year, similar to the Senior bus.
There were no further comments. Majority of nays. Denied.
Item (15) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $10,000 for the first of two payments of a lease purchase for the replacement of school furniture for the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education. Motion made by Eisenstadt, duly seconded by Thornquist.
There were no comments – overwhelming yeas. Approved.
Item (16) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $22,000 for the first of three payments of a lease purchase for security cameras for the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education. Motion made, duly seconded.
Dick Van Horn, 86 Crestwood Rd – It is my understanding that these cameras are not monitored in real time. Then what is the value for security?
Brian Fournier, 21 Rainbow Rd - It is possible to use them in real time. The State Trooper will have the opportunity to do that. Van Horn – does this resolution cover that cost? Fournier – no.
There were no further comments. Overwhelming yeas. Approved.
Item (17) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $7,000 for the cleaning of the duct work in the rotunda at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education. Motion moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
A. Kelly – The Board of Education budget should be listed in its proper location. Moderator stated that it is in the proper place.
Item (18) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized to expend from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures an amount up to the sum of $15,500 for the first of three payments of a lease purchase for wireless infrastructure at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education. Motion made by Thornquist, duly seconded by Pittenger.
There were no comments. Overwhelming yeas. Approved.
Item (19) on call – RESOLVED: that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized and empowered to enter into agreements with the Commissioner of State Police of the State of Connecticut authorizing the regular assignment to the Town of Bethany for (1) one Resident State Trooper for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015, and First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski is hereby authorized to solely execute such agreement on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and on behalf of the Town of Bethany. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
D Finneran –In the contract that the First Selectman negotiates I ask that we have an accurate listing of burglaries in town on a monthly basis. In similar towns they are published online and in town publications. In the last several years, there has been a significant increase in break-ins. First Selectwoman Gorski stated that she would address this.
Kim McClure-Brinton, 168 Sperry Rd – There is an email list that I got on that lists the break-ins.
There were no further comments. Unanimous. Approved.
**Item (20) on call – RESOLVED: that First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski be authorized to solely execute all agreements on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and on behalf of the Town of Bethany. **See amended above**.
Item (21) on call – RESOLVED: to authorize the Board of Finance to transfer up to $225,000 from unexpended line item accounts and the General Fund to the Public Works budget. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
A. Kelly – Is that to cover the cost of this past winter’s plowing? It is for storm damage.
There were no further comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (22) on call – RESOLVED: to authorize the transfer of $25,000 from the General Fund to the Land Acquisition Fund. The motion was moved by Eisenstadt, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (23) on call - RESOLVED: that the Selectmen be, and hereby are authorized and empowered to enter into agreements on behalf and in the name of the Town of Bethany with the Department of Transportation of the State of Connecticut for the expenditure of funds available to the Town of Bethany during the 2013-14 fiscal year for the maintenance, repair and the building of roads. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (24) on call - RESOLVED: that the reports of the Town Officers, Boards and Commissions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 as contained in the printed 2011-12Annual Town Report to be accepted and ordered filed. The motion was moved, duly seconded.
There were no comments. Unanimous. Approved.
Item (25) on call – Other matters proper to come before the meeting.
Barry Collins, 339 Brooks Rd – Janet Brunwin deserves a thank you for the tremendous job she has done as Chairman of the Board of Finance. (Standing ovation and applause)
A. Kelly – I move that the Board of Finance be required to present at its public hearing a line item budget of the budget. When all items are lumped together it is difficult to understand what the money is being spent on.
J. Brunwin – The Board of Finance has followed the Office of Policy & Management procedure. All of this information is public records and if any individual is interested in any detail come to Town Hall and it will be provided.
D. Finneran – As to Item (13) I suggest that the First Selectwoman with support of the Selectmen issue a proclamation of thanks to those who are putting in both time and money for the repairs to Clark Memorial Library.
There were no further comments. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy A. McCarthy, CMC
Bethany Town Clerk