Wednesday, September 11, 2013



JULY 23, 2013

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, John Ford VI, Sally Huyser, Sharon Huxley, Chip Spear


Visitors:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski


Chairman Grabowski called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:08 pm.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.



Board of Finance members discussed the $13,800 overage in the audit line item caused by an accumulation of outstanding invoices from Michael Batista for a three year period.  Board members agreed the invoices should be paid.  Motion moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear to pay $13,800 for overage in audit line item from the Contingency Fund.  The vote was called.  The vote taken was unanimous.




Board members discussed proposal for the new accounting position.  The following procedure was set up:


  1.  System Setup – Chart of Accounts

Beginning Balances

Budget line items

Modifying reports

Set up Chart of Accounts

Help on beginning balances

Train users


  1. End of month – adjusting entries and reconciliation

Trial balance (8-12 hours per month)

Bank statement reconciliation


  1.  End of year – annual – end of month adjustment

Trial balance or draft financials

School reconciliation


All members present agreed with this proposal.



Motion moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm.  The vote taken was unanimous.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                    June G. Riley

                                                                                    Clerk, Board of Finance



MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FINANCE REGULAR MEETING OF              TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 3

The meeting of the Board of Finance commenced at 7:03 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following Board members were present:

            Robert Brinton, Jr.

            John Grabowski

Sharon Huxley

            Chip Spear

            Sally Huyser


Also present were: 

            First Selectman, Derry Gorski

            Town Clerk Nancy McCarthy



It was moved by Spear to nominate Sharon Huxley as Chair.  Member Huxley declined the position. 


It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Spear to nominate John Grabowski as Chairman of the Board of Finance.

Unanimous approval.



1.      Chairman Grabowski asked the Board to make a motion to move the appointment to fill the Board Vacancy to the beginning of the meeting.  It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Spear.  Unanimous approval.


2.      A motion was moved by Brinton and seconded by Huxley to appoint John Ford IV to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Aileen Magda, who resigned to take her elected position on the Board of Selectmen. John’s term will go to the next municipal election.   Unanimous approval.

John Ford IV was sworn into office as a member of the Board of Finance by Town Clerk Nancy McCarthy.


3.      The approval of the minutes of June 6, 2013, was tabled until the next regular meeting.


4.      Correspondence

Chairman Grabowski mentioned the email that was sent from Janet Brunwin regarding the Interim Superintendent for the Amity School System.


5.      Visitors included:  Donald Shea and Aileen Magda

Also, meeting was being videotaped by Fran Doba and Nancy Spagnolo.







6.      Discussion and possible action on scope of work/job description for new accountant position


Member Brinton previously had distributed a copy of a draft job description for the new accounting position to the Board members.  Member Brinton also stated the salary for the new accountant would be approximately $24,000 through the end of the fiscal year.


In discussion, some Board members noted:

·         Do we want independent accountant or to hire a part time employee?

·         Would like part time accountant to set up software, chart of accounts and do bank reconciliation.

·         This individual can possibly be a retired accountant with municipal experience.

·         Qualifications of candidate should include municipal experience.

·         Can hire a firm with multiple expertises but will probably be more expensive.

·         Mike Batista, present auditor, was mentioned as someone who can possibly start the setup due to his familiarity with the audits.


First Selectman Gorski mentioned the Town of Wolcott has the same financial program and she has spoken to the Mayor of Wolcott and asked if his Finance Director would be able to sit down with the new accountant for Bethany.


The Board will put together a rough draft of a request for proposal for the new accountant position and prioritize what will be the most important tasks for this position.  The Board will review the Annual Report and address the auditor’s comments from the auditor’s report to reach the goal of a clean audit which will be involving the new accountant.


The Board scheduled a Special Meeting/Work Session for Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at         7:00 p.m. 


First Selectman Gorski will obtain a job description relating to the accounting position from the Town of Wolcott and Member Ford will obtain a job description from the Town of Redding Finance Department and will bring to next meeting.


7.      Review Budget Reports for FY 2012-13. – Tabled.


8.      Chairman’s Report


Chairman Grabowski stated that Jamie Sterling of the Board of Education had asked him who would possibly be attending the Amity Board of Finance Meetings.  Chairman Grabowski asked the Board if anyone was interested.  Chairman Grabowski stated that if no one is interested he will attend the meetings.







9.      First Selectman’s Report


First Selectman Gorski stated that at the Board of Selectmen meeting, July 8, 2013, it was approved to record and purchase recording equipment for the Board of Selectmen Meetings as well as the Board of Finance meetings.  First Selectman Gorski stated the Board of Finance would have to approve the recording of their meetings.


Member Spear mentioned having a drop box account to download recordings which would be accessible to the Board members.


The Board concluded that the voting on allowing the recording of the Board of Finance meetings and the taking of approximately $1000 out of contingency to purchase recording equipment will be added to next month’s agenda.  First Selectman Gorski will research to see what the price range is to purchase such recording equipment.


First Selectman Gorski stated it was discussed at the Board of Selectmen meeting on July 8, 2013, to create a Charter Committee to develop a Town Charter, which will require funds and research needs to be conducted.


Also, First Selectman Gorski stated the Town of Bethany won an award from the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for our neighbor to neighbor challenge with the highest percentage for resident upgrades as recommended.


10.  Any other matter proper to come before the meeting - None


11.  Adjournment.


There being no further discussion, it was moved by Spear and seconded by Brinton to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Staff Support

For the Board of Finance





JUNE 6, 2013

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Attendance:  Chairman Janet Brunwin, John Grabowski, Robert Brinton Jr., Aileen Magda, First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski


Visitors:  Sharon Huxley, David Forman


Chairman Brunwin called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.



Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of May 8, 2013.  The motion was moved by Aileen Magda and seconded by Robert Brinton Jr.  There were no changes to the minutes.  The vote was called.  The vote of approval was unanimous.


Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of May 14, 2013.  The motion was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by John Grabowski.  There were no changes to the minutes of that meeting.  The Chairman called the vote.  The vote taken was unanimous.


Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of May 20.  Motion moved by John Grabowski and seconded by Robert Brinton Jr.  No changes were made to the minutes.  The vote taken was 3 yes votes and 1 abstention that of Aileen Magda as she was absent from that meeting.



Tax Collector David Forman was present to request acceptance of the Suspense List that he had prepared.  Board members reviewed the list.    Robert Brinton Jr. moved a motion that was seconded by John Grabowski to accept the Suspense List as prepared by the Tax Collector David Forman in the amount of $12,342.12.  Vote taken was unanimous.



Chairman Brunwin distributed a copy of the contract and associated information regarding appointment of an auditing firm for the fiscal year 2012-13 audit.  After a review Robert Brinton Jr. moved to appoint  O’Connor Davies, LLP to do the Town of Bethany audit for fiscal year 2012-13.  Motion seconded by John Grabowski.  Vote taken was unanimous.



Chairman Brunwin did not attend the Amity Finance Committee meeting, however in information that was forwarded to her from that meeting,  it appears that the surplus for fiscal year 2012-13 will only be $32,500. 


As this was Chairman Brunwin’s last meeting she gave out a list of duties that she had performed in her position as Board of Finance Chairman and indicated that if the new chair person needed assistance she was willing to help.




First Selectwoman Gorski went over the revenues to be received by the Town of Bethany for fiscal year 2013-14, as approved in the Governor’s budget. 


A brief discussion took place regarding the possibility of the State of Connecticut mandating that all municipalities adopt a universal set of account numbers for their bookkeeping. 


First Selectwoman Gorski presented Chairman Brunwin with a certificate of appreciation for the work she has done during her term of office as Chairman of the Board of Finance. 



Adjournment was called at 7:45 pm after a motion was moved by Aileen Magda and seconded by John Grabowski.  The vote taken was unanimous.


                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                June G. Riley     

                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance










The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:36 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

            Alexandra Breslin, Chair

            Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair

            Lisa Gaw, Member

            Roger Hathaway, Member

            Mig Halpine, Alternate Member, seated as voting member.


The following members of the Commission were absent or excused:

            Brian Smith, Member

            Eric Verab, Alternate Member


Also present were:

            Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer

            Kevin McSherry, Town Attorney



It was moved by Gaw and seconded by Hathaway to add Application #1204 and #1205 and also add a discussion with John Chayka of 35 Sargent Drive to the agenda for this evening’s meeting.  Unanimous approval.




1)       788 Amity Road, Application #1204 submitted by Amity Road, LLC/Anthony Vallillo for an Inland Wetlands Permit for a 4-Lot Subdivision -


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S. representing the applicant.


Mr. Garcia reviewed the proposed project noting:

·         A kennel exists presently and a dog training facility.

·         The owner would like to develop a few lots for himself and his family. 

·         Reviewed roof drainage, driveway drainage, and the detention basin.

·         A Site Stormwater Management Plan, dated August 14, 2013, was submitted.


In discussion, Commission members noted:

·         Concerned with increasing the water flow.

·         The plan and drainage calculations will be forwarded to Diversified Technology Consultants to review before the next meeting.

·         Commission would like to do site visit.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2013.  Tabled.

2)      14 Tawney Drive, Application #1205 submitted by Edwin and Sharon Cox for an After-the-fact Inland Wetlands Permit for permanent boundary marker (4 fence posts) on northeastern boundary


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Edwin and Sharon Cox, applicants and owners of record.


The Commission received the following correspondence pertaining to this application:

1.      Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated August 23, 2013, Re:  Comments on review of application for 14 Tawney Drive, installation of fence posts.

2.      Email from Anne Warner of 228 Falls Road, dated August 26, 2013, Re:  Response to IW Application #1205, 14 Tawney Drive, with attached photograph.


Mr. and Mrs. Cox reviewed the proposed project noting:

·         They placed four fence posts on the eastern border of their property and the neighbor’s property located at 228 Falls Road.

·         The fence posts are four feet high.

·         The fence posts are 40 feet from the wetlands and are within the 150-foot wetlands review area.

·         Posts were placed to establish property lines.


Isabel Kearns, IWEO, stated Anne Warner of 228 Falls Road brought the fence posts to her attention and then Ms. Kearns contacted the Cox’s and asked them to present this application to the Inland Wetlands Commission.


In discussion, Commission members noted:

·         The Commission would like to schedule a site visit.


Anne Warner of 228 Falls Road spoke and stated that the fence posts are cement footers and go down two to three feet in the ground.  Ms. Warner also stated the posts were put up without any notice to and they are an eye sore and she is trying to sell her house.  Mrs. Warner stated she objects to them being placed on the property line and would like them removed.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2013.  Tabled.


3)      Discussion with John Chayka owner of 35 Sargent Drive, who would like to discuss the property located at 55 Sargent Drive


Present for this discussion was John Chayka, owner of 35 Sargent Drive.


Mr. Chayka noted the following:

  • He would like to purchase 55 Sargent Drive which is the abutting property to his current building at 35 Sargent Drive.
  • He would like to pave the driveway for easier access as a warehouse to expand his business and use the existing drainage (catch basins) that are not in use at this time.
  • Current business is growing and maxed out the building footprint at present property.
  • Will clean up property.
  • Will also tie in roof drains into existing drainage.


The Commission would like to schedule a site visit and determine if the existing system will be sufficient for the runoff from the driveway after paving.  The Commission is also concerned with the increased water flow from roof drains and would like to visit the site.


The Commission scheduled a Special Meeting for Monday, September 16, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room and added this item to the agenda.






·         74 Amity Road, Application #1200 submitted by Chemtura Corp. for an Inland Wetlands Permit for the remediation of pesticides within wetlands via soil excavation and removal -


At 7:49 p.m., Chair Breslin called to order the public hearing on the subject application.        Chair Breslin read the legal notice for the public hearing.   


Chair Breslin stated that she represents the Town of Bethany on the Regional Water Authority Policy Board and has not discussed the application with anyone. Lisa Gaw stated she is a current employee of the Regional Water Authority and has not discussed this application.  Roger Hathaway stated that he is a professional engineer and has worked in the area of environmental remediation.   Mr. Dirienzo stated that Chemtura and ARCADIS have no problem with these statements.


Chair Breslin noted that the Commission has received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

  1. Exhibit 1A – Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated August 14, 2013, Re:  Comments on review of application for 74 Amity Road, Chemtura remediation.
  2. Exhibit 1B – Received from ARCADIS, dated August 9, 2013, Feasible and Prudent Alternative, Wetland Soil Remediation in Storm Water Swale/Outfall, 74 Amity Road.


Present to speak on behalf of this application was Russ Dirienzo, Principal Geologist of ARCADIS and also present was Paul Natoli, Senior Environmental Scientist of ARCADIS both representing the applicant.


Mr. Dirienzo presented the proposed project and some items noted are as follows:

·         Applicant would like to sell property but site needs to be cleaned up first from the chemicals used from previous years.

·         The applicant sprayed minimal amount of chemicals on the property.

·         The study that was conducted shows  the level of chemicals are below human exposure criteria for human protection but they are above ground water protection criteria.

·         ARCADIS is proposing to dig out the soil two feet throughout the whole area noted on plan and then the soil will be safely contained, stored and then removed from the property.

·         ARCADIS is not proposing to backfill the remediated area and will leave area as a depression but will monitor the area on a quarterly basis and report back to the Inland Wetlands Commission for one year.  If within a year, the Inland Wetlands Commission is not pleased with this area, ARCADIS will do whatever has to be done to the area to comply with the Inland Wetlands Commission including backfilling.

·         There will be no contamination to any other properties in the area.

·         Chemtura will not sell site for a residential use.

·         Problems have been identified and will be contained with no risk to the public’s health.

·         ARCADIS will be installing three ground water wells and under State of Connecticut law the wells have to be monitored for two years and must come up clean (drinking water standards) before it can be closed out under the Connecticut remediation standards.


In discussion, Commission members noted:

  • Carbon treatment has been placed on discharge of water from sump pump into catch basins.  Chemtura will maintain as long as building stands.
  • Applicant proposing to remove the top soil in the wetlands.  The Commission is concerned what will grow in the subsoil and any erosion issues.  (Mr. Dirienzo will seed with wetlands seed and let nature take its course.  Mr. Dirienzo is confidant this will vegetate itself.)
  • Boulders will be put back in place.


Chair Breslin asked if there were any comments from the public.  The following public members commented:

a)      John Lish of 18 Old Mill Road – Concerned with the eight feet of hazardous soil under the buildings and the process of removing the contaminated material in the wetlands as far as the fumes, dust and length of time to remove the contaminated materials. (Mr. Dirienzo stated once the project is started it won’t take longer than two months.  Also, Mr. Dirienzo stated when removing the wetland material, which should not cause dust,  they will have sprayers on site if dust should stir up and material will be stored on pavement with plastic under and over on Chemtura property.)

b)      Randy Raddatz of  22 Bethridge Road – Concerned that the application says approximately two weeks and now saying two months to complete project.  Also, concerned with seepage from the corral which sits next to Buildings 3 and 4 with nuclear radioactive material that was removed in 2008.  Mr. Raddatz asked if the new soil removed is going to be stored where the nuclear material was stockpiled.  Mr. Raddatz stated he is in favor of the remediation but would like full knowledge of the steps being taken to remediate the whole property.

c)      Rhoda Geoghegan of 5 Bethridge Road – Concerned with any visual impact such as tree cutting.


Also present was Ronald Walters of the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority.

Mr. Walters stated the Regional Water Authority’s two main concerns are petroleum spillage and erosion controls being adequate and the RWA will be doing routine inspections for any environmental issues. 


Mr. Dirienzo needs to supply to the Commission at the hearing continuation a double check narrative description of putting the boulders back, an invasive control plan associated with the monitoring that will be done and a radiological remediation.


At   9:01 p.m., Chair Breslin recessed the public hearing and continued it to the next regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2013, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall.  Tabled.





1.      74 Amity Road and 39 Old Mill Road, Application #1200 submitted by Chemtura Corp. for an Inland Wetlands Permit for the remediation of pesticides within wetlands via soil excavation and removal  Hearing continued to the next regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2013, at 7:45 p.m.  Tabled.


2.      91 Bethway Road, Application #1202 submitted by Elizabeth Doering (Sperry View Farm LLC) for an Inland Wetlands Permit for a riding arena


Present to speak on behalf of this application was Elizabeth Doering, applicant and owner of record.


It was noted from the Commission’s site visit on August 24, 2013 that:

  • The drain outlet is in the paddock area, which is below where the arena will be located.
  • The applicant will use a drip line for the roof drainage


Commission members briefly discussed and then proceeded to deliberate.


It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve Application #1202 submitted by Elizabeth Doering (Sperry View Farm LLC), for an Inland Wetlands Permit for the construction and associated filling needed to create an indoor riding arena located at 91 Bethway Road in accordance with the following submitted plans prepared by Megson & Heagle Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors, LLC, Glastonbury, Connecticut:

a)      “Boundary & Overall Plan”, dated October 16, 2012, revised to July 19, 2013.

b)      “Site Plan”, dated October 16, 2012, revised to July 19, 2013.

c)      “Erosion & Sediment Control Notes & Details”, dated July 19, 2013, with no revisions;


And as shown at this time there will be only a drip line for the roof drainage and in the event,  the applicant proposes to modify the drainage, the applicant is advised to come back to the Commission for their review.


This approval is subject to the standard conditions found on the Land Records Volume 93,    Pages 802 and 803.


The development of this project as shown on the plans should have minimal or no impact to the wetlands which the project will be developed on top of.

Vote:  5 to 0.

Voting were:  Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway, Halpine.

Unanimous approval.



3.      286 Bear Hill Road, Application #1203 submitted by Alfred Maiorano for an After-the-fact Inland Wetlands Permit to construct a barn on gravel


No one present to speak on behalf of the application. 


It was noted from the site visit on August 24, 2013 that :

  • Observed grass clippings and garden lawn clippings getting deposited on the slope directly above the stream.  Applicant needs to be advised to find an alternate location.
  • Would like to have an as built where the barn is located because the barn is located more on the slope.
  • Install some wetlands boundary markers due to barns closeness to slope.
  • Placed barn in an area that the Inland Wetlands Commission would not have allowed.
  • Propose to applicant to install some type of fencing along slope.
  • Confirm the use of the barn.


Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to communicate the above information to the applicant.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2013.  Tabled.


4.      Discussion on Standard Conditions for Wetlands Permits  Tabled.








5.      Discussion regarding Bethany West clearing.  (Letter from Roman Mrozinski/Southwest Conservation District)


Present for this discussion was Bruce Loomis, Chairman of the Conservation Commission.  The Commission sent the letter from Roman Mrozinski, dated November 19, 2012, to Mr. Loomis.  Mr. Loomis would like a map of the affected areas before walking the lake with the Conservation Commission.


It was noted from the site visit on August 24, 2013 that:

  • The Commission would like a vegetated buffer to preserve water quality.
  • The Town exceeded the limits of the boundaries of the vegetation; completely cut down.
  • Need to stop the cutting and let nature come back.
  • Beach area looks like it was expanded as originally approved.


In discussion, members noted:

  • Possibly make a fishing platform for kids to fish.
  • Can use some areas as an educational area for children.
  • Maybe a potential for an Eagle Scout Project.
  • Chair Breslin will communicate to First Selectwoman.
  • Conservation Commission will walk the site.
  • Need to work towards a plan to rehabilitate the area.
  • Need to show areas of concern on a plan and forward to Selectmen.
  • The Inland Wetlands Commission has never issued a Cease and Desist.


Town Attorney McSherry suggested once the Conservation Commission visits site then the IWC can take that information with theirs and put together a plan to present at a Selectmen’s Meeting.


The Commission would like Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to inquire about the two telephone poles by pavilion, two large black corrugated hoses in the water, and the outlet going into lake over on the lodge side of lake.  Tabled.



6.      Continuation of Show Cause Hearing regarding 292 Amity Road, Gombos, Cease and Desist the cutting of trees in wetlands or upland review area


Isabel Kearns, IWEO, prepared a draft Release of Cease and Desist for Mr. Steve Gombos, owner of 292 Amity Road.   The Commission accepted Mr. Gombos’ narrative, dated July 23, 2013, for the Planting of Root Vegetable Plantings.



7.      Discussion with David Puzone, regarding 33 Deerfield Lane, development of property




8.      185 Beacon Road, Discussion with Daniel Cusano regarding non-permitted barn



9.      Continuation of Show Cause Hearing regarding Town of Bethany drainage repairs conducted in a regulated area without an Inland Wetlands Permit – Chair Breslin will contact Diversified Technology Consultants.  Tabled.


10.  Update on appeal submitted by James Woodward for 46 Mesa Drive  Town Attorney McSherry would like to schedule a special meeting to discuss this item in executive session.  The Commission scheduled a Special Meeting for Monday, September 16, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.


11.  Discussion in regard to amendments to the Inland Wetlands Regulations per State of CT Tabled.





1.      It was moved by Gaw  and seconded by Hathaway  to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2013, Regular Meeting with the proposed correction:

·         First page, Members Present – Reads “Mig Halpin” Correct to read “Mig Halpine”.

Voting were:  Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway, Halpine.

Unanimous approval.





1.      It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Hathaway to approve the payment of $75.00 to the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission, Inc. for the Membership Renewal for the period of July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, for two commissions (sustaining).  Share with the Conservation Commission.

Voting were:  Breslin, Sullivan, Gaw, Hathaway, Halpine.

Unanimous approval.





1.      Received from ARCADIS, dated August 9, 2013, Feasible and Prudent Alternative, Wetland Soil Remediation in Storm Water Swale/Outfall, 74 Amity Road.

2.      Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated August 14, 2013, Re:  Comments on review of application for 74 Amity Road, Chemtura remediation.

3.      Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated August 23, 2013, Re:  Comments on review of application for 14 Tawney Drive, installation of fence posts.

4.      Email from Anne Warner of 228 Falls Road, dated August 26, 2013, Re:  Response to IW Application #1205, 14 Tawney Drive, with attached photograph.

5.      Draft letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gombos of 292 Amity Road, dated August 27, 2013, Re:  Release of Cease and Desist Order, 292 Amity Road.

6.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Clement of 290 Amity Road, dated July 26, 2013, Re:  Release of Cease and Desist Order, 290 Amity Road.

7.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Boynton of 54 Rainbow Road, dated August 13, 2013, Re:  Notice of Violation for deposition of gravel located at               54 Rainbow Road.




1.      A Newsletter for Municipal Inland Wetlands Agencies, CT DEEP, Inland Water Resources Division, July 2013.  








Commission members scheduled a site visit for Sunday, September 15, 2013, at 1:00 p.m.  Commission members will meet at the Town Hall parking lot and proceed to 14 Tawney Drive, 788 Amity Road, and 55 Sargent Drive.





There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Gaw and seconded by Hathaway to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:32 p.m.  Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

for the Inland Wetlands Commission