Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FINANCE REGULAR MEETING OF              TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 3

The meeting of the Board of Finance commenced at 7:03 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following Board members were present:

            Robert Brinton, Jr.

            John Grabowski

Sharon Huxley

            Chip Spear

            Sally Huyser


Also present were: 

            First Selectman, Derry Gorski

            Town Clerk Nancy McCarthy



It was moved by Spear to nominate Sharon Huxley as Chair.  Member Huxley declined the position. 


It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Spear to nominate John Grabowski as Chairman of the Board of Finance.

Unanimous approval.



1.      Chairman Grabowski asked the Board to make a motion to move the appointment to fill the Board Vacancy to the beginning of the meeting.  It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Spear.  Unanimous approval.


2.      A motion was moved by Brinton and seconded by Huxley to appoint John Ford IV to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Aileen Magda, who resigned to take her elected position on the Board of Selectmen. John’s term will go to the next municipal election.   Unanimous approval.

John Ford IV was sworn into office as a member of the Board of Finance by Town Clerk Nancy McCarthy.


3.      The approval of the minutes of June 6, 2013, was tabled until the next regular meeting.


4.      Correspondence

Chairman Grabowski mentioned the email that was sent from Janet Brunwin regarding the Interim Superintendent for the Amity School System.


5.      Visitors included:  Donald Shea and Aileen Magda

Also, meeting was being videotaped by Fran Doba and Nancy Spagnolo.







6.      Discussion and possible action on scope of work/job description for new accountant position


Member Brinton previously had distributed a copy of a draft job description for the new accounting position to the Board members.  Member Brinton also stated the salary for the new accountant would be approximately $24,000 through the end of the fiscal year.


In discussion, some Board members noted:

·         Do we want independent accountant or to hire a part time employee?

·         Would like part time accountant to set up software, chart of accounts and do bank reconciliation.

·         This individual can possibly be a retired accountant with municipal experience.

·         Qualifications of candidate should include municipal experience.

·         Can hire a firm with multiple expertises but will probably be more expensive.

·         Mike Batista, present auditor, was mentioned as someone who can possibly start the setup due to his familiarity with the audits.


First Selectman Gorski mentioned the Town of Wolcott has the same financial program and she has spoken to the Mayor of Wolcott and asked if his Finance Director would be able to sit down with the new accountant for Bethany.


The Board will put together a rough draft of a request for proposal for the new accountant position and prioritize what will be the most important tasks for this position.  The Board will review the Annual Report and address the auditor’s comments from the auditor’s report to reach the goal of a clean audit which will be involving the new accountant.


The Board scheduled a Special Meeting/Work Session for Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at         7:00 p.m. 


First Selectman Gorski will obtain a job description relating to the accounting position from the Town of Wolcott and Member Ford will obtain a job description from the Town of Redding Finance Department and will bring to next meeting.


7.      Review Budget Reports for FY 2012-13. – Tabled.


8.      Chairman’s Report


Chairman Grabowski stated that Jamie Sterling of the Board of Education had asked him who would possibly be attending the Amity Board of Finance Meetings.  Chairman Grabowski asked the Board if anyone was interested.  Chairman Grabowski stated that if no one is interested he will attend the meetings.







9.      First Selectman’s Report


First Selectman Gorski stated that at the Board of Selectmen meeting, July 8, 2013, it was approved to record and purchase recording equipment for the Board of Selectmen Meetings as well as the Board of Finance meetings.  First Selectman Gorski stated the Board of Finance would have to approve the recording of their meetings.


Member Spear mentioned having a drop box account to download recordings which would be accessible to the Board members.


The Board concluded that the voting on allowing the recording of the Board of Finance meetings and the taking of approximately $1000 out of contingency to purchase recording equipment will be added to next month’s agenda.  First Selectman Gorski will research to see what the price range is to purchase such recording equipment.


First Selectman Gorski stated it was discussed at the Board of Selectmen meeting on July 8, 2013, to create a Charter Committee to develop a Town Charter, which will require funds and research needs to be conducted.


Also, First Selectman Gorski stated the Town of Bethany won an award from the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for our neighbor to neighbor challenge with the highest percentage for resident upgrades as recommended.


10.  Any other matter proper to come before the meeting - None


11.  Adjournment.


There being no further discussion, it was moved by Spear and seconded by Brinton to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Staff Support

For the Board of Finance