Friday, May 2, 2014


Town of Bethany

May 19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. (D.S.T.)

Bethany Town Hall

40 Peck Road

Bethany, Connecticut


The Electors and those legally qualified to vote in the Town Meeting of the Town of Bethany are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Budget Meeting and Annual Town Meeting will be held on the evening of Monday, May 19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M., (D.S.T.) at the Bethany Town Hall Gym at 40 Peck Road for the following purposes:


(1)     To receive the report and recommendations of the Board of Finance upon the Budget of

$22,691,004 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and to take necessary action thereon;


(2)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $72,053 for the second of three payments for the lease purchase of a dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department.


(3)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $65,683 for the third of three payments of a lease purchase for a 5 yard dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department.


(4)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $46,678 for the third of three payments of a lease purchase for a back hoe by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department.


(5)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $67,000 for the purchase of a mason dump truck by the Board of Selectmen for the Highway Department.


(6)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $20,000 by the Board of Selectmen for a fence and gate across the field and roadway in rear of Bethany Town Hall.


(7)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of  $13,365 for dog park fencing by the Board of Selectmen.


(8)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $ $10,000 for new doors and hardware at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.


(9)     To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $20,000 for the replacement of Annex III lighting and new ceiling at Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.


(10) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $15,000 for painting at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.


(11) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $15,000 for bullet resistant glass at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.


(12) To authorize the expenditure from the  Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $10,000 for the replacement of playscape at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education..


(13)  To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $10,000 for the second of two payments of a lease purchase for the replacement of school furniture for the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education..


(14)  To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $22,000 for the second of three payments of a lease purchase for security cameras for the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.. 


(15) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $15,500 for the second of three payments of a lease purchase for wireless infrastructure at the Bethany Community School by the Board of Education.


(16) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $25,000 for rebuilding of pump on engine 81 by the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department.


(17) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $11,000 for the purchase of a thermo imaging camera by the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department.


(18) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $10,000 for a website for the Town of Bethany by the Board of Selectmen.


(19) To authorize the expenditure from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures of an amount up to the sum of $100,000 to the Land Acquisition Fund by the Board of Selectmen.


(20) To authorize the Board of Finance to transfer up to $70,000  from unexpended line item accounts and the General Fund to the Public Works budget for over expended line items. 


(21) To nominate and elect one member to the Regional Policy Board of the South Central Regional

    Water Authority District for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2014 and expiring June 30, 2017.


(22) To consider amending the Code of the Town of Bethany – Building Construction Chapter 114 – 7 C.  Fees as proposed by Robert Walsh, Building Inspector, as follows:


(a)     Mechanical Permits shall be $50.00 for the first $1000.00 of the job cost and increased $10 for every thousand dollars thereafter.

(a)     Commercial Building permits shall be $50.00 for the first thousand dollars of job cost increase $14.00 for every thousand dollars thereafter.

(a)     Commercial building permits shall be $50.00 for the first thousand dollars of job cost and increase $23.00 for every thousand dollars thereafter.

(b)     Certificates of occupancy fees shall increase to $40.00 for residential work.

(c)     Certificates of occupancy fees increased to $60.00 for commercial work.

(d)     Certificate of Approval fee shall be established at $25.00. (new)


(23) To consider amending the Code of the Town of Bethany – Chapter 184.9A. (2) to double the Elderly or Disabled Tax Credit commencing with the grand list of October 1, 2013.


(24) To consider amending the Code of the Town of Bethany – Chapter 129-1 Fees, Fine, Hearing Procedures Article I Land Use Related Applications.  Fees as proposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.


Pursuant to Section 8-1c of the Connecticut General Statutes, the following schedule of fees

shall pertain to the processing of applications by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, and the Zoning Enforcement Officer; and such fees shall be paid at the time the application is filed:


NOTE: Any non-ordinary specifically required consultant review fees, Engineering, Special Counsel and/or Planning  or other similar special Consultant fees required by the Commission are in addition to these fees and must be paid prior to signing of mylar map, filing of map or ZEO issuance of permit as may be applicable.


A.      Zoning permit for zoning approval of construction:

1.       Residence or residential property:

a.       New construction:

          (1)By ZEO: One hundred twenty five dollars ($125)

          (2) By Commission: One hundred fifty dollars ($150)

b.       Addition:

(1)     By ZEO: Seventy five dollars ($75)

(2)      by Commission One hundred dollars ($100)

c.        Modification to existing, valid permit:

(1)     By ZEO: Fifty dollars ($50)

(2)     By Commission: One hundred dollars  ($100)

d.       Site Plan Review:

(1)     By ZEO: One hundred seventy five dollars ($175)

(2)     By Commission: Two hundred dollars  ($200)


2.       Business or business property:

a.       New construction:

(1)     By ZEO: Two hundred twenty five dollars ($225)

(2)      By Commission:  Two hundred fifty dollars ($250)


b.       Addition:

(1)     By ZEO: One hundred twenty five dollars ($125)

(2)   By Commission:  One hundred fifty dollars ($150)

c.        Modification to existing, valid permit:

(1)     By ZEO: One hundred twenty five dollars ($125)

(2)     By Commission: One hundred fifty dollars ($150)

d.       Site Plan Review:

(1)      By ZEO: Three hundred twenty five ($325)

(2)      By Commission: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)

e.        Change of use:

(1)     By ZEO: One hundred twenty five dollars ($125)

(2)     By Commission: One hundred fifty dollars ($150) 


B.      Special Exception permit, with required public hearing: Three hundred dollars ($350)


C.      Subdivision:

1.       Per lot fee for subdivision without public hearing:  Three hundred dollars ($300)

2.       Per lot fee for subdivision or re-subdivision with public hearing: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)

3.       Special Exception rear lot; application fee, with public hearing: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)

4.       Per lot fee for special exception rear lot: One hundred fifty dollars ($150)

5.       New road review fee, per 100 feet or any portion thereof: One hundred dollars ($100)


D.      Zoning change:

1.       Text change (each): Five hundred fifty dollars: ($550)

2.       Map change (each): Five hundred seventy five dollars: ($575)


E.       Home occupation, professional office, or roadside stand permit: Seventy five dollars ($75)

F.       Certificate of Zoning Compliance:

1.       Residential: Fifty dollars ($50)

2.       Business: Seventy five dollars ($75)


G.      Sign Permit: Fifty dollars ($50)

H.      Temporary sign or other permit: ($50)

I.        Hearing petition: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)


J.        Earth removal:

1.       Administrative permit: Three hundred dollars ($300)

2.       Special Exception permit, requires public hearing: Five hundred fifty dollars ($550)

K.      Flood Hazard Area permit: Two hundred fifty dollars ($250)

L.       Hearing fee, if not included above: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)

M.     Zoning Board of Appeals applications with required public hearing: Three hundred fifty dollars ($350)


N.      Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission applications



State of Connecticut Land Use Application Fee shall be in addition to the above stated fees. This fee shall be applied as required by the Connecticut General Statutes.


(25) Should the Town of Bethany pay to the Municipal Employees Retirement System (MERS) THE SUM OF $39,781.00 in order to complete the town’s obligation to commence the pension for the public works employees effective July 1, 2005 as agreed to pursuant to the contract entered into by the town of Bethany?


(26) Should the Town of Bethany appropriate an amount not to exceed $131,062.00 for the one time premium payment for the purposes of transferring pursuant to a Loss Portfolio Transfer MIRMA’s (Municipal Interlocal Risk Management Agency) entire business portfolio to Safety National Insurance Company and thereby, eliminating any future assessments from MIRMA?


(27) To empower the Board of Selectmen to make necessary contracts with the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation for the repair and building of roads.


(28) To act upon the reports of the various Town Officers, Boards and Commissions as contained in the published Annual Report of 2012-13.


(29) To act on any other matter proper to come before the meeting.


 Dated at Bethany, Connecticut this 5th day of May 2014


                                                                                                                                DERRYLYN GORSKI



                Nancy A. McCarthy                                                                           AILEEN MAGDA

                Certified Municipal Clerk                                                 


                                                                                                                                 DONALD SHEA

                                                                                                                Selectmen, Town of Bethany