Bethany Conservation Commission
June 17, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 8:07 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Shaukat
Kahn and Cathy Rives
The minutes of the May meeting were reviewed. Bruce moved to accept them as written, Brian
seconded and the minutes were accepted unanimously. Conservation correspondence included
notification from Bethany Community School of the Conservationist of the Year
winners. They were Cecelia Livingston
and Matthew Haiday. Awards were to be
presented at BCS graduation.
The $100,000 that the Land Acquisition Fund was increased to
in the budget proposal was defeated at referendum. The sum was reduced to $25,000 and will go to
referendum on June 23.
The 378 Bethmour Rd lot being proposed for subdivision is
asking for an Open Space waiver. The
5.1/2 acre lot is being subdivided into separate lots that conform with current
zoning regulations. Each lot has a
pre-existing house, and no construction is planned. It appears that there are no issues. Shaukat moved to waive the Open Space
requirement, Cathy seconded, all were in favor and the motion passed
Green Haven update: wording changes in the application have
been approved.
4 Peck Road update: approval was denied as requirements for
'affordable housing' were not met.
In regard to trails and open space - the Commission needs to
examine our procedures about responsibilities for documenting and updating
We also need to update the information that pertains to the
Conservation Commission in the Ordinance Review Commission . This will begin at the July 10 meeting and
continue at the August meeting if members are available on that date. This will be confirmed later.
Bruce moved to adjourn the meeting, Brian seconded and the
meeting adjourned at 8:27
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives, Secretary pro-tempore