Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bethany Conservation Commission
September 8th, 2016
Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)
Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:07. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer, Cathy Rives and Matthew Popp. Absent was Shaukat Khan. Bruce appointed Matthew a voting member in place of Shaukat.
            The August meeting’s minutes were reviewed. Pasty moved to accept them, Cathy seconded. Corrections: In the first paragraph, Shaukat Kahn should be changed to Shaukat Khan. In the sixth paragraph, there should be an apostrophe on the word Commissions. In the eighth paragraph, weather should be changed to whether. In the final paragraph, Kathy should be changed to Cathy. The minutes passed as corrected.
            There were no bills for the Conservation Commission. The correspondence included the most recent edition of The Habitat, and a letter from CACIWC about the upcoming annual conference and membership renewal. Note: the CC noticed there was a discrepancy about the date of the CACIWC conference. It is on November 12th, not 16th. Brian moved that the CC authorize up to $75 to be spent for membership renewal for CACIWC, Cathy seconded. The motion passed.
            Brian suggested upping the CC’s operating budget request for the coming year to $1000 to cover increased CACIWC costs and the cost of possibly implementing town-owned recycling frames.
            The CC discussed renewing it’s annual request that $100,000 be allotted to the town’s land acquisition fund. It was also discussed that there be a separate request for additional money to be allotted to the fund since it was recently tapped.
            The issue of a trail on Miller and Bear Hill Rd. was tabled until the next meeting.
            The CC entered executive session at 8:35. Executive session was ended at 8:51.
            No new word on the issue of 4 Peck Rd.
            Brian moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:52, Matthew seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Popp
Secretary pro-tempore