Bethany Conservation Commission
November 9, 2017
Unapproved Minutes
The meeting was called to order
at 8:11 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Patsy Winer, Matthew Popp and
Cathy Rives. Absent were Brian Eitzer
and Shaukat Khan. Matthew Popp was
appointed as a voting member in place of Brian Eitzer
Minutes of the September 14, 2017
meeting were reviewed. Cathy moved to
accept the minutes with the correction of the spelling of 'Quinnipiac' in the
last paragraph. Matt seconded and the minutes were approved.
There were no bills, nor
correspondence. Bruce distributed the
summer 2017 edition of 'The Habitat' for review.
Bruce encouraged all members
attending the CACIWC conference on November 18 to carpool as able.
Discussion of COY continued and
the working list of potential candidates was narrowed further. Discussion will be continued.
Bruce reported on a parcel of
land on Bethmour Road for consideration for the Conservation Watch List. He also encouraged all members of the
Commission to review the Open Space appendices on the Bethany website in
anticipation of updating them in the near future.
The Commission had a brief
discussion about trails in Bethany.
At 9:11, Matt moved to adjourn,
Patsy seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives,
Secretary pro-tempore